A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (2024)

A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (1)


norman lebrecht

June 21, 2024

Slippedisc readers who have made various complaints to the chief executive of the CBSO are receieving identical letters in reply, regardless of what they wrote to her. Here’s the pro forma response:

Dear. . .

Thank you for your e mail, and my apologies for such a delay in replying.

I see that you are referring to CBSO’s ‘Everyone is Welcome’ statement, which is where we set out our expectations for the respectful treatment ofour staff.

This is entirely in keeping with respect policies at many other cultural and public facing organisations.

The policy is written to encourage a friendly and mutually respectful mode of interaction between our staff and the public, and hopefully deters peoplefrom behaviours that could be seen as threatening or harassing.

It is vital in our support of more junior members of staff that they know they can make their line managers or senior managers aware of any inappropriate behaviour, and our duty then to take action by addressing the incident.

We have a happy and collegiate working atmosphere at the CBSO, which I support and celebrate.

With regards to our policy regarding mobile phones, we have an approach whereby audiences are encouraged to take pictures or short video clips at theapplause breaks in our concerts. From time to time, artists welcome people to film or photograph at other times also, and we are happy to work with them in support of this.

I happily engage in conversation with many of our audience members about our plans at the CBSO, including members drinks and open meetings to whichanyone can attend.

Kind regards,


One complainant tells us: ‘the CEO must think we are all daft.’

That may be very close to the heart of the matter. If Stenning cared for her audience as much as she professes to do for ‘junior members of staff’ the present problems at Symphony Hall could be dealt with very smartly.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (2)Timothy says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:00 am

    She talks about a delay in replying. Why? Was she so busy making that presentation where she accused the orchestra of being racist and irrelevant?


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (3)Paul Dawson says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:04 am

    This is simply automated contempt. At least The Bedbug Letter (google if necessary) was an accident, not deliberate policy.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (4)CBSO Subscriber says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:05 am


    A well-known concertgoer in Birmingham was disturbed by a clicking camera shutter during a concert and kindly asked him to ‘shhh’. Stenning heard about this, traced the man’s personal details from his seat number and sent him a threatening letter.

    Other threats are being made to ban people who have raised concerns in public.

    Stenning talks about ‘joy’ and ‘happy working atmosphere’, but in reality it’s only when it suits her.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (5)Maria says:

      June 21, 2024 at 10:20 am

      That’s disgraceful behaviour from her. These people with their clicking cameras and videos disturbing a live concert. Please let’s see the threatening email your friend got.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (6)Tiredofitall says:

      June 21, 2024 at 3:00 pm

      If her behavior devolves to any sort of threat against paying audience members who rightfully expect to enjoy a performance without disturbance from others, then Ms. Stenning is done. Over. Such vindictive behavior is sick.


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (7)I support Emma says:

        June 21, 2024 at 4:32 pm

        All people coming to CBSO concerts sign up for the Respect Policy, if you break the Policy then there can be consequences…

        We give Final Warnings before the Ban so that they have the chance to learn and improve their Behaviour


        • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (8)David A. Boxwell says:

          June 21, 2024 at 9:18 pm

          You make me laugh like a hyena, “I support Emma.”


        • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (9)Don Ciccio says:

          June 21, 2024 at 9:42 pm

          Just have the decency to resign, Emma.

          That’s assuming that you know what decency means.


        • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (10)Tiredofitall says:

          June 21, 2024 at 10:31 pm



        • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (11)bored muso says:

          June 22, 2024 at 10:12 am

          Your bullying approach is getting akin to the third reicht and is totally unacceptable to us concert supporters.
          leave now before you are sacked or worst still play to no audiences


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (12)Tim Walton says:

      June 21, 2024 at 7:45 pm

      This was me.

      Here is the email I got from her.

      Hello Tim,

      Several of my team have reported to me, both on Saturday evening and this morning, that you were aggressive and abusive towards our photographer, Andrew Fox, who was employed by the orchestra to take pictures of the concert.

      Andrew is an extremely experienced photographer, who regularly shoots at Symphony Hall for both us and other organisations. I know him to be highly professional, and deeply respectful of only disturbing those around him to a minimal degree. Andrew reports that he has never before been subject to such behaviour from an audience member, and I must add that I too have never experienced a performance photographer being treated in this unacceptable way.

      I must refer you to our respect policy, which is on our website here: https://cbso.co.uk/terms-conditions/respect-policy

      If you have an issue with any aspect of our work at the CBSO, I ask that you raise it with myself, Beki or the relevant member of the Senior Management Team in a respectful and calm manner.

      Your consistent failure to do this is now a matter of note for us, and I ask that you give the nature of your future approaches to our staff some thoughtful consideration.

      Best wishes,


      The only person I have ever spoken to about these problems is Emma – I had a personal meeting with her & yes, I was blunt in my opinion!

      I have never had any reason to complain about any other member of the CBSO staff. The only member of staff who is causing a problem is Emma.

      This is the reply I sent to Madam Emma. Needless to say, I never got a reply.


      I’m sorry about that, but he was sitting on the floor within 3 feet of me and his camera was continually clicking, which was distracting.

      I said – Stop clicking and move. That is all.

      My brother-in-law is a professional photographer and his equipment cost tens of thousands. His camera doesn’t make clicking noises every time he takes a photo so there is no reason why your photographer can’t use a silent camera and then he wouldn’t annoy anyone.

      Sorry, but the paying audience is more important than anything else.

      It won’t happen again as long as he brings a silent camera, after all, Berlioz didn’t include a clicking camera in his score, and neither did any other composer, as far as I am aware!

      (Corrected by me due to a spelling mistake!)


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (13)Andrew says:

        June 23, 2024 at 8:48 am

        This is astounding! Even the tone, how she speaks to you like a child when you’re one of CBSO’s most loyal supporters. She has to go.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (14)Vikings have no horns on helmets says:

      June 22, 2024 at 9:46 am

      Is that tracing of the subscribers contact details compliant with the CBSO policy on GDPR? It doesn’t appear so after reading my work’s policy. It may with a complaint to the ICO (information commissioner office I think) sorry I’ve got chemo brain at mo. Anyway ICO are found on Google and they do respond on queries and will investigate. If the CEO is having meetings with them, she won’t have time to meddle with the music, especially if she has to find the money for a fine.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (15)CBSO Subscriber says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:08 am

    Stenning is a liar.

    Just before subscriptions went on sale, she wrote to patrons and assured them:

    ‘To put your mind at ease, we are not encouraging filming at our concerts.’

    Now we know this isn’t true. She uses many words, such as in this reponse to complaints, but actually says nothing.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (17)Herbie G says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:13 am

    Despotic, deranged, deluded and, I hope, soon to be defeated and deposed.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (18)Garry Humphreys says:

      June 22, 2024 at 1:04 pm

      Yeah, How did she get appointed in the first place? What was her ‘story’? Or was she in fact what the powers-that-be were really looking for? Was there a probationary period before the appointment was confirmed? What do the trustees (chairman Tony Hall) really think? I think we should be told!


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (19)Christopher Morley says:

        June 23, 2024 at 3:45 pm

        The chronology is in fact that Emma Stenning was appointed a full six months before Tony Hall, and may well have had a say in his appointment. Need I go on?


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (20)J says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:18 am

    I sat close to Emma Stenning at a concert in May. She took in a drink for during the performance, which was distracting to those sitting nearby and also disrespectful to the orchestra, who played brilliantly. She also appeared to be fidgeting through most of the concert: it genuinely seemed to us that she did not want to be there.

    Stenning mentions in the letter ‘I happily engage in conversation with many of our audience members’. In May, Emma spent the whole interval on her laptop working on e-mails. Given the phone debacle, this felt like a missed opportunity to be speaking to audience members and trying to restore trust.

    At this stage, I fear the trust has gone forever.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (21)DK says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:33 am

    Stenning is out of her depth and has burnt too many bridges.

    She called the orchestra racist. She called the orchestra irrelevant. She dismissed the current patrons as being ‘only part of the city’. She lied to patrons saying she does not encourage phone use. She criticised Bostridge for pausing a concert because of phone lights. She changed a concert without warning to include films and lights and refused refunds to disappointed visitors. She ignores feedback but wrote a policy that gives her the option to ban people who criticise her.

    And these are only some of the examples…

    She needs to go. I have written to all board members and commercial sponsors and drawn their attention to what is happening, including these articles and comments. I hope others do the same.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (22)bored muso says:

      June 21, 2024 at 11:11 am

      Well said DK!
      Ms Stenning is out of control as a CEO, and should resign before she is pushed and destroy this fine band any further.
      She has already brought the CBSO into disrepute internationally by her silly and unecessary tampering by an amateur theatrical intent on trying to bring a new younger audience to hear classical music concerts.
      She has become the laughing stock of the orchestral management world and needs to go – asap before she does any more serious damage.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (23)Violins says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:36 am

    If she treats her paying audience like this, imagine how she treats her orchestra…

    It’s so demotivating to have her destroy what we’ve worked so hard to build.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (24)Pippin’s Post says:

      June 21, 2024 at 11:19 am

      She treats us very well, thank you.
      I don’t know who you are, but you really do spout an awful lot of nonsense.


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (25)? says:

        June 21, 2024 at 12:40 pm

        Hi Emma!


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (26)OPTG says:

        June 21, 2024 at 12:59 pm

        She called your orchestra irrelevant last week and boring the week before.

        Or are you another one of Emma’s friends?


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (27)CBSO: Respect and Joy says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:44 am

    Our Respectful Behaviour Policy (RBP) begins:

    “Anyone who engages with the CBSO is committing to being part of a culture that values compassion, respect, and joy.”

    Maybe you can take this whole article down and post something Positive and Joyful about our upcoming concerts instead? When you attack Emma and the Management Team you are attacking the orchestra players also.

    The Respectful Behaviour Policy explicitly does not allow Rudeness or Unreasonable Demands. As a final reminder from the Policy:

    “However, in extreme or continuous circ*mstances, we reserve the right to cancel tickets and/or stop someone attending or engaging with future CBSO events.”



    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (28)OPTG says:

      June 21, 2024 at 1:07 pm

      You keep talking about respect yet say nothing about Emma ‘I need a drink in a concert’ Stenning!

      Looks like the only respect that matters to you is bowing down to Emma, who cares about respecting the music or the players?


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (29)Herbie G says:

      June 21, 2024 at 1:57 pm

      Respect and Joy, is this verbatim from the so-called Respectful Behaviour Policy, or all your own work? Whoever wrote it might benefit from a GCSE in English, which would provide instruction on the appropriate use of uppercase and lowercase letters. Then, your bovine excrement would at least look like literate bovine excrement.

      In any case, which other orchestra’s or ensemble’s CEO finds it necessary to issue such policies to its audiences and threatens them?

      I am assuming that you are not Emma Stenning under a pseudonym; if not, the real Emma Stenning seems not to have the bottle to enter the fray on SD; maybe she has consumed too many bottles herself during the concerts.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (30)Disgusted says:

      June 21, 2024 at 5:35 pm

      When you attack Emma and the Management Team you are NOT attacking the orchestra players too.

      Players are not the CEO nor are they “management” – what kind of idiot would believe this kind of blanket nonsense???


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (31)Don Ciccio says:

      June 21, 2024 at 9:48 pm

      “L’Orchestre, c’est moi!” – Emma Stenning.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (32)yaron says:

      June 22, 2024 at 7:52 pm

      This is the voice of trouth comming from the PRC.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (33)Andrew says:

    June 21, 2024 at 9:58 am

    Emma’s letter is 238 words and says basically nothing except ‘I’m right’!

    Even the last part (‘I happily engage….’) is a stubborn defense rather than a sign she wants to engage with others


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (34)Herbie G says:

      June 21, 2024 at 1:59 pm

      Yes Andrew, she’s like Stalin without his warm-hearted humanity.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (35)Student says:

    June 21, 2024 at 10:12 am

    As a young black woman who loves all music genres I was excited when Emma joined. I got it wrong though.

    I don’t need dumbing down to appreciate a concert.

    I don’t need special treatment as if I’m less clever than everyone else.

    Emma’s comments recently are really upsetting. 🙁


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (36)Couperin says:

      I don’t believe you are who you say you are. Incidentally, it’s interesting how well trained some hidden conservatives are. I’ve noticed it lately, the talking point about “black people don’t need stuff to be dumbed down”.. is the latest right wing strategy to combat any policy they feel is “woke”. Verbal jiu jitsu.


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (37)Paul Brownsey says:

        June 21, 2024 at 4:08 pm

        You say you don’t believe the poster is who (actually, what, because they didn’t give their name) they say they are. Do you have any evidence for this or is it just something you say when in a corner? May we believe you to be Nigel Farage?


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (38)Brummie says:

    June 21, 2024 at 10:41 am

    If Emma wants to spread joy then she should resign


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (39)lucas says:

      June 21, 2024 at 2:03 pm

      I happily second that motion.

      Emma, the trap door is underneath you.

      Please, go back to counting paperclips or whatever it is people do at your level of staggering incompetence.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (40)I support Emma says:

    June 21, 2024 at 10:58 am

    Feedback and opinions are always mixed.

    We listen carefully to all feedback taking into account that current subscribers are only a tiny proportion of the Diverse Population of Birmingham.



    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (41)Herbie G says:

      June 21, 2024 at 2:00 pm

      You are welcome, Emma.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (42)Philipp Lord Chandos says:

      June 21, 2024 at 3:29 pm

      You cannot serve all interests and social groups of Birmingham with one modern symphony orchestra, no matter how many drinks and smart phones you allow.

      If your aim is to please the masses you should better organise pop music events or football matches.


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (43)I support Emma says:

        June 21, 2024 at 4:26 pm

        Great ideas! We’re doing sport next month actually: CBSO renditions of Sweet Caroline, You’ll Never Walk Alone, UEFA Champions League Theme, it will be a Big Joy!

        We’re also getting street food (including fried chicken) bar service and a DJ! This Diversity is our Future with Emma as our Leader, really exciting


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (46)operacentric says:

      June 21, 2024 at 6:51 pm

      And maybe some of that other Diverse Population of Birmingham (whatever the capital letters mean) has no interest in attending symphony orchestra concerts.

      As long as everyone has the same access to classical music, those who do enjoy and appreciate it will attend, and pay.

      If you alienate your core audience, by not allowing them to concentrate on the music because of extraneous distractions, you will lose them and, with them, your primary source of income.

      You will not build a larger, alternative paying audience unless you change your product to something totally outside the symphony orchestra experience which appeals to those who don’t like classical music – which, to be frank, is unlikely to be achievable.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (47)Vikings have no horns on helmets says:

      June 22, 2024 at 10:25 am

      I’m not a member of the population of Birmingham. I visit Birmingham to engage with the music events in the city. I therefore put outside money into Birmingham’s economy. This fiasco of a CEO doesn’t just mean the organisation which they serve is now a laughing stock , but that people who would have travelled to attend performances now chose to attend performances elsewhere, with all the associated loss of income into the city. The CBSO is part of the international music provision. It’s reputation for its music is keeping it there, whilst the negative press re the CEO is merely encouraging audiences to have a joyful evening in a more welcoming organisation. Audiences vote with their feet, clap with their hands and cheer with their voices. The CEO appears to only want an empty hall. That makes them a janitor, not a CEO.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (48)Orchestra member says:

    June 21, 2024 at 11:01 am

    She doesn’t listen to anyone outside her bubble. She’s still ramming her theatre friend Tom Morris down our throats and trying to turn us into a music/theatre hybrid.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (49)Pippin’s Post says:

      June 21, 2024 at 11:51 am

      Well this simply isn’t true. If you were in the orchestra you would know that.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (50)Edoardo says:

      June 23, 2024 at 9:51 am

      Why not going on strike for six months or till she is gone?


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (51)Insider says:

    June 21, 2024 at 11:02 am

    Respect from a woman who stumbled out of a CBSO Centre concert halfway through?


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (52)Armchair Bard says:

      June 21, 2024 at 11:54 am

      “stumbled out” . . .

      This and one or two other remarks concerning Stenning’s concert habits & conduct are really quite suggestive. Though of what I had better not say.


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (53)OPTG says:

        June 21, 2024 at 12:54 pm

        Maybe it explains why she’s constantly making ridiculous decisions


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (54)IC225 says:

      June 21, 2024 at 12:33 pm

      If she was actually at a CBSO Centre concert in the first place, that is more than her predecessor ever achieved.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (55)bored muso says:

    June 21, 2024 at 11:15 am

    It is extremely sad to hear this comment from within the players.
    Bravo Violins for speaking out.
    It’s maybe time to revolt against the damage of this mad woman and strike like WNO are doing.
    Tony Hall as Chair of Board, should also resign in shame for appointing such an inappropriate woman in the first place.
    What a horrific mess for the CBSO!
    Hold in there violins, Ms S may be sacked yet as criticism reaches an all time high against her madness!


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (56)IC225 says:

    June 21, 2024 at 11:22 am

    Yeah, screw the junior members of staff. Who needs them, eh?

    If you have issues with the CEO and her policies, raise them by all means. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with a CEO being concerned with the wellbeing of the hardest-working and lowest paid staff members: the ones, more often than not, who are on the receiving end of abuse and anger from the public.

    There are things that are wrong with the current regime at the CBSO. This is not one of them. Disappointed to see this site punching down.


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (57)norman lebrecht says:

      June 21, 2024 at 11:23 am

      If you try to raise them with the CBSO, this pro forma letter is what you get.


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (58)IC225 says:

        June 21, 2024 at 12:46 pm

        Yes, but this site chose to emphasise that particular aspect of the letter -ie, the one aspect of the whole mess which ought to be above criticism by any reasonable person.

        It’s a sad fact that any classical music audience contains its share of bullies, bores and blowhards, some of whom enjoy taking out their frustrations on (often young and usually badly paid) staff, safe in the knowledge that they will be too polite and too professional to reply in kind. The CBSO audience has its share of these people, and some of them have even been given a platform on this site – where they have apparently been taken entirely seriously.

        The previous CEO took a firm line when staff were threatened or humiliated by members of the public and it’s surely correct that the current incumbent is upholding that long-established policy.


        • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (59)Herbie G says:

          June 21, 2024 at 2:11 pm

          ‘It’s a sad fact that any classical music audience contains its share of bullies, bores and blowhards…’

          Quite so. I have been going to concerts for more than 60 years and I have always noticed the drunken brawls among the audience of bullies; I got beaten up almost every time.

          I finally decided to become a Millwall fan. What a difference – after the matches, I always enjoyed discussing with the departing fans the late Beethoven quartets, the Hegelian Dialectic, Caravaggio’s paintings and Harold Pinter’s plays.


          • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (60)Armchair Bard says:

            June 21, 2024 at 6:13 pm

            You, good Sir Herbie, are on song today!

      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (61)Keith says:

        June 22, 2024 at 10:28 pm

        Who has the ultimate authority to decide whether she stays or goes?


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (62)Keith says:

        June 22, 2024 at 10:29 pm

        Can she be removed from her post and if so by whom?


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (63)anon says:

      June 21, 2024 at 1:25 pm

      seems to me like this is the all too common case of a bully who has realized she can use the language of social justice to shut down criticism.


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (64)lucas says:

        June 21, 2024 at 2:08 pm

        That might be about all she has realised – certainly nothing about managing an orchestra or engaging meaningfully with loyal, paying audiences.
        The more I read about or from her, the more I want to hurl. CBSO, save yourselves, please.


      • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (65)Barry says:

        June 22, 2024 at 7:04 am

        Five stars for that.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (66)Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    June 21, 2024 at 11:27 am

    She’s running CBSO as if it were a circus.

    It will become one if she isn’t removed.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (67)yaron says:

    June 21, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    Orchestras should be run by people who like classical music…


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (68)operacentric says:

      June 21, 2024 at 6:53 pm

      It helps but it also helps if they have a sound head for business and finance.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (69)Herbie G says:

    June 21, 2024 at 2:04 pm

    Where is the Musician’s Union when it is most needed?


    • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (70)La plus belle voix says:

      June 22, 2024 at 4:27 am

      And where is the petition to get her out of post? Come on somebody, please start one online. It would gain thousands of signatures surely.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (71)Disgusted says:

    June 21, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    There is something very wrong with taking the message (music) and turning it into nothing more than a trojan horse to carry a new message (Emma’s lunacy of the day) to those whose greatest desire is to get back to the core message (THE MUSIC!!!). Beware any “manager” whose efforts ignore the core message of the group they supposedly “manage”; the core is why any group exists, and that group immediately gets put in harm’s way, if the core message is used only so that other competing messages can be promoted.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (72)CGDA says:

    June 21, 2024 at 10:42 pm

    She knows nothing about music and management! She is just another of those people hopping from one job to another (see Linked In). I am pretty sure that her degree is in History.

    Privilege, privilege, privilege! What a big joke!


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (73)Ben G. says:

    June 22, 2024 at 8:05 am

    In response to her letter, there is a saying that French musicians use to describe any conductor on a podium : “The more you talk, the less you do”.

    Applicable here, and from what we can all gather, she’s not listening to the mood of the general consensus.

    She’ll still hold on to her power just to be in the news with her original “PHONE-y” ideas.


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (74)Player says:

    June 22, 2024 at 9:21 am

    As Charles Moore would put, she has a “left-wing face”…. So good luck with complaining!


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (75)Garry Humphreys says:

    June 22, 2024 at 12:48 pm

    To whom is Emma Stenning answerable? Are they not concerned sufficiently to investigate this whole farrago and take appropriate action? What do all those people on https://cbso.co.uk/about-us/staff-trustees#trustees think? Let the music speak for itself!


  • A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (76)Keith says:

    June 22, 2024 at 10:26 pm

    Very good question!



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    A complaint to Emma Stenning gets you this - Slippedisc (2024)


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    Author information

    Name: Terrell Hackett

    Birthday: 1992-03-17

    Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

    Phone: +21811810803470

    Job: Chief Representative

    Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

    Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.