Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)

Friday, July 7, 1967 ultyg Attgtitt Austin, Texas Page29 Southwest San Angela San Antonio Tyler Denver Las Vegas Los Anaeles Phoenix 96 ....100 92 97 ....102 81 71 75 72 78 71 71 5 69 64 II 4j 7 ctorla .14 1.94 .81 .91 1 ...17 Vict in East Germany Truck-Train Crash Kills 79 Waco Wichita Fall Temperatures Hawaii "Alaska" Honolulu Aneroraae .43 47 Deposits Over State Hit Record Lightning, Tornadoes Hit State 10 P.m..... 91 10 a.m 84 Austin temperature data for the 24-hour Dickel showed the traffic bar Dozens of injured were rushed BERLIN (AP) Seventy- Beach Accident Fatal to Youth penoa enaing ax Noon. Juiy II p.m 83 II a.m 86 Noon 89 91 Midnight to hospitals, and it was feared rier was not properly closed ..8 nine persons, many of them miSLBLLANEOUS DATA Sunrse 6:35 o.m. Sunset 8:36 p.m. 81 the death toll woud go higher when the tanker went through it children, perished in a shower ..791 1 a.m..

2 a.m.. 3 a.m.. 4 a.m.. 5 a.m.. nnoonnse o.m.

Moorset 9:53 p.m. ..71 and onto a level crossing in the as many were reported in criti Tr-iMPS RFArir N.Y. (XP) I p.m.... 2 p.m.... 3 p.m....

4 p.m.... 5 p.m.... 6 p.m.... 7 p.m.... I p.m....

9 p.m:... ...91 ...95 ...95 ...97 ..101 ...99 ...97 ...95 ...91 mwii win dv ursi quaner on juiy 14. Highest temperature tine Jan. 101 on Juiv i. of flaming gasoline Thursday 6 a.m., ..75 train's path.

Associated Press Vli wwiivi) hnv riifid on the I NATIONAL TEMPERATURES Northeast Boston ...76 61 Cleveland 75 63 New York City 77 66 Philadelphia 71 64 Washington 80 68 Southeast Atlanta ..82 68' Blrmlnaham 79 '72 Miami Beach 8 80 New Orleans 89 69 Raleigh 84 68 North central Chicago 67 63 Detroit 76 57 Milwaukee 70 52 Omaha 79 60 South Central Indianapolis 81 69 Louisville 69 67 Oklahoma City 80 63 St. Louis 82 63 Northwest Bismarck 86 66 Portland, Ore 75 53 San Francisco 61 53 Seattle 68 53 a.m 7 when an East German train Lowest temperature since Jan. 1, 22 on Feb. 7. emorfl1tir vtnm within ihm jr cal condition.

ADN, the official East German news agency, said a pre ADN said the barrier operator Lightning touched off a fierce a.m 80 9 o.m 82 By DENNE H. FREEMAN Associated Press Writer beach Thursday when a sand contiguous states: Highest 107 at Palm oil tank fire during an East crashed into a tanker truck in one of Europe's worst postwar liminary investigation headed was arrested "because of urgent suspicion" that he had neg lected his duty. Texas thunderstorm and torna A vibrant and booming Texas El Paso on the state's western tip measured inch of mois springs, Lowes i 39 at Pellston, Mich. Rainfall In Austin In lost 24 hours ending at noon none. Total rainfall since Jan.

1, 11.61 Inches. Accumulated rail disasters. by Interior Minister Friedrich .24 ture in a series of showers and tunnel he was digging Between two four-foot-deep holes col lapsed. Police identified' the dead youth as David Riddle of Queens. economy was reflected in Thursday's bank call which showed deposits at all time does swung down from black clouds on opposite sides of the state late Thursday.

aenciencv 0,44 incnes. RIVER KTAChS' ft n. 1 Ml thunderstorms. Hail the size of Columbus, 2.70; Smlthville, 3.60; Wharton, LAKE LEVELS: Buchanan, 1014.66: Another storm dimmed. 3 marbles peppered the area 20 miles southeast of EI Paso.

LBJ, 824.50; Marble Falls, 73.60; Travis, highs in most areas. A spot check showed surprising deposit strength for this inches of rain near Waco in 66i.y?; Austin, 492.56; Town Lake, LOWER COLORADO RIVER (-ORE CAST: little change next two days. Scattered showers fell earlv Suez Forays Bring Sporadic Shooting Friday from the Houston area Central Texas and there were scattered showers, drizzle or fog elsewhere. time of year.

Christmas is Use Our 20 Years of Experience WHY GUESS? BE eastward. Houston received .10 TcAAS emr BKATURbs High Low Rain Abilene 93 Alpine 87 69 Amarillo 19 68 Austin 101 75 Beaumont-Pt. Arthur 97 73 .02 Brownsville 94 76 Childress 86 63 inch and Lufkin .33 inch. Fog cloaked several areas be FEDDERS retary-General Thant has ap TEL AVIV (AP) Egyptian, Skies were mostly clear by this morning except along the coast, in parts of East Texas and a few spots in far West .27 fore dawn, including Lufkin and i 1 1 ill 1 iiiriMWtjMMiiliil- pointed Nils-Geran Gussing, a Longview. Visibility dropped to commandos try almost nightly to sneak across the Suez Canal AIR CONDITIONERS three-fourths mile at Lufkin.

Texas. the cease-fire line to sabo Let us help you with your horn cooling problems with fro. horn survey. Swedish expert on refugee problems, as his special representative. Gussing has been in the office Forecasts called for widely tage Israeli positions, and College Station 96 72 Cotulla 104 74 Corpus Christi 90 79 Dalhart 86 66 Dallas 89 74 Del Rio 100 75 El Paso 98 69 Ft.

Hood 99 73 Fort Worth .1 89 72 Galveston 86 76 Houston 97 74 Junction 101 73 Laredo 103 77 Lubbock 81 67 Lufkin 93 71 Midland-Odessa 93 69 Mineral Wells 91 73 Presidio 102 73 Flames erupted after lightning struck a 500-gallon oil storage tank at Gladewater, and two ALEX McNAIR'S scattered thunderstorms to continue in most areas of the state sporadic firing across the canal has killed one Israeli, Israel's CENTRAL TEXAS APPLIANCE CO. through Saturday, with gradual other tanks quickly ignited. Blis of the U.N. high commissioner for refugees since 1958 and soldiers say. 904 N.

Lamar GR 6-2653 served from late 1962 to 1964 as tering heat drove three dozen families from houses close at The firing in the last few days Thant's personal representative warming North Texas to match the summery heat farther south. Top temperatures Thursday Maneuver Backfires MOSCOW (AP) Soviet; officials forgot one thing when they claimed A. Levit missed work three days in" a row and tried to fire him. The three days were Feb.) 29, 30 and 31. Levit, a school library worker, had no trouble winning his case before a court in the Soviet central Asian village of Uritskoye.

He showed the court a calendar. It was not a leap year, so there was no Feb. 29, let alone Feb. 30 or 31. The Soviet government newspaper Izvestia said local officials were out to get Levit and tried to present "evidence" of his absenteeism, but "there was a storm of laughter in the hall" when their maneuver backfired.

hand, and it was four hours be in dealing with border incidents also, has wounded a handful of Israeli soldiers holding El Qan-tara on the canal's eastern bank. fore firemen could control the between Cambodia and Thai towering conflagration. land. ranged up to 104 degrees at Cotulla. Highs of 103 were recorded at Alice and Laredo, 102 About the same time lightning The soldiers shoot back if Apparently preparing for B'8 also hit a transformer at Long- Arab refugees to return to their fired upon, a senior brigade at Presidio and Waco, 101 at view, leaving a number of homes on the west bank of the staff officer at El Qantara told homes and business firms with Austin and Junction, and 100 at AP Correspondent Dennis Del Rio and San Antonio.

out power for more than an River Jordan, the Israelis began building a more solid footbridge over the river Thursday. Neeld. They reported killing 28 hour. A drizzle held Amarillo's high Egyptians in a weekend battle mark to 79 degrees. 10 miles from the canal's north They have offered to allow normally the best time for deposits.

Banks responded to a call from state and federal banking authorities for a statement of condition as of June 30. An Associated Press survey shows Dallas remains the No. 1 banking county in the state with deposits of $4,006,325,619, an increase of 1.5 per cent from a similar period a year ago. Harris County (Houston) recorded $3,956,544,617, up $312 million from a year ago. Dallas' total was a mid-year record, bub neither Dallas nor Houston set all-time high marks.

In Tarrant County (Fort Worth), the 32 banks reported all-time, record deposits of $1,291,442,004 compared to $1,061,098,265 a year ago. The previous record was $1.28 billion Dec. 31, 1966. One banker said the general level of business activity in Fort tVorth seemed considerably stronger in all "A soft front has been in housing conditions, but we have seen recent sharpness in apartment building and financing," the banker said. Another said that although "crop conditions have been somewhat erratic in some West Texas areas, generally prices are holding steady to firm." Other areas showing all-time deposit records included Lubbock, Austin, Abilene, Denison, Corpus Christi, Denton, Denison, San Angelo and Longview, the spot check showed.

An estimated 2 inches of rain Mighty winds snapped power lines and uprooted trees near Kilgqre, in the same part of ern entrance. refugees from Jordanian soil captured by Israel to return fell at Gladewater. Weather Bu Egyptian sabotage efforts reau measurements were 2.7 East Texas. have had one success derail home beginning Monday. The The tornado funnels were inches in a blinding downpour ment of an Israeli freight train offer is open for one month for the estimated 200,000 persons accompanied by hail the size of dimes at Tyler, and 1.5 inches about as widely spaced as possible for both to be in Texas.

One appeared near the Halls- who fled before July 4. Crossing by mines last weekend. But the officer said the Israelis are pushing most of the commando units back. at Longview. east over the river, the refugees It was fair and pleasant over ville community, 13 miles west used the wrecked Allenby of Marshall.

most of the nation Thursday ex The officer said Israel would Bridge patched up with old doors and loose planks. cept for showers sprinkled along the Atlantic Seaboard and CHILDREN'S SHOES Pilots also spotted a twister about 20 miles from Maria in far West Texas. It disappeared Old Trees Some of the oldest trees in the do nothing to prevent Egypt from clearing the canal, blocked by three sunken ships since the Arab-Israeli war June 5-10. Officials have predicted that some refugees will be unwilling through the Southeastern states. United States are in the White in open country.

to return to the Israeli side, par More than 1.5 inches of rain fell in six hours at Greenville, Mountains near the Nevada Fifteen ships are held in the tially because of a shortage of California border. Lne of these S. while Columbus, Miss. waterway. food there and difficulty in oh One of the heavier downpours fell at Riesel, 17, miles east of Waco.

It forced cancellation of a street parade opening the trees has been estimated as To deal with refugee and pris taining money, either from bank Shreveport, and Americus, all had downpours of more being 4,600 years old, according oner of war problems following accounts or remittances from abroad. to Encyclopaedia Britannica. Riesel Fair. the Arab-Israeli war, U.N. Sec than 1 inch late Wednesday.

WHITE PASTELS PATENT LEATHER SIZES AV2 TO 3 VALUES TO $3.99 CHILDREN'S SANDALS In Denton County, W. C. Orrt president of the First State! Bank, said, "The economy is picking up a little bit. Homej building is picking up again, al-; though it still is not as much as it was a year ago." Bankers in Abilene were opti-j mistic, referring to favorable' weather conditions as one rea-j THE Capital National IANK IN AUSTIN BOYS' AND GIRLS' 0 CANVAS (Blue, Red) LEATHER (Brown, Red, Blue) SIZES 7Vi TO 3 JUNE 30, 1967 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus1 3,965,140.00 RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks $27,372,166.67 U.S. Government Obligations.

19,061,133.88 LADIES' HEELS Undivided Profits 1,744,870.73 8,544,870.73 66,477,164.81 550,000.00 State, County Municipal Bonds 20,043,864.26 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 0 WHITE 0 BONE BEIGE PASTELS 0 STYLISH BOWS SUMMER CUTOUTS 0 MEDIUM AND HIGH HEELS SIZES 42 TO 10 VALUES TO $6.99 Reserve for Contingencies Reserve for Accrued Expenses-Deferred Income Letters of Credit. Quarterly Dividend Payable July 10, 1967 236,822.32 1,016,324.98 1 57,726.50 99,220.10 2,317,246.69 135,582,673.67 204,000.00 74,463,640.89 5,500,000.00 1,346,811.92 151,784.06 57,726.50 203,756.81 Loans and Discounts Federal Funds Loaned Bankine House (Debt Furniture Fixtures Letters of Credit-. Other Assets -1 TOTAL Other Liabilities LADIES' FLATS OFFICERS PRESIDENT Howard T. Cox SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT W. C.

Kennedy VICE PRESIDENTS R. M. (Bob) Kinnan J. W. Hawkins, Jr.

Walter Bremond III John W. Bode 7 Roy E. Stewart Aldon V. Dancak Lewis E. Bracy, Jr.

William D. Lewis cashier G. J. Quesenberry ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS James B. Chelf Harry G.

Garner Curtis B. Figer John R. Lawrence Joe C. Lane Wendal Lee Phillips, Jr. Owen P.

Carpenter, Jr. Miss Doris K. Bostic William H. Garner C. Leonard Burt ASSISTANT CASHIERS L.

L. Lundell Oscar B. West Mrs. Doris Copeund Tom B. Gray, Jr.

Dan M. Youngbloom Melvin R. Clearman Mrs. Dorothy Rowland Mrs. Thelma Jenkins Cecil G.

Muegge W. Terry Stagner Roy D. Edmiston Wallace W. Hohertz Leroy Harris Phil A. Bleakney, Jr.

John S. Shivers Arthur B. Mobley Philip D. Samuelson Milam S. Johnson, Jr.

auditor Harvey W. Richter TRUST DEPARTMENT Raymond R. Todd Vice President and Senior Trust Officer- Herbert S. Bolm Vice President and Trust Officer Patrick H. O'Donnell, Jr.

Vice President and Trust Officer John C. Miller Trust Officer O. V. Grubert Assistant Trttst Officer Deposits TOTAL son why there was more money on deposit. In Dallas, financial observers said the slower rate of gain in Dallas County illustrated current uncertainties over the state of the economy.

Anderson County bankers quoted "better cattle prices and oil leasing activity" as reasons for an increase of deposits. The Palestine area reported an increase of $731,296 over a year ago for a total of $23,467,037. Bexar County (San Antonio) set a mid-year record with compared to a year ago. Orange County banks showed drop of $1,191,938 from a year ago with deposits of $57,625,128. Bankers explained the drop by saying some money was tied up in tax payments.

Lubbock showed a healthy increase of $12,225,056 in reporting deposits of $300,005,264 for its new all-time record. Vernon's all-time record of $40,820,950 was comparable to $35,999,338 a year ago. At Bryan-College Station, an all-time record of $61,128,950 was reported compared to $50,264,493 in June, 1966. Other bank totals compared to a year ago: Longview, $78,381,533 up from $73,403,769. Corpus Christi, $281,284,102 up from $245,000,000.

Tyler, $143,482,160 up from $134,093,195. Austin, $488,378,076 up from $423,858,204. 1 Abilene, $153,294,054 up from $141,635,550. Navarro County (Corsicana), $50,478,899 up from $47,454,063. Wichita Falls, $257,661,698 up from $251,896,556.

Cooke County (Gainesville) $23,732,750 drop from $23,808,372. San Angelo, $131,046,613 up from $116,400,825. Starr County, $6,605,458 up from $6,040,890. Bexar County (San Antonio) $1,061,423,304 up from Grayson County (Denison) $121,353,624 up from $116,000,000. Port Arthur $114,255,624 up $109,199,611.

Nederland $9,869,530 up from WHITES PASTELS SIZES 412 TO 10 SAVE NOW! VALUES TO $3.99 DIRECTORS LADIES' SANDALS W. C. Kennedy Senior Vice President R. M. (Bob) Kinnan Vice President Crogan Lord Chairman, Texas Capital Corporation Gtjiton Morgan President, Austin Concrete Works, Inc.

Catewood Newberry i Investments H. Ted Read Licensed Beverage Distributors, Inc. John S. Redditt Investments Al H. Robinson, Jr.

Austin White Lime Company Spencer J. Scott Investments Alias Shivers Investments Milton T. Smith President, Economy Furniture Raymond R. Todd Secretary of the Board Vice President and Senior Trust Ojjicer Jas. P.

Nash Honorary Chairman of the Board Nash Windjohr Oil Company Edward Clark Chairman of the Board -Clark, Thomas, Harris, Denius Winters, Attorneys Walter Boh.n Investments Orville S. Carpenter Natural Gas Consultant Fred W. Catterall, Jr. Investments Howard T. Cox President E.

P. Cravens Jnvestmen ts Theo P. Davis Investments Frank W. Demcs Clark, Thomas, Harris, Denius Winters, Attorneys Lex C. Dure President, Kuntz-Siernberg Lumber Company W.

W. Heath Heath Davis, Attorneys J. C. Kellam President, Texas Broadcasting Corporation STRAPS THONGS BEIGE WHITE ROMAN STYLE STEP. IN VALUES TO 3.99 I Advisory Director DEPARTMENT STORES $8,524,979.

Port Neches, $12,199,807 up1 from $8,524,979. Waco, $240,200,000 up from $113,000,000. Midland, $198,923,370 up from $194,269,08. Amarillo, $263,082,982 up from Hardeman County' $13,591,012 up from $12,514,527. Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 0 DOWNTOWN 6TH AND BRAZOS S.


Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.