Emerging Trends for Securing Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things Bhushan, Bharat (2024)

Table of Contents
Description Details Ratings Recommendations for similar products Author More porducts from Bhushan, Bharat Web Content Mining Introduction to Biomimetics and Bioinspiration Smart Trajectories ANKLE JOINT PROPRIOCEPTION AMONG BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS Advanced Applications of Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Models Advanced Applications of Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Models Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Medical Data Analytics and Healthcare Applications Advanced Practical Approaches to Web Mining Techniques and Application Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Applications IoT Security Paradigms and Applications Semantic Web Technologies Advanced Practical Approaches to Web Mining Techniques and Application Data Driven Techniques for Advanced Process Monitoring and Supervision Principles and Applications of Tribology Advances in Information Storage Systems, Volume 1 Tribology Issues and Opportunities in MEMS Micro/Nanotribology and Its Applications Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology Advances in Information Storage Systems: Selected Papers from the International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (Mipe '97) - Volume 9 Advances in Information Storage Systems, Volume 8 Deep Learning Strategies for Security Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Networks THE LIFE AND TIMES OF CHANDRASHEKHAR AZAD Advances in Information Storage Systems: Selected Papers from the International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (Mipe '97) - Volume 10 Advances in Information Storage Systems, Volume 8 Tribology and Mechanics of Magnetic Storage Devices Advances in Information Storage Systems, Volume 5 Mechanics and Reliability of Flexible Magnetic Media Mechanics and Reliability of Flexible Magnetic Media Biomimetics Biomimetics More porducts from SHARMA, SUDHIR KUMAR Internet of Things Internet of Things IoT Security Paradigms and Applications Compact Printed Microstrip UWB Antennas with Frequency Notch Function EFFECT OF FLY ASH ADDITION ON SOIL PROPERTIES AND CROP PRODUCTIVITY Security and Trust Issues in Internet of Things IoT Security Paradigms and Applications Blockchain Technology for Data Privacy Management Integration of WSNs into Internet of Things More porducts from Nand, Parma Software-Defined Network Frameworks Federated Learning for Smart Communication using IoT Application Intelligent Networks Computational Intelligence Applications for Software Engineering Problems Artificial Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Systems Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Applications Resolving Co-reference Anaphora Using Semantic Constraints Subjects References

Emerging Trends for Securing Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things Bhushan, Bharat (1)

Emerging Trends for Securing Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things Bhushan, Bharat (2)


Bhushan, BharatEditorSHARMA, SUDHIR KUMAREditorNand, ParmaEditor





The goal of this book is to foster transformative, multidisciplinary, and novel approaches that ensure the CPSs security by taking into consideration the unique security challenges present in the environment.

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Product TypeBook




CRC Press

Publishing date09/05/2024

Pages248 pages


Article no.39691038


Data source no.A48707230

Product groupLEISURE: DVD

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Ein wunderbare Geschichte, die viel mehr als einfacher Liebesroman ist.
Hier geht es um Familie, Verantwortung und den Glauben an sich selbst. Dies ist gekonnt in die Lovestory eingebunden und hat genau die passende Menge an Romantik. Wer große Gefühle mag, ist hier genau richtig!

This book is a fun and encouraging way to start learning Luxembourgish. Thanks to online audio recordings, you can listen to a native speaker pronounce words and sentences as you learn them. A password at the beginning of the book also gives you access to online flashcards to help you review.

E flott Buch mat villen ale lëtzebuergesche Spréchwierder, déi een dacks zum schmunzele brengen!

Le barman du Ritz, c'est Franck Meier. L'auteur lui rend hommage dans ce long et intense
roman très précis historiquement,
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ou Gabriel Chanel,,,,Il faut se plier aux caractères pour survivre, en se taisant,
car la famine gronde en dehors de ce lieu privilégié.
Philippe Collin nous fait voir l'occupation sous un autre point de vue.
Extrêmement intéressant et plume agréable à lire.

E flotten an informative Wanderführer mat villen Illustratiounen. Perfekt fir flott Plazen am Land (nei) ze entdecken!

E Buch wat geduechtass fir déi Kleng, mä och schéin ze kucken ass fir déi Grouss! Mam Charlotte kann een d?Land mat senge verschiddene Facetten an Traditiounen op eng spilleresch Aart a Weis kenneléieren. Mat flotten Texter vum Thomas Schoos a schéinen Illustratiounevum Keong-A-Song. D'Buch gëtt et iwwregens op Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséischan Englesch.

Ein wunderbares Buch!
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Windstärke 17 hat mich genauso berührt wie sein Vorgänger. Es ist unglaublich, wie Caroline Wahl es schafft, zwei so unterschiedliche Erzählstile für die Schwestern zu entwickeln, dass man tatsächlich das Gefühl hat, man steckt jetzt plötzlich im Inneren einer neuen Person. Die Geschichte ist so roh und echt und verletzend wie die erste, vielleicht sogar noch etwas mehr. Diese erfundene Erzählung steckt voller echter Menschen, echten Gefühlen und harter und schöner Realitäten.
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Ses romans sont toujours aussi splendides. Quel grand auteur ! Je ne le remercierais jamais assez pour les moments de bonheur de lecture.

Caroline de Mulder nous propose un bouleversant récit choral sur la vie quotidienne d'un "Lebensborn" en 1944-1945, servant à assurer la pureté de la race aryenne. Elle nous plonge dans l'histoire personnelle de trois personnages que rien ne destinait à se rencontrer, et pourtant... Renée, une jeune française enceinte d'un soldat SS, tondue et abandonnée des siens; Helga, jeune infirmière modèle et consciencieuse qui sera tiraillée entre son dévouement au Reich et son empathie envers les résidents du Heim; et Marek, résistant polonais passé par Dachau et à présent exploité comme ouvrier pour les besoins du Régime. Un roman à la fois passionnant, troublant et terrifiant de par sa réalité historique.

Le nouveau livre de Valentin Musso est une pépite !
Imaginez une vieille demeure, des invités de prestige, un meurtre brutal dans un pièce close.
Un huis clos mené d'une main de maître. Et juste quand vous pensez avoir résolu l'énigme, vos certitudes s'effondrent.
Génial !

Dieser Roman ist kaum in Worte zu fassen. Es geschieht soviel zwischen den Buchdeckelen, von himmelhohen Hochs bis zu abgrundlosen Tiefen. Absolut packend, emotional und lange nachhallend.

Un ouvrage intime où se côtoient l'expérience de la maternité et les violences conjugales, en passant par toutes les remises en question et leur impact.

La chanteuse et comédienne Camille Lellouche nous dévoile la part sombre de son histoire que son humour et sa joie de vivre ont su dissimuler sur scène.

80 Plazen zu Lëtzebuerg déi een wéinstens 1 mol am Liewen soll gesinn hunn!!

Il existe tellement de livres: des vieux, des gros, des plus petit*...Et a quoi peuvent-ils tous servir ?
Grâce à un texte drôle et des illustrations colorées, ce joli album jeunesse fait la part belle à tous les livres et à leurs super-pouvoirs.
Magnifique !

De "Grüffelo" ass deene meeschte Kanner e Begrëff! Entdeck mam Här Äschtchen dat neisten Abenteuer vum Duo Donaldson/ Scheffler op Lëtzebuergesch vum Martine Schoellen iwwersat.

E flotte Bildband mat ville verschidde Plazen vun der Stad Lëtzebuerg. E flotte Kaddo fir jidfereen deen sech fir d?Stad Lëtzebuerg interesséiert.

Après une longue absence, Victoria Hislop nous livre enfin un nouveau et superbe roman.Nous suivons Héléna, une jeune fille qui oscille entre l'Ecosse et la Grèce.Héléna découvre la Grèce enfant, et ce pays ne quittera jamais son coeur tant grâce à sa culture très riche que grâce aux amitiées tissées au fil des années .
Pourtant, enfant, elle découvre que son grand-père était un bourreaude la dictature militaire. Celui-ci s'emparait même des découvertes archéologiques pour mles revendre à son frofit.
Ce roman nous fait réfléchir sur la propriété des oeuvres antiques et sur notre façon de réparer les erreurs passées.
Captivant et instructif

N'avez-vous jamais eu envie de changer de vie? Vivez à travers ce roman un bel exemple de "Renaissance", une nouvelle vie après avoir connu le frisson de la mort toute proche...

Liebe, Verbrechen, Geheimnisse und viel gutes Essen - Suter bietet ein richtiges Lese-Abenteuer, dass einen lange schwärmen lässt!

Délaissant cette fois-ci la Science-Fiction pour le document , le nouveau livre d'Alain Damasio nous plonge au coeur de l´effroyable réalité de la Silicon Valley en sept chapitres incisifs. Du siège d'Apple aux voitures sans chauffeurs, des Homeless et des ravages du Fentanyl dans le quartier du Tenderloin, il analyse, dissèque, observe les mutations en cours. Fidèle admirateur de Baudrillard, Deleuze et Guattari, tour à tour sociologue et philosophe, rien ne lui échappe.Et par ses constats empreints de lucidité il nous propose une vision du monde à venir à la fois effroyable et inéluctable ou la folie des hommes s´appuyant sur le développement de technologies ultra novatrices vont provoquer des bouleversem*nts sans précédents; la déshumanisation est d´ores et déjà omniprésente dans notre quotidien et ne va que progresser tranquillement au coeur de nos sociétés . Damasio tire la sonnette d´alarme en nous faisant passer le message que la Science Fiction qui nourrit son oeuvre depuis toujours devient réalité ou plutôt cauchemar dans cette vallée du silicone qui ne connaît plus de limites. Cet essai se termine avec une nouvelle absolument fascinante et terriblement angoissante ou l´avenir idyllique promit par la Silicon Valley se transforme en un véritable délire apocalyptique. Est-il deja trop tard ou avons nous toujours la possibilité de négocier avec les machines?


Bhushan, BharatEditorSHARMA, SUDHIR KUMAREditorNand, ParmaEditor

Dr. Bharat Bhushan is an Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India. He received his Undergraduate Degree (B-Tech in Computer Science and Engineering) with Distinction in 2012, received his Postgraduate Degree (M-Tech in Information Security) with Distinction in 2015 and Doctorate Degree (PhD Computer Science and Engineering) in 2021 from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India. In the year 2021 and 2022, Stanford University (USA) listed Dr. Bharat Bhushan in the top 2% scientists list. He earned numerous international certifications such as CCNA, MCTS, MCITP, RHCE and CCNP. He has published more than 150 research papers in various renowned International Conferences and SCI indexed journals including Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier), Wireless Networks (Springer), Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), Sustainable Cities and Society (Elsevier) and Emerging Transactions on Telecommunications (Wiley). He has contributed with more than 30 book chapters in various books and has edited 20 books from the most famed publishers like Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, IOP Press, IGI Global, and CRC Press. He has served as Keynote Speaker (resource person) in numerous reputed faculty development programs and international conferences held in different countries including India, Iraq, Morocco, China, Belgium and Bangladesh. He has served as a Reviewer/Editorial Board Member for several reputed international journals. In the past, he worked as an assistant professor at HMR Institute of Technology and Management, New Delhi and Network Engineer in HCL Infosystems Ltd., Noida. In addition to being the senior member of IEEE, he is also a member of numerous renowned bodies including IAENG, CSTA, SCIEI, IAE and UACEE.

Prof. (Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Sharma is currently a Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science, Institute of Information Technology & Management affiliated to GGSIPU, New Delhi, India. He has extensive experience for over 21 years in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Information Technology in 2013 from USICT, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India. Dr. Sharma obtained his M. Tech degree in Computer Science & Engineering in 1999 from the Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar, India and M.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee), Roorkee, in 1997. His research interests include Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Security. He has published more than 60 research papers in various prestigious International Journals and International Conferences. He is a life member of CSI and IETE. Dr. Sharma is lead guest editor of special issue in Multimedia Tools & Applications, Springer. He was a convener and volume Editor of two international conferences, namely ICETIT-2019 and ICRIHE-2020. He authored and edited 7 Computer Science books in the field of Internet of Things, WSN, Blockchain, Cyber-Physical Systems of Elsevier, Springer, CRC Press, USA. He was selected as a reviewer /editorial board member for several reputed international journals. He has also served as a speaker, session chair or co-chair at various national and international conferences.

Professor (Dr.) Parma Nand is Dean, School of Engineering Technology, Sharda University Greater Noida. He has over 26 years of teaching, industry and research experience. He has expertise in Wireless and Sensor Network, Cryptography, Algorithm and Computer Graphics. He has earned his Ph.D from IIT Roorkee, M.Tech & B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from IIT Delhi. He has been Head/Member of many committees including Board of Studies, faculty and staff recruitment committee, Academic Council, Advisory Committee, Monitoring and Planning Board, Research Advisory Committee, Accreditation committee etc. He has been Ex-President of National Engineers Organization. He is senior member of IEEE (USA). He is member Executive Council of IEEE UP section (R10), member Executive Committee IEEE Computer and Signal Processing Society, member Executive of India council Computer Society, member Executive Council Computer Society of India, Noida section and has acted as an observer in many IEEE conferences. He is also having active memberships of ACM, CSI, ACEEE, ISOC, IAENG, and IASCIT. He is life time member of Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS) and ISTE. He has delivered many invited/keynotes talks at International & National Conferences/ Workshops/Seminars in India & abroad. He has published more than 85 papers in peer reviewed international/national journals and conferences. He has filed two patents. He is an active member of advisory/technical program committee of reputed International/National conferences & reviewer of number of reputed Journals e.g. Springer, Elsevier Journal Computers & Electrical Engineering.

Dr. Achyut Shankar is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Amity University, Noida, India. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering majoring in wireless sensor network from VIT University, Vellore, India. He has published more than 35 research papers in reputed international conferences & journals in which 17 papers are in SCI journals. He is a member of ACM and has received research award for excellence in research for the year 2016 and 2017. He had organized many special sessions with Scopus Indexed International Conferences worldwide, proceedings of which were published by Springer, IEEE, Elsevier etc. He is serving as reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing and other prestigious conferences. His areas of interest include Wireless sensor network, Machine Learning, Internet of things, Block-chain and Cloud computing.

Dr. Ahmed J. Obaid, is a full assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Kufa, He received his BSC in Information Systems (IS) in 2005, from faculty of computer science, University of Anbar in 2005. M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from SIT, JNTUH, India in 2012, and PhD in Web Mining and Data Mining from University of Babylon in 2017. His main line of research is Web mining Techniques and Application, Image processing in the Web Platforms, Image processing, Genetic Algorithm and information theory. Ahmed J. Obaid, is an Associated Editor in Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management (ESCI), Guest Editor in KEM (Key Engineering Material, Scopus) Journal, Guest Editor of MAICT-19 and ICMAICT-20 issues in IOP journal of Physics, Scopus indexed proceeding. Guest Editor in JESTEC journal (Scopus, WOS) Journal, Managing Editor in American Journal of Business and Operations Research (AJBOR), USA. Associate Editor in IJAST Scopus Journal. Ahmed J. Obaid also Reviewer in many Scopus Journals (Scientific publication, Taylor and Francis, ESTA, and many others). He is leader of ICOITES, MAICT-19, MAICT-20 EVENTS. Ahmed J. Obaid has supervised several final projects of Bachelor and Master in His main line of work. He has edited Some books, such as Advance Material Science and Engineering in Scientific.net publisher, he has authored and co-authored several scientific publications in journals and conferences and is a frequent reviewer of international journals and international conferences.

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Web Content Mining

Introduction to Biomimetics and Bioinspiration

Smart Trajectories


Advanced Applications of Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Models

Advanced Applications of Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Models

Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Medical Data Analytics and Healthcare Applications

Advanced Practical Approaches to Web Mining Techniques and Application

Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Applications

IoT Security Paradigms and Applications

Semantic Web Technologies

Advanced Practical Approaches to Web Mining Techniques and Application

Data Driven Techniques for Advanced Process Monitoring and Supervision

Principles and Applications of Tribology

Advances in Information Storage Systems, Volume 1

Tribology Issues and Opportunities in MEMS

Micro/Nanotribology and Its Applications

Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology

Advances in Information Storage Systems: Selected Papers from the International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (Mipe '97) - Volume 9

Advances in Information Storage Systems, Volume 8

Deep Learning Strategies for Security Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Networks


Advances in Information Storage Systems: Selected Papers from the International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (Mipe '97) - Volume 10

Advances in Information Storage Systems, Volume 8

Tribology and Mechanics of Magnetic Storage Devices

Advances in Information Storage Systems, Volume 5

Mechanics and Reliability of Flexible Magnetic Media

Mechanics and Reliability of Flexible Magnetic Media



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Internet of Things

Internet of Things

IoT Security Paradigms and Applications

Compact Printed Microstrip UWB Antennas with Frequency Notch Function


Security and Trust Issues in Internet of Things

IoT Security Paradigms and Applications

Blockchain Technology for Data Privacy Management

Integration of WSNs into Internet of Things

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Software-Defined Network Frameworks

Federated Learning for Smart Communication using IoT Application

Intelligent Networks

Computational Intelligence Applications for Software Engineering Problems

Artificial Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Systems

Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Applications

Resolving Co-reference Anaphora Using Semantic Constraints






Emerging Trends for Securing Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things Bhushan, Bharat (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.