Evening Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

I I A 9 POSTSCRIPT! Or We are under obligations to the agent of Wells Co's Express for New Orleans papers of the 9th inst. the this FROM MEXICO! LATER FROM THE ARMY. LATER FROM THE issue the following, from the New Orleans Tropic Extra, dated May 9, 10 A. M. 'The news was received at Cincinnati by the s'eamer Cincinnati.

The steamship New York had 1. ot arrived at New Orleans when the Cincinnati left. To Arms! To The schr. Mary Clare. Capt.

Griffith, has just arrived from Brazos Santiago. The Mary Clare left the Brazo; the 29th and reports that Capt. Walker with 75 men of the Texan rangers were nearly all killed and taken prisoners on the 28th about 20 miles above Point Isabel, by a superior force of Mexican troops, amounting to about one thousand five hundred. P. S.

Since writing the above, we learn that Capt. Walker, with three men, succeeded in reaching Point Isabel about 4 o'clock P. M. on the 28th and immediately applied to Maj. 'Thomas for four mell, and announced his termination to proceed to Geu.

'Taylor's camp or die in the attempt. FELLOW CITIZENS -Here is another incitemant to arm and proceed to chastise the perfidious Mexicans, who ravage our territory. and thus take lives of our brave men who have rallied on the frontier in their country's service. TO ARMS then without delay! Be prompt to avenge and rally with ardor to do gallant service for your country! MORE o'clock- A gentleman passenger in the Ellen and Clara, informs us that Gen. Taylor on the 29th, had only six provisions.

The Mexicans chased Capt. Walker and three men within a mile of Point Isabel. The probabilities are that Point Isabel has fall en into the enemy's hands. Major Monroe has distinguished hunself by his prompt manner in making such defeuces as were in his power. The Mexicans, can, by placing ten pieces of cannon at Bra os bar, command the entrance to Point Isabel.

'The Augusta was met going out with troops. The Cage and Florida were left at Point Isabel loaded with -Tho night previous to the Ellen and Clara leaving an attack was expected on Point Isabel. It was expected that Gen. Taylor would cut his way through and come to the relief of Point Isabel. COMMERCIA L.

Plain Dealer Office, CLEVELAND, DAY 19, 1846, 2 CANAL RECEIPTS -Flour. 385 bbls; whiskey, 101 bbis mineral coal, 6990 bush: corn, 5362 bush. MARKET- No sales of importance have been reported to- day. New York Market, May 16. Flour is rather better; 3000 good Genessce sold at 500 Gen.

and 500 Michigan in store at $4,56, Michigan 1000 bush southern white corn brought 68c; 3000 do yellow 65c, both weight, for exportation. Jersey yeiluw brings 66 cis on the spot, and 68 ets for future delivery, to suit shippers. 10,000 bu Waba-h sold to distiller, p. n. t.

Wheat-500 bu prime filinois brought 92 cts from store. Southern Aour is 1000 bbls. Brooklyn city flour at $4,50. Two hundred bbls pot ashes sold at 100 pearls at $1,06. Whiskey 200203c.

Mess pork is held at $11,50, and 374 was refused rrime butter heavy; 400 boxes old dairy cheese brought about 8c. lb.Buffalo Market, May 18. sale of 500 bbls Michigan flour of two brands, was made at $3,91. In wheat we have but one transaction to note, and that is the sale of 3100 bu very fair Chicago received per the propeller Princeton nt 78c. A moderate inquiry exists for corn.

and we note the sale of 1000 bu prime quality for shipment at 42 Ado. MARINE RECORD. PORT OF CLEVELAND. ARRIVALS OF STEAMBOATS- MAY 19. Harrison, to Toledo.

Appleby. Detroit. Kelsey, Chicago. Sandusky. Squiors, do Empire, Buffalo, Powers, Green do Pheatt, do Ben Franklin, 5.

Ft. do Brown, do United Whittaker, do Buffulo, do do ENTERED--MAY 19. Brig Maryland, Wilcox. Buffalo: Monroc-53 barrels salt Ruggles. Montgomery, Buffalo--no cargo Schr 11 Clay, Hughes, Erie; Seymour C' Butts-9 lumber, 35 shingles Mink, Wooton, Huron; I Hughes, Otis co.

Hill- bbls iard Unyse, Barney co, Richmond pork, 28 scks wool. 3 esks And I bbl ashes, 2 hhds tobacco, 200 bu potatoes, 17 do beans Paul Jones. Evans, I Hughes-23 pkgs mdz Roanoke. Farrell, Buffalo--no CArgO Masanahusetts Trucy, Richinond co-41 burr Mi Hunt, Hunt, Sandusky; Gullett-40 tons plaster, 9 blocks, I anchor and chain bb's beans Hudson, Seymour, Winslow co-40 tons mlz Baltimore, Cotton. Winslow co, I Lyon-2 tens mdz, 12 do marble 64 Wood.

Darey, Buffalo; Barney co-56 trcs and 55 bols tallow 0 Richmond, Davis, Buffalo; Green-200 bhls salt Freeman, Bonjamin, do Hickox co, Griffiths021 pks mdz, 30 burr blocks 44 Whig, Travers; Sey mour, Hutchinson cc-231 Freeme, Mallon, Cobb de co-100 pkgs mdz, 100 kgs nails tons mdz. A Argyle, Mitchell, Moore. do do to 4:0 cargo Earl, Gillett, Noott co, Barney co Mississippi, Gazette, -684 Gale, Pt Burwell; Francisco-4 luintous miz ber, 74 Clinton, cords bolt. Merchant, Smith, Oswego: Green, Allen, Barney co-200 bbls salt, 400 pkgs mdz CLEARED- MAY 19. 4 Richmond, Davis, Richmond Camp--54 pkgs mdz.

190 pS and 74 bdls iron, 53 kgs 44 nails, Madison, 50 tons Inkstar, conl Oswego; Barney co-333 bbis beef J. Merick, Miner, do do 6400 bu wheat T' Corwin. Clarke, Detroit: Richmond co-666 bra. 129 bdls and 832 ps iron, 50 kgg nails, 114 bes glass, 8 St Bt Detroit, Ward, Sault St Marie-50 bbis sunds, passendog ware gers and baggage Why Suffer, week after week, and month alter month, with that most unpleasant and disagreeable of all diseases, AGUE AND FEVER, when in 2 or 3 days at the outside, the disease may be arrested and rooted out of the syatem. Strong language, but none the less true, in re gard to Mackenzie's Tonic Febrifuge.

The Proprietors of this medicine are desirous that it should along side of all or any remedy before the be fairly tested public, advertised as nerer known to fail. by the Proprictors, M.N 'KENZIE HAS For sale KELLe, and by CLARKE FISKE and WM. SMYTH, Druggists. a FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. C.

C. CARLTON. Agent for the Etna Insurance Hartford, oj Protection Hartford, Ins. of CONN. CONN.

nOr Policies issued without delay, at the office of Agency street. Cleveland. O. dec17 No. 69, Superior Portage County Mutual FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.

E. BINGHAM, AGENT. Office curner Superior and Water-streets. ja23 C. D.

WILLIAMS, M. (. HASTINGS, M. Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. in the Empire Buildings, 42 Superior-st.

Water-st. Dr. Dr. WV. residence at Mrs.

Brooks', No. residence No. 12 Erie REFERENCE. Prof. If.

Webster, Geneva, N. Y. B. Blossom, Esq. Geneva, do NY Hon.

E. F. -mith, do Munday, do Hon. C. J.

Folger, do J. C. Brown, J. N. Whiting, do Hon.

F. Foote, Jr. Bradford, Esq. do Seneca Falla, N. Y.

J.8. Prouty, do Ansel Bascem, do w3m Cleveland, March 2, 1846. i 'THE PLAIN DEALER. Notice--Persons wishing the Duily left at their houses places of doing business, can be accommodated by band ing their addresto the Carrier boys, or leaving "the same at this office. -ONE SHILLING PER WEEK.

Riyer Raisin Again. We were mistaken yesterday in saying that the Commercial Bank" of this city was redeeming River Raisin money. We meant to say Merchant's Bank." But we are sorry to say that even this Bank refuses to redeem to-day. The Commercial" has never dealt in this money except to send it home for exchange as fast as taken. 17 Look out for OAKLAND!" COPPER The Franklin arrived here yesterday from the Sault, having on board 70 tone of copper Ore from the Cliff Mines of Lake Superior.

It is destined for Boston, where it will be sinelted. Among the ore were two pieces of the solid metal, a mixture of copper and silver, weighing each several tons, for the larger of which the Company had been offered $2,000. This will set the Bostonians agog. FisH, HAMBLIN, BALL RIcE, No. 6.

Merwin street, are furnishing a very fine article of Fish, such as Pickerel, White Fish All lovers of the 'finny tribe" will know where to get a supply. ABOUT THE WAR. -There is a little later news from Point Isabel, but nothing later from the army. There is a rumor in town that Gen. Taylor had been captured but it is totally withont founda tion.

THE FLATS, -We learn that the steam boat Niagara passed over the St. Clair flats on Saturday, without any serious difficulty. Her passellgers were transterred in boa's, but none of her freight was taken out. IT The U. S.

war steamer Michigan Capt. Champlin, was to leave Buffalo on Friday for a cruise up the Lakes. MR. EDITOR: --In your leader" last evening entitled The Third American War," did you include that GLORIOUs little war of ours with the 'Tripolitans That was a war duly declared and promptly executed. Nor should you overlook the signal victory of Decatur over those Turks, who received from our little fleet such a severe drub.

bing that the sage Basha was glad to sue for favorable terms of peace. May God grant that our present war may bo as signal, short and decisive. BANK OF RIVER RAISIN. News reached this city on Saturday that the River Raisin Bank at Monroe had suspended payment and assigned its asseta. Such we learn is the fact.

The extent of the failure is not fully known, but the officers of the bank were said to advise against a sacrifice on the bills. Here howeverthey have fallen fully and were purchased by the brokers at 50 cents on the dollar on Saturday. It is understood that about a week ago, circulation was about $80,000, of which over $10,000 was supposed to be 111 Michigan, and the remainder in Ohio. The amount in this city is very considerable. At the same time, they had about $6,000 in specie, and some $25,000 of good paper based on produce, soon to mature in New York.

On this, from the tightness of the money market, they were unable obtain their usual advances, and were also subject to a considerable demand for coin from Ohio. Such are the reports. This Bank has undergone various mutations within a few years. In 1838 it was sold by its then stockholders to Gen L. S.

Humphrey and David A. Noble Esq. of Monroe, who inanaged it till 1839 when it suspended operations. In 1841 they sold it again to Micajah 'T. Williams, of Cincinnati, president Ohio Life 'Trust and Mr.

Prentiss Dow, broker of Cleveland. Mr. Williamna died, and Mr. Dow who is now Cashier of one of the Cleveland banks, has ever since his purchase of the Bank used and protected large amounts of its circulating notes. He owns doubtless most of its stock.

Mr. Wing, the pregident, is understood to have visited Cleveland last week to procure aid, and on his return the Bank assigned. The assignees are Messra. C. Noble, H.

V. Man and L. A. Hall. Detroit Ado.

SENATE ON FRIDAY Mr Cameron, of the Committee on Patents, reported a bill to alter and amend the Patent laws. He also presented the proce-ding of the war meeting in Philadelphia, and said he was proud of that city for the opportunity she had given him of laying before the Senate this evidence of the patriotism of her song. What she had done for the country, she would do again. She had coal enough in her mountains 10 warm her friends, and iron enough in her mines to repel her eneniPs. The motion of Mr.

Archer to re- consider the vote to disagree with the amendments 'of the House 011 the bill regard to the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen was taken up and discussed by Archer, Dix, Crittenden, Casa and Berrien. 'These amendments require the officers of the a proposed new Regiment to be taken from the supernumerary officers in regular line. They would exclude Capt. Fremont. On motion of Mr.

Ben. ton, the amendment was agrerd to. la the House, after personal explanation between Thurman and Delano, they proceeded to consider the private calendar. The schr 'Tancred bill was passed. The bill to pay Mr.

Green for services rendered our Mexican charge is under discussion, Martin Grover speaking against it. IT The steamboat Missouri broug: up yesterday the remains of Mr John Mann of Oakland County. He was on his way to New Jersey, and was crushed to death in some way by a canal boat on the Erie canal. We have 110' other Ado. COL.

TRUMAN CEOSS. -From all examination of the body of this lamented officer, the surge. ons have come to the conclusion that he was first lassoed and then dragged from his horse and anurdered him by beating him on the head, by the Mexican rancheros on the Rio Grande. Ile was a Dalive of Mary land, and son-in-law of Lawrence L. Van Kleeck, of Brooklyn, L.

I. THEFT IN THIN S. friend of senators from the west being introduced on the floor the other day, had the misfortune to lose his g'oves, while near the British minister and Maj. Gen. Scott.

"Strange that you should have lost them here," said the senator. "Not at all," said h.s friend, "for I suspect them two old codgers there," pointing to General Scott, and Mr Packingham, took them out of my bat as they passed." 'THE BEST ENGINES OF WAR. -Several Fire Engines, says the Londan Punch, have been constructed for the Colonies. One of them will be sent over to Oregon, for the purpose of puting Jonathan's pipe out. Why is a man in jail like a boat in a he wauts bailing out.

The Gale. Yesterday was a gala day. "The winds did blow as tho' they'd blow their last." Lake Erio's waves were in a frolic all the day, dancing with their night -caps on. But, the storm was not confined to the sea. The following was handed us this morning, by one who had braved the perils of the "Raging Canal." It has the fortune of many to travel on the canal, when its calm waters slept in undisturbed tranquility, and the soft breath of the summer air scarcely excited a ripple upon its peaceful bosom.

But when old Boreas has awakened froin his slumber, and isstalking furiously over its dangerous depths, lashing its waters to madness, throwing up huge billows highs upon its banks and engulphing every thing boiling whirlpools, with threatening water-spouts and roaring tornadoes--at such a time we question whether many have dared the dangers and perils of the Ruging Canal." It was a calm night in June, when it was my fortune to be travelling with a goodly number of passengers upon that staunch and thorough seaboat, "Dolly Maria." Nought was heard to break the silence, save the sleeping passengers in the cabin, who seemed combined to "roll the deep eternal bass of Nature's Anthem," in one general snore which shook the boat from stem to stern, and reverberated along the wooded banks like muttering thunder. The grim sons of Neptune who navigated the boat, were dispersed about the deck in various attitudes, and the skipper was pacing by the weather gangway, quietly smoking his cigar. Suddenly he stopped short in his walk, and his eye rested upon a small black cloud which had appeared in the western horizon, and was growing larger and blacker ever moment. fle gazed but a moment, and then his voice rung with clear and startling tones, "Every man to his post "Aye, aye," growled the old water dogs, who were soon ready for the approaching storm. Shortly it lurst upon us in all its up your helm," shouted the captain.

"Aye aye," growled the old Muskrat in the stern, and for a low momenta she rode the gale nobly; but suddenly a heavy sea gave her a "side- winder," carrying away the wash -dish and ducking the to cook, leeward, and the gallant craft began to settle away taut the tow -line' Box haul the main setting pole and square away the wood box!" thundered the captain, whose spirit seemed to rise superior to the emergency. The storm wras now terrific, the waves running mountain high, often rising to the very summit of the tow path! and it 17d3 80011 seen that the Dolly Maria was no match for such a tempest, and was gradually drifting before the wind. Breakers ahead!" shouted the Boot- black. "Where-away?" get up more steam on the tea-kettle. Cut away the gangway.

Furl the mizzen jib Unship the taffrail, and let go the boat- but the anchor still dragged, the danger was every moment becoming more unm nent, the roar of breakers was distinctly heard, and order were given to lighten ship. "Discharge overboard your tobacco quid, every man you. Steward, throw overboad the bout jack and coffee -pot;" upon which she was very perceptibly lightened, the anchor caught and a faint gleam of hope broke upon our despairing souls. But soon came the appalling cry, "the best bower has parted and we are adrift Then all hope was gone, and a wild shriek rose high above the raging storin: but anon was heard the calm voice of the captain, exhorting us to be quiet, for we might yet be sav-d. The tow- -line had been secured to a stout post and rail fence on shore, 8 a running bow line was got upon the cut water, a double turn was taken upon the caboose, the helin jammed hard apart, and Dolly Maria once more brought up in the wind, and rode out that gale in safety.

following extract of a letter from an American at Mazatlan, Mexico, under date of' March 10, written two weeks previous to commencement of belligerent operations on the Rio Grande, is so prophetic of the present position of our forces that we lay it before our readers. It is from a correspondent of the St. Louis Revellie, and it may not be too late yet to take advantage of the good advice contained therein. Speaking of the Mexicans, he says: "Yet, continually divided against each other, there is no doubt that these people would unite to a man to oppose a foreign invasion. It looks something like it, from the United States.

If you do commence on Mexico, I hope you will hit hard and soon end it. Send in a large and disciplined army, and end the thing at once. I "Over the off row -lock!" was answered. 'The decisive moment had now come, and the captain saw that desperate measures alone would avail, and through the canal horn shouted, "Steerman, take anothereer your unmentionables. Cook, then stovepipe and that the sovereign contempt felt in the United States for this people, may prevent your operating with sufficient care and force aud then will ensue a burning disgrace.

great mass of these people take little part or interest in revolutions but invade them, and it will be found that the Rancheros can fight and will fight desperately; not by a regular stand, but by a system of annoyances--sudden attacks, and by cutting off supplies--that an army four times a large as that at Corpus Christi would find it difficult to foil. 'The nature of the ground generally in this country is favorable to this. I say, if you do come down upon them, striko a death blow at once--give them breathing of nine millions of people, is not to be time, and they will become formidable Invading country done with six thousand men, with any good or creditable result. They might march, far into the country, but it would be" like the the march Red of Pharaoh between the dividing waves of Sea--advance or retreat would be cut off forever," Arrivals at the Principal llotels. MAY 17.

American Temp. House--J. E. T. KELLOGG.

F. Borrew, Delphi, la (: Pardoe Tomlinson, lady, 'Fully adsw'h Thruston, Louisville I. SP Wormley, Wells' Express 'T King. do do Jumes, Willoughby A King, Deforest. Rochester Bently, Mentor WV Bullock Latimore, lady, Elyria Crocker, Brooklyn Mich Erio L.

Sharp, New York, 0 DeWitt, do Smith lady, Hudson do A Bebec lady. Grosvener, Scarborough, do 1V A Nichols, do Miss Jo Leonard, do Leonard. Robinson. Bedford Henderson, Loomis lady, Pittsburg C8 Rout Thayer, lady, Guilford Mra Taylor Hartford do A Buckly, Buffalo Coolman, Ravana Penman, Manhattan Wallace 1. Wheeling Root, Cleveland Coolinan lady, do Knep, Andrews, Philndelphia Bristo'.

do Painesville Coolman, EW Oviatt, Richfield 11 Folgamb, do Munson, do Moulton. Brownhelm nond, do Hubbard, Columbus Merchants' -J. A. WHITE. Pierce, Liverpool Edgerton, Painesville Dr Straton, Bedfurd 0 Watters, do KS Washington () Hinds.

Franklin 11 Mathews, Richfield Mrs Dunham, Akron I Baldwin, do Mathews, do Dow, Cuya Falls 41 t'able, Toledo A Gordon, Hudson il Sanderson, Cananduagua Bissell, 1 Weaver, Wells Lake 11 Johnson, do Mrs Weaver, do WN Johnson, Milan Weaver. do Stevens, Milwaukee Barrows, Ruggles Goodie lady, ThornvillG Doolittle, Farmersville Corel, Detroit 11 Clark. Scott, Cold Wall McConnelsville l'eck, Warren WV Pomroy, Clinton 11 Clark, Bingham, Huntington Wilson, Ful on 1. 5 P'erdew, Pa Holloway, Saline Garner, Boston Reed, Blk River Mansion House. -E.

ADAMS. Turner; WV Keith. Streetsboro' Pratt Indy, Delaware Frost, do L. Post, Unionville Murry. Buffalo Bricksville Smith, do Breck, Francisco, Pt Burwell JN Jones, Wooster TS Rowers.

Laport 0 Jones, do WH Bissell, Ravana Eggleston, Aurora STACEY'S Great Curiosity Store, No. 35, Johnson's Block. TUST arrived, the largest assortment of Fancy Goods, this Novels, Curiosities, Odities, ever brought to the market, amusem*nt withoat of exceptien, and are selling off cheap, to the people. myl2 FOREIGN BIRDS for sule by DENZER STACEY. ENGRAVINGS other -half a articles, cord or for less sale of Engravings, cheap at my DENZER STACEY'S Curiosity Store.

--50 pieces Tweeds, embracing all the new styles and very beautiful, just rec'd at my 12 SACKET'S. SHELL RUFFALO -In all their varieties, as New York prices, just rec'd at mv12 SACKET'S. SHAWLS SCARFS- -Another splendid assortment of this fashionable article just making the largest and most complete assortment in this city, my 12 at SACKET'S. NEW MAGAZINES- The American (Whig) Review, for May: The Eclectic Magazine for May; Blackwood for April; Parley's Magazine for Maymyll for sale by M. C.

YOUNGLOVE. life, by T. S. Arthur, for sale by OVERS A story of married myll M. (..

YOUNGLOVE. BY EXPRESS. ONE tiful Trunk, containing a grent varietr of rich FANCY DRY GOODS, this morning, (Monday, May 11th,) receired at myll SACKET'S. HOLD YOUR MAGNIFICENT ARRIVAL MAY 9th. BI' CAN IL! A Lurge Stock of NEW GOODS, this day received al m': 11 SACKET'S.

New Pattern Combs. Deep Buffalo. pointed top, shell twist Victoria Shell Twist, very rich; Buffalo fancy shell twist; Super grailed side Combe; Victoria G9 Polka do do Buff. horn dressing do Polished Horn do do Eng. do do Super shell side Combs: fine deep Ivory do French tape shell do Perfumed sachets, myll now open at KELLEY'S.

CARPET A and handsome article of carpet Bags and Sntchels-Wilton, russels, and In. grain, with locks sale low by mull J. H. KELLEY. RICHEST Embossed Flannel Table Corers ever before offered in this market -new patterns rich colorings, of large size he found at inyl1 KELLEY'S SHAWL ROOM.

RENT--Store House to reut on Water -street, No. 35, formerly A. Nevwert, for fancy store. Possession given immediately. Inquire at the ('leveland Puper store.

37 Water-st. mvll D. JONES CO. NEW PRINTS! 500 PA. 'T'he most French, splendid English, stock and ever American before opened Prints.

in Cleveland, embracing every varicty of styles, this day rec'd at myll NACKETS. Goods at Wholesale RECEIVED minking the YESTERDAY, largest assortment 150 ever Boxes exhibited wast of New York--among which are20 cases Prints, well assorted: 20 do Summer Stutla, all kinds; 10 do Bleached Shirting: 6 do 'Tweeds and Cussimeres 5 do Bed Ticks; 30 do Threads; do Parasols do limbrellas; Tuscan Bonnets; 12 do Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats; 53 boxes assorted Goods--making out stock entirely complete, to which we shall be receiving additions as the wants of our trade may require. All of which will be sold at New York Jobbing prices, adding freight. my!) HILLIARD HAYES. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, E.

PAUL SON. Foot of Main-strect, BUFFALO. 87 Carriage and luggage-Wagon always in readiness to convey passengers with their baggage to and from the steambouts and railroad cars. free of charge. mv9 COULON'S.

WESTERN HOTEL, At the Depot of the Niagara Railroad, AND NEAR THE STEAM BOAT LANDING, mv9 BUFFALO. N. Y. -Two elegant dwelling Houses, on Euclid street, a few steps from the public square--on easy terms. Enquire of E.

BINGHAM, mr9 corner of Superior and Water ats. 0. 3 7. JUST Paper received this Hangings, day, another in lot of addition cheap to and the splendid present stock, which have been selected from the beet houses at the East. The above Puper will be sold cheaper than at ally other place in this city.

In addition to the above there can be found a great variety 01 the following articies. viz Paints of all descriptions. Fire bonrd Prints; Curtain l'aper. wide and narrow. figured and plain; Paneled curtains (Cord and Tassels: Glass Brass Roller Ends, Racks and Pulleys: of all common sizes: Boiled Raw Oil; Jappan Varnish, F'urniture and coach Varnish Sash and Glass, primed and glazed, a large lot hand at the foliowing prices: -8 10, 8c.

per light; 12, 124c. per light-and all other sizes in the same proportion, at the Cleveland Paper Store, No. 37 Winter street. my! D. JONES (O.

Wells Company's Express. DANIEL assigned his now of right, the title. city and of Detroit, interest in having the Express Line and Express Forwarding and Commission Business of to HENRY WELLS, of the city of Buffalo, notice is hereby given, that the co- partnership heretolore existing between the subscribers said Dunning has been wholly abrogated and dissolved, and that from henceforth the said Dunning has no right, interest. or concern in snid firm. or in the Express Forwarding and Commission Bu siness of said WELLS COMPANY, HENRY WELLS, WILLIAM G.

FARGO. JOHN V. VREEDENBURGH. Buffalo, Siny 1st, 1846. my82m LOOK HERE! POWELL COOKE TAVE just received, and to which constant additions are being made, a good assortment of Root A Shoe Makers' Gonds, consisting of Leather of all kinds; men's, women's French Moroccos; Prunells.

Awls, Bristles, Pegs, Knives, Welt and Bout Knives, strop Awls, Kitt Files, seam-setts, shoulder irons, bindings, pou letts. galloons, markers, and in fact all other traps suited to the boot and show business. Tanners' Oil and Curriers' Tools. Leather in the rough, destined for the New York market, shipped at the lowest rates. and ndvances made if necessary.

GROCERIES, con- isting of Tea, Coffee. Sugars, Molasses, Tobacco, Pork, Flour, kept constantly on hand, all of which will be sold exceedingly low, as our motto is the nimble sixpence. Cash paid for Hides. C'orn, (Vats, Sheep Pelts, and most kinds of Produre taken in exchange. Don't forget the old stand, No.

6 City Buildings Cleveland. Ohio. mi9 WORE J. I. 1 KELLEY.

18 42 in. Empire ree'd this Buillings. day by New Arrival at Cozens' OYSTERS, Shad, lobsters. Also, very fine l'INE APPLES, rec'd this morning from New York. mv8 Rag Carpet Manufactory.

RAGA at reasonable are manufactured in the best manner, invo 152 ST. CLAIR-STREET. SALE quarter-section Lot of 25, 80 acres, township being 3, the south, east range halt of S. 11, in Hardin countv. on the rail road which is to be finised this season.

AL.SO, a good one and half story House, with a barn, on lot No. 67, Rockwell street; now on lease, which may protably be extended. Terms low. E. BINGI.1M, Land.

Apront, corner of Superior and Water streets. Graham Flour just receved at No. 66 and 70, by the half bhi. my? pOX'S Graham Flour from Rochester, large assertuent of No. 10, 20,30, 40, 50, GO 60, just received by my7 SANFORD HAYWARD.

persons having claims against the Fire Department, are requested to hand in their accounts before the first day of June next, to my? A. S. SANFORD. Chief Engineer. New Books by Express.

of llarper's simultaneous publications with received their in publication advance, and in A ottered for sale New York. The following includes all of Harper's new Books for the past week: Peers and Parrenus, a new novel, by Mrs. Gore. A Year with the Franklins, a new American tale. The Female Minister, or a Son's Revenge.

Illuminated Shakspeare, Nos. 77-8. Pictorial Bible, No. 53. C'a'e John, or it's too much trouble." For sale by wy6 37 M.

C. YOUNGLOVE. BANK NOTE LIST. Corrected daily for the Cleveland l'lain Dealer, by PRENTIS DOW co. OHIO.

Branches of State Bank, viz: Urbana Banking dis Merchants' Br. par MICHIGAN. Commercial fir. do Bank of River Branch. Michigan Insurance Summit Co.

par Merchants 'Bk Jackson br'ke Toledo Branch Oakland County -par Exchange Br. Columbus: State par Commercial Br. Toledo par Far. Mech. .5 dis Eranklin Br.

do All other uncer Delaware Br. Michigun State .3 dis Xenia Branch at par WISCONSIN. C'hillicothe Br. Chillicothe, par Insurance .3 dis Franklin Br. Cincinnati MISSOURI.

Tr. Br. do par State lik. and branches, -par Dayton Br.at Dayton par CANADA. Steubenville Br.

Steuben'e, par Sulvent banks, .....5 dis Independent or State Stock NEW YORK. Banks, Safety par City Bank of par Com. Bank of bank of .2 dis City Bank of par dis Dayton Bank of Dayton par Com. bank dis City Bank of Cincinnati Clinton county ...2 dis ('om'l Bank do Bank of ....2 dis Bk of Geauga, Painesville, par Oswego ......2 dis Western Reserve, 41 arren.par PENNSYLVANIA. Local Bunks.

Erie dis Bank of par Bank of dis Bank of Circleville. par nrBank of Clinton Bk. of Columbus, par Bank Bank of of Gettysburg ....2 dis Lafayette Bk. Carlisle bank. die Ohio Life and Trust Bank of par F.

Harrisburg D. bk bank Bank of Norwalk. bank dis Bank of Lebanon bank. dis ....2 dis Banks of which the Miners' be dis hare erpired or become for br'hbk Williamsp't. difeite l.

1Wym'gbk dis Bunk of York bank, dis ttCom, Bk of Lake par' Erie Relief Notes, ......3 alis Franklin Bk. Columbus, par' Pittsburgi 3 dis Bank of KENTUCKY. Bk. of Cincinuati, par Allsolvent banks ...9 dis Franklin Bk. do NEW JERSEY.

Dayton Bank par Allsolvent banks par VIRGINIA. of Geauga Bank of ......1 dis F. M. Bk. Steubenville, puriF.

Bk Richm'd brunch I dis Columbiana Bank par N.W.bk. Wheel'g Bank of Xenia, par Valley I Belmont Va.bk. Richar'd brauchldis Mount P'lenant Mer. M. bk.

Wheeling. par Marietta, NEW ENGLAND. Zunes, par All solvent bank par INDIANA. Com. Bk.

of 3 dis Indinna State dis Lancaster, 10 State dis Farmers' Rk. 25 dis; ILLINOIS. Bank of Sinte bk brunches. .374 dis 13 dis dis .50 dis EXCHANGE. Miami Exp.

Sperie, (selling rates.) 1 prem Bank of Exchange on 14 prem Bank of Buffalo, prem West 44 P'itaburg prem Bank of 'leveland, redeemed br Zulmon l'itch. Bank of Erie. redeemed by J. S. Inke Co new Banks of the same name have no connection with these Banks.

Banks are re-organized under the law of lust win ter- as a branch of the state bank Geauga and West ern Reserve us state stock bauks. NEW MOTEL. MURRAY-STREET HOUSE, 5 7, Murray street, NEW YORK. BY S. BUTTS, (Formerly of the American House, Cleveland.) New York, April 28.


THE large located, and is now commodious put in Public excellent House, order, and very pleas CApable of accommodating large number of guests. The Observatory upon the top of it commands a splendid view the Bay of Milwaukie and the Lake, as well as the circumjacent country. The truveling public are invited to call. A. ROSSETTER, CHARLES SKINNER.

Adwankie, April 90, 1846. mv2 CHATTEL 111 a new Blank SANFORD'S. just print MESS PORK- for sale by S. S. COM p30 Yellow Warehouse.

3d from Pier, on Dock. -3000 gallons this day received by 0130 I'. LELAND. bbla. Lime this day rec'd and for sale at the lowest market price.

p30 A. P. LELAND. BARTON Rochester I. Augers MOORE of all ('0.

size, The Theory of Horticulture, or HI1 attempt to explain principal operations of Gardening upon physiological principles -edited by A. J. Downing--for sale by M. C. YOUNGIOVE.

for Undies- companion the Flower Garden -edited by A.J. Downing -for sale by a M. C. YOUNGLOVE. CAUTION hand given by persons the are hereby undersigned forbid to C'harles purchasing S.

Gardner or bearer, for aud dated sometime in Februalast, as the same has been fraudulently obtained. Ohio City, April 29, 1846. WILLIAM BATTEY. M. DE received this morning, at Light colored Spring patterns, No.

41. Superior-st. May Magazines. A RTHUR'S Graham's Magazine. GODET'S UNITED! Ladies' National do.

-just received. 8127 M. C. YOUNGLOVE. the romances for the and million, 'The just Belle of published.

the Bowery. 2 new ap27 M. C. YOUNGLOVE. STEEL DENZER TRIMMINGS STACEY'S at Curiosity store.

Canadian Straw Hats. ECEIVED this morning direct from Detroit, 23 dozen Canadian STR.AM MATS, some very fine ones for bors. Pall and see. 01:20 F. S.

PADDOCK CO. Iron and Nails, and Sheet Iron. MANUFACTURER OF IRON NAILS, Brownsville, Pa. -is now receiving an HA sortment of Iron and Nails, (warranted as good na the best and as cheap as the cheapest.) at his warehouse in 'T. Richmond Forwarding Merwin street, opposite the Merchants' Ilotel.

E. DAGGETT. Agent, Cleveland, Ohio. for Bins the thing. J.

H. KELLEY, A p23 78 Superior-st. Pittsburgh Glass Ware. THE Wore. subscribers and are will now sell by receiving the package their at Spring factors supply prices.

0125 HUNTINGTON BROOKS. Giobe Lanterns enle by the dozen or at retail, very cheap, by HUNTINGTON BROOKS. -A few dozen Bell Glasses this deceived at the sign of the Pitcher. aj25 HUNTINGTON BROOKS. Tumblers, Wines Goblets and Champagnes.

for sale cheap at 5 Superior ap25 HUNTINGTON BROOKS. ASS fine; few also. ps. Grues sinte Cloths, colored Grass Liens, cloth G' traveling dresses, nnd Marsailles Skirts, by the cord. apt J.

11. KFLLEY. Empire Buildings. very low price by the piece or yard. Also, 10) cares tine TRISO LINENS- I00 super Irish Linens, at 34.

7 H. 4-4 Bleached Sheetings of a superior quality, the piece. Also, always ahead, Brown Sheetings at the lowest market price. a H. KELLEY, 78.

SILA WAS--a splendid article of white just received W. by S. RECKWITH ('0. 10-4, 4. new styles, nt 78.

J. I. KELLEY. Kr Don't forget the IF IS. ap24 Thursday afternoon.

the 53d on man-street, A BROCHA SHAWL. The finder of be warded by leaving the same at the Bookstore HAYWARD. ap24 SANFORD OCOTT on the New Testament, with Explanatory for Notes practical observations, and marginal references, HAYWARD. by SANFORD GALL, Or Celtic Manners, as preser ed among the flighlanders, at np ED RI 159 of N. O.

Molasses, 100) do huger, 50 'Tierces of Rice, 30 Bbls of Loaf Sugar. GRANGLE. BAILEY CO. An23 NEW GOODS! UST Received at Laines, BECK Lawns, Prints, WITH'S. Muslins.

style Ginghams, De Brown and Bleached Shirtings, fine. p21 also, FRESH OYSTERS, FRESH SHAD, FRESH LOBSTERS AND EELS. this morning from New York, for sale N. wholesale, shall receive Oysters, Lobsters, reguserved up to order. the summer.

Families, and A. all the "8' COZZENS. Hoys," larly through supplied cheap. tf The Citizen's Law Book, For its cheapness, comprehensiveness, and admirable adaptation to popular use, will be found one of the most valuabla manuals extant. FIRST LESSON'S IN CIVIL GOVERNMENT, including a comprehensive view of the Government of Ohio, and an abstract the laws, showing the rights, duties, hnd responsibilities of citizens in the civil and domestic relation, with an outline of the government of the United States: by Andrew W.

Young, author of the "Science of Government." THE AUTHOR'S DESIGN, in this work, differs from the former in respect both to form and matter. "Science of Government being adapted alike to all the states, a particular description of the Govern ment of no state in that work could bo given, But now we bave a work intended only fur this state, and may be truly culled a Book of the Government of the State of Ohio.Besides a general view of the extensive machinery of our State Government, it contains, as its title indicates, an stract of the statutes of the state, from which the citizen may learn his rights, duties, and responsibilities, as member of the civil community. The work also contains ail outline of the Government of the United States. showing the nature und objects of the Un ion, the relations which the national and state governments bear to each other, the powers of the general government, und the organization of its several departments. In addition to all this, are giren at length Constitution of State Ohio--the Constitution of the U'nited States--and Washington's Farewell Address.

Just published. and for sale by the Booksellers generally, and agents throughout the state. 8p'25 M. 4. YOUNGIOVE, Publisher.

cons enient and desirable louse, No. 24 Bond street. Possession given first ofMar. Enquire of A. I'.

LELAND, 0034 88 on Dock and 156 Riser at. DRESS GOODS, at 78. 5000 DRESS Latest GOODS, Styles of all consisting kinds of LADIES Gradunted law us, Muslins, Muslin Ringhams, French Silk Balzorines, Huperior l'unts, French De Fancy duke, Mourning Repts, Worsted Goods, Fancy do br. Received thisduy and for sale by the piece. puttern, or yard, at New York Cash Prices.

J. I. KELLEY, 6121 18 Superior Empire Inuldings. TO or 30 Feather Beds and Muttrasses, with bolsters and pillows, tu be used in this city. A liberal price for their use.

will be paid. quire of BINGH.AM. p'20 corner of Superior and Winter sta. eters, of a superior manufacture, by sale, a few very tine ap20 N. E.

CRITTENDEN Spring Woolen Goods. 56 PS. Black, French blue, and and mused English Plain and l'land do Cussimeres: Fine f'rench C'loths, Kentucky Jeans. J. I.

KELLEY. Parasols and Shades. .0 than CASES ever new offered, styles, at and 50 J. per H. cent.

KELLEY'S, cheaper than apt No. 18, Empiro Buildings. ps. this dny received, nt very low prices, and first rute quality. the nicest Blenched SHEETING in the world, made to order at the English factories.

Will you look at it? J. 11. KELLEY, A 18. Empire Building. ps.

for sale at the lowest bale price. a J. H. KELLEY, 78 Empire Buildings. 2 careful NEW PIANOS For will terms.

be rented enquire for of one yeur, to mrin S. BRAINARD, 38 Superior st. A 53 Superior st. I very ap13 handsome article W. just 11.

rec'd SMITH. at No. Gun Locks, and Gun Mountings, rec'd this morning at ap20 BOOK Journal of At travels in Egypt. Petra and the Holy Land, during the years 1841-2, by Daniel Willard--at 55 Superior st. apid W.

I. SMITH. by Walter Cooper Dendy, at No. 55 Superior st. up18 W.

I. SMITH. Music MUSIC- received this la large morning I puckage by of Express, new at and np'? BRAINARD'S. MOLASSES ut the P'roduce and Barter store, No. 96 Superior-at.

R122 W. Il. VAN TYNE. Agt. Biank notices for the collector of Military tax, for the use of Assessors of any township or ward.

elegantly printed and for sale by. C. M1. YOUNGLOVE. Map the Copper Region A -Reports of the Mineral Region of Luke Superior, with correct map of the same, and a chart of Luke Messrs.

Burt, Hubbard, Houghton and Bristol -just rec'd aplo M. 4'. YOUNGLOVE. First Grand Arrival 50 Packages NEW SPRING are 11010 opening ut No. 78, Superior st.

of almost every article manufactured in COME DRY GOODS line, which were purchased under rn ther favorable circ*mstunces, considering the Oregon Fever, General Cass, Sub-'Treasury, War, Pestilence, Fumine, and will be sold at trifle less than ever before offered in Cieveland, barring Brown Sheetings. The Goods are entirely new, purchased on time, and the selection is said to be, by all competent judges, the grentest west of the Columba Riveer, and as we do business sonething upon the plan of our noble Democratic Government, If we can't get 54 40, we will do it for 49. JAS. H. KELLEY, 78.

Superior Ap22 Empire Buildings, but not Empire store. GOLD PENS- A splendid lot just rec'd RITTENDEN'S at SUMMER Self- Adjusting Stocks," an entire new article, just received at up23 Patterns- I new lot jnst rec'd at WORSTED BECKWITI'S. ANEN VA 100 d07, com prising all qualities. from 25c to also a splendid as 8 portment 123 of Silk Pocket Fidhfs, J. Il.

KELLEY. new and chenp. N. SHAWl. ROO.M is now open.

RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT and for Sale123 packages Lard, 27 do Tallow 25 do Cloverseed, 3000 lbs. Smoked Hams, 2000 lbs. do Sides and Shoulders. Also, Mess and Prime Pork, Fancy and common brands Flour, Ground Plaster, coarse and tine Salt, salt Fish. Shin gles, ap14 J.

GILLETT. Compound Syrup of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and all Pectoral disense--a fresh supply of this popular inodicino. just roccived nt CLARKE A PISK BY EX EXPRESS! WILLIANS has now commenced receiving his Spring supply of Goods. Received this ing by Express, the following: New Styles Fancy P'rints .20 ps. Ginghams, (new styles 5 pa.

Lace Muslin Ginghams: A few Embr'd Muslin Gingham Robes, (rich styles;) 20 ps. Fancy Lawns, (some very rich 10 Buff do; 10 ps. Organdas Moslin: 20 ps. Foncy French Cambric; 5-4 Prince Royal Shawls; 6-4 do. 9 4 Rich l'rinted Cushmere: 9-4 French Baraige; 10 4 Barred M.

de Laine 9 4 pinin do with a variety of other rich and seasonable Dress Goods. Also, 2 cases BONNETS, of the Intest patterns styles. To which he would respectfully invite The attention of his customers and the public. lle will be weekly receiving such which will consist of nearly every thing wanted in the Dry Goods line, and of the best qualities and styles to la found in market, nod will sell them us cheap as the cheapest. Please call and see, ap14 Lot for Sale, the corner of Water and ('entre streets, 484 feet by A 198 fort.

Enquire of ap13 R. HILLIARD. lands upon Lake new and Superior, splendid ceded to map the of MiNe and the locations made after Aug. 1814. to Nov.

1845, with Government in by a treaty withthe Chippewa Indians; a list of the persons in whose names they were made, togethEr with a list of the organized mining companies--by Mor gan Bates, of Detroit. For M. sale C. by YOUNGLOVE. EACH guand Joiners' Tools of every de mr3 11.

MOORE CO. BE of the best The Rail Road Report, CAN now be h-d for 25 between cents the per Lake cony. and It Columbus, embraces and map of the region Profile of each of the seven routes surveved. Also bodying useful and valuable tables and of estimates constructing role ative to the cost of materials and mode bridges, culverts, embankments, c. C.

YOUNGLOVE. inrli M. BATHS! BATHS! QUANTITY of Bates' Patent SHOWER BATHS. A Also, a quantity of Hicks Miner's Patent VAPOR BATHS. Also, one INDIA RUBBER SHOWER BATH, venient for those traveling for health and pleasure.

For sale in the Empire Block, by inr2d H. P. HOPKINS. PRODUCE Prime FOR and Mess SALE Pork, on Commission 100) do do Beef, 23 Lard, 79 kegs do 21 bbls. choice Roll Batter, 47 kegs Butter-for sale by mrl1 HEWITT I.YON.

AND--For sale cheap, by POWELL COOKE..

Evening Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.