King of Swords Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings (2024)

Upright KeywordsReversed Keywords
reason, authority, discipline, integrity, morality, serious, high standards, strictirrational, dictator, oppressive, inhumane, controlling, cold, ruthless, dishonest
Skip to Upright MeaningSkip to Reversed Meaning

King of Swords Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings (1)

The King of Swords tarot card showsa king who sits on his throne while holding a double-edged sword that points upwards inhis right hand. The King of Swords radiatesintellectual power, clear thinking, truth, and authority. He understands thatpower holds greatresponsibility.

The blue tunic that the king wears is a symbol of his spiritual understanding. The butterflies on the back of his throne are indicative oftransformation.

The King of Swords appearing in a readingsuggests that you should remain objective in yourcurrent situation - you mustestablish truth by sticking to the facts. The King of Swords and hisintellectual power implies that you will need to use your intellect to make your point known and attain your goals. Besides your experience and education, you should be sharp and observant,to see deeply intoproblems that come your way.

Because he rules over the suit of swords, he has a special connection to rules, laws, and diplomacy,which are systems of logical thought applied and manifest on earth.

The King of Swords meaning also shows that you need to be stern in your role while ensuring that you have clarity of mind at all times. When judging a situation, you need to consider all the possible consequences to make anappropriate judgment. You will need to leave your emotions out of the judgment so as to maintain rational thinking at all times. The King of Swords meaning suggests that you should take time to reason with others and be candid with the observations that you have made.

As far as your personal life goes, the King of Swords urges you to use your intellect and logic to maneuver the path that lies ahead. You will need to confront the issue at hand and make a sober decision. The King of Swords implies that you should be able to look at any situation and make a decision with complete impartiality. He canalso be an indicator of the high ethical standards that the King of Swords demonstrates.

Upright Love MeaningUpright Career MeaningUpright Finances Meaning
high standards for love, controlled emotionsstern but righteous mentor, challenged to do your bestbeing disciplined with finances, acting logically

Tarot Love Meaning - Upright King of Swords

The King of Swords is someone who is cool, controlled, as well as ambitious. Though they have emotions, they can be very restrained. They instead rely on their intelligence and their logic. In romance, they approach their relationships ethically and respectfully. They may not be very romantic, and are likely to express themselves very bluntly. Should this card not represent a person, the King of Swords tarot love meaning can simply indicate high standards when it comes to romantic partners, especially intellectually. You and your partner at the moment can also be challenging and pushing each other to be their very best.

Career Meaning - Upright King of Swords

The King of Swords is someone with high standards, and demonstrates them in his own work. Though they may seem a bit stern, this person acts this way to make sure you achieve your career goals. They challenge you to be your best self, while remaining true to their own principles. Should you choose to take his advice, you’ll be able to progress far in your career. Alternatively, this person may also represent you, or a point in your career path. Give yourself and others high standards, and push yourself to be the best that you can be. Having some routines and processes can also be beneficial for your work right now.

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Finances Meaning - Upright King of Swords

The King of Swords pushes you to challenge yourself and be very disciplined when it comes to your finances. Are you really doing all that you can in order to save for that nice car you wanted in the future? All good things come with sacrifice, and your financial goals are no different. Look at your finances logically; do the research before you make any big financial decisions.

The King of Swords in reversedshows tyrannical, abusive and manipulative habits. It mayindicate the misuse of one’s mental power, drive, and authority. This is an illustration of persuasion and manipulation, so as to fulfill selfish desires. The King of Swords reversal meaning may also imply that you are showing off your level of intelligence by using big words when discussing ordinary topics. Another interpretation is thatyou may also be aloose cannon, especially where there are angry outbursts and impulses.

Reversed Love MeaningReversed Career MeaningReversed Finances Meaning
selfish, abusive lover, low standards for lovedominating, power-hungry colleague, irrational work decisionsirrational financial decisions, lack of financial discipline

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Tarot Love Meaning - Reversed King of Swords

Reversed, the King of Swords can use their sharp intellect for selfishness. The wisdom and morality that guided his actions in the upright position is gone, and they can instead be frightfully selfish, and even abusive. This person also allows his emotions to run uncontrolled, flipping quickly from being cold and distant, into fits of rage. As characteristics or qualities, the reversed King of Swords tarot love meaning can signal that you may be exhibiting these qualities in your relationships. You may need to show more restraint and forgiveness to your partner, or else you may lose them. This card can also suggest low standards when it comes to potential relationships; try not to be swept away by feeling, but use some logic to evaluate whether someone is a good partner for you.

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Career Meaning - Reversed King of Swords

Your workplace may not be a very pleasant place to be right now. The reversed King of Swords signals a person at your job who is dominating, aggressive, and power-hungry. They may be in a place of power, and they can use that power for all the wrong reasons. If this doesn’t represent a person in your workplace, you may have to take a closer look at your own behavior. You may find that it is easier to lose your cool, and fail to act with as much integrity or logic as you usually do. At this time, you may also be suffering from lack of self-discipline; not just losing your cool, but your motivation and energy.

Finances Meaning - Reversed King of Swords

You may not have been very disciplined with your finances lately, and have overspent, purchased many useless things, or have invested in things that are not producing returns for you. This may make you a bit desperate, but make sure you’re not tempted to recoup your losses through lazy or scheming methods.

King of Swords Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings (2)

King of Swords Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings (2024)


King of Swords Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings? ›

The King of Swords embodies intellectual power and authority. He represents the ability to think critically, reason logically, and make sound decisions. In an upright position, this card signifies that you are in your power, ruling from a place of authority and respect.

What does the King of Swords tarot card mean? ›

The King of Swords is a symbol of intellectual power and authority and has the courage and intellect to achieve all that he desires. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are in your power, ruling from a place of authority and respect. You stand firm in your truth and express yourself with deep conviction.

What does the King of Swords mean for advice? ›

In terms of advice, the King of Swords encourages you to be very, very rational. To put aside tour feelings and ask yourself what is fair, what is objectively right. Let that be your guide.

What does the King of Swords future mean? ›

In the future position, this card can represent a spouse or partner delivering an ultimatum in regards to some negative behavior of yours. If the King of Swords represents you when it is in this position, you are becoming a person to whom many people turn for advice or guidance.

What is the theme of the King of Swords? ›

Because he rules over the suit of swords, he has a special connection to rules, laws, and diplomacy, which are systems of logical thought applied and manifest on earth. The King of Swords meaning also shows that you need to be stern in your role while ensuring that you have clarity of mind at all times.

What does the king sword symbolize? ›

The Sword is a Symbol of Authority. Sword is used to represent the line of kingly power. Power to rule all the people is bestowed on the bearer of some special sword . An instrument used by a king or queen to confer Knighthood.

What do swords symbolize in Tarot? ›

The swords symbolize the intellect, and the heart, the emotions which always suffer under this treatment. The Four of Swords symbolizes avoidance. Setting problems to the side, (the swords on the wall), while one prays for deliverance. This card can also represent surrender, or in some cases, pacifism.

What does the king sword in hand suggest? ›

“The king, sword in hand” suggests power.

How do you deal with the King of Swords? ›

This week: King of Swords

Put your emotions to the side. Logic is needed. Lead with your truth and integrity. Take command of the situation.

Is King of Swords yes or no? ›

The King of Swords represents intellectual power, authority, and truth in the Tarot. As a figure of judgement and intellect, this card in a 'yes or no' reading often signifies a clear and decisive answer, usually pointing towards a 'yes,' especially if it relates to matters requiring logic, strategy, or communication.

What is the impression of the King of Swords? ›

Upon first impression, the King of Swords tarot card appears cold, stern, aloof, and a bit uncaring. He commands unwavering respect as a major authority figure thanks to his intellectual prowess and resolute integrity.

Who represents the King of Swords? ›

The King of Swords can stand in for the judiciary, the military, the police, and law enforcement. The King of Swords is a mature male who is calm, disciplined, smart, honest, and powerful. He thinks clearly, logically, and rationally. He might be an air sign like Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius.

Do they like me, King of Swords? ›

When the King of Swords is the card given to represent one person's feelings for another it is indicating that there is a lack of emotional closeness. It can also be inferring that the querent lacks sensitivity, emotional warmth, and empathy.

What is the king of swords advice? ›

The King of Swords is a paragon of ethics and morals. He upholds principles of honesty, integrity, and fairness. When this card appears upright, it reminds you to stay true to your values and act with integrity in all areas of your life.

What does the King of swords tarot card mean Wikipedia? ›

Divination usage

The King of Swords card from the Minor Arcana is often used to depict a mature man with sound intellectual understanding and reasoning. This card depicts a man who is strong-hearted, decisive, and intellectually oriented.

What quality is King of Swords? ›

This card signifies logic and reason, integrity, ethics and morals. The King of Swords can represent legal matters, law enforcement, military, police and judges. As a person, the King of Swords is a mature male who is cool, self-disciplined, intelligent, honest and strong. He is rational, logical and a deep thinker.

Is the King of Swords a yes or no card? ›

The King of Swords represents intellectual power, authority, and truth in the Tarot. As a figure of judgement and intellect, this card in a 'yes or no' reading often signifies a clear and decisive answer, usually pointing towards a 'yes,' especially if it relates to matters requiring logic, strategy, or communication.

What does the knight of swords mean in tarot cards? ›

The Knight of Swords is an embodiment of action and determination. He represents the drive to achieve goals and overcome obstacles. This card often appears when there is a need to take bold and decisive action. It signifies a time of accelerated change and the need to embrace challenges with courage and confidence.

What does the king tarot mean? ›

Kings show mastery, ability, and authority in the field represented by the suit. They represent experience, power, authority, status. Secure but rigid, limited by the rules they have established.

What is the first impression of the King of Swords? ›

Upon first impression, the King of Swords tarot card appears cold, stern, aloof, and a bit uncaring.


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