Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

1 Marketplace Aprin istp U.S. shoe industry wearing thin Danforth: Imports-made last year's decline worst in history; New York Stock Exchange Tuesday's final prices KnigMR .74 Koppers .10 Kroger 3 14 324 19 133 13 1384 NEW YORK (UPI) Following ore selected notion' wide composite prices for stocks listed on the New York Slock EKChonee. Wednesdoy, April 17, 1915 United Press International WASHINGTON The financially beleaguered domestic footwear industry is in even worse shape because of im- LeorSig Lee Ent Lehm 339 VS II' P43 b4714 Vi 31 Vt 14 VI 44 9 78' 48 33 30' I0VI4 Vt IB' 14 ports and last year suffered the largest one-year decline in its history, Sen. John Danforth, 1 80 .92 1.13b I 32 3.20 2 .450 si 1.90 1.16 .41 OTC quotes Stocks not trading bv press time LllvTulIp 14 16 are not listed. Maverick Restaurants 2'i 5t American Monitor 6 Mercantile Bancorp 3H 3' Amer.

Nat'l Ins. 33V 33 Paul Mueller 51 Vj 72 Arocco Pet 732 932 Oxoco 7V J1 Boatmen's Bank W7 34 Rival Manufacturing M's 15 Butler Mfg. 26 26 Roadway Services 25' 25 Centerre- 32 33 Service Merchandise 13 13vi Commerce Bancshrs 49Vi SO Seven Oaks Int'l 14 15 Cons. Products 4'i 5 Shoney's 28 WVi Coors 15 16'- Survival Tech. 11 11 Duckwall 14 15V Texon I 1 Equity Oil I'M Tyson 17 18V Farm Home 2S 26 United Mo.

Bancshrs 32 32 Farmers Group 57 57' United Savings 15 17 Germania 14 14Vi Valid Logic Systems 14Vi 14 VICorp Rest 25're 25V. I 9 37 19 53 24 7 104, 11 264 10 494 9 580 13 938 9 196 30 686 .110 10 45 13 4 It 45 21 30 4 3 108 1 39 11 517 274 Vt 12 199 7Vt 34'A9 53' said Tuesday. Danforth was one of several witnesses appearing before the International Trade Commission, which agreed to reconsider the shoe industry's petition for relief from footwear imports. "Last (June) the ITC handed down a 'no injury' determination on footwear that astounded every lawmaker and participant 3'9 413 Soles Net (hdst Lost Cng. AbbotlL I 15 339 x5ls9 AetnoLI IM 25 140 p40 VS AirProd (.70 II IM 48 94 AlconAI i.jo II 312 24! Alllnll 140 14 121 J7 Alls Pw 270 4 34 3IH li AlldCp l.tO I 1569 42V AlliedSI 212 47 it', vt Allis Cholm 4 44 vs Alcoo 1.20 10 491 u33'4.

A MAX .20 103 Vt Amrd 1.10 II 352 30H v. AMR 10 28M 42'- 'A ABrond 390 9 108 6J4 AmBdc 1 40 It 395 '4 Am Con 2 90 11 44 51' A Cvon 1.90 13 274 52 AEPw 2.340 I 214 21 A Home 2 90 14 192 p0 It Am Hot 1.12 10 461 31! AMI .72 12 807 244- 1 Amrtch 4 60 I ISO p4l Va Am Motors 294 yvi AN Res art 12 44'4 14 A Storm 1 40 584 21 A Stores .64 266 53 4 1.30 17 5410 20' Amelek 90 14 220 J6V1 AMF 44 16 20 (k Armco 404 g7'4 Asorco IM 25(4 Vt AsrilnOI 1.60 22 29(4 AllRlchlld 3 11 545 49 V. Atlo 117 1J LOF LillyEII Litton Lockhd Loews LoneStr LO POC LTV LuckvS Lukens McMlln Modlsn MonNatl QMonvH MorMid MrtinM MOssey MovDS Moytg McDnO McGrwEd McGrHI McKess Meod MerckC MerrLyn MidSOU MinMM MinnPL Mobil Mohosco Monson MrgnJ MorrKd Motrola 1982 and 1983, but 1984 saw a further 13 percent decline "the largest one-year decline in the industry's "To the extent that the ITC considered plant closings'in its 1984 decision, I note that 1984 saw some 94 additional plants or 12 percent of the industry's 1983 production closelheir doors," he said. He said shoewear imports have jumped from "an appalling 63.3 percent in 1983" to over 71 percent last year. Sen.

Dale Bumpers, said "the import penetration is, to my knowledge, the highest of any.U.S. manufacturing industry." He said he also was alarmed at the rate of growth'of non-rubber shoe imports from 366 million pairs in 1980 to 726 miHion pairs last year. He said in Arkansas alone, where th shoe industry employs about 5,600 people, eight plants have closed since 1980 three just last year and 2,600 jobs have been lost since 1976. "Counting indirect employment effects, we have lost nearly 4,500 jobs in the past eight years," Bumpers At least five Missouri shoe plants closed last year. Danforth noted that Congress, displeased over last year's ITC footwear decision, amended the law to For example, the amendments now instruct the ITC to consider plant closings and underutilization of capacity in de-terming whether there is a significant idling of facilities and cautions the commission against seeing profits derived imports as a sign of health in the domestic industryl The ITC is expected to issue its decision in May.

3 04 .92 324 1.600 1 Si 1.76d 1,3 1 10 95 R48'9 Vt 10 34 U4S9 VI 10 62 77 VI 16 141 k64 16 287 P46'9 VI 13 It 441 VI 4 126 U40 15 117 P103 Vt 51 I36S 309 5 717 gl4 4 Vt 22 1039 71 20 33' Vt 10 124 U29 11 70 p289 I 754 449 St Borden borflWrn Bosl Ed Brlegs Bris My BrIIPt BrnGro Brunswick Bucvrus Burllnd Burl Burrgh 70'A 20S 38Vi 28U 'It 56H 'A P2S'4 Vi 26' Vj 36 P14S 35 51VS- 1 60149' SSS Res .13 140 1 SO Frg 1 88 2.40a 1.14 2 1 40 340 1.20 320 .80 1.78 3.50 2 76 220 .40 230 S3 30 1.41 .44 1.40 3.68 3.30 2 .25 188 2.76 Awl .40 17 32 Aynel .50 14 154 3)H Bokerlnt .92 It 134 17'V Bnkom 1.52 11 2067 pl94tt Bousch .71 14 371 u2t6 Balr Tr .37 66 401 uis Beotrce 180 9 327 29' Bell All 6.80 9 178 55 BellHowl .56 10 II 29 tk Bellstn 2 80 9 530 p37H BUnlStt .40 1271 I7V4 BevlvEn .32 II 57 32 .64 11 165 21- Vi Boeing 1.40 I 342 941H9 Vl BoiseCo 1.90 11 1413 4JH9 Ik It 360 34 120 13 711 I 23 35 267 19 JO 7 245 II 561 1 321 61 Vi 11 19900 48'9 401- VI 344 44'i. 10 29 13 419 10 55 13 393 with the law," Danforth said. Sen. John Danforth "Many of us involved in the writing and oversight of our trade statutes felt that the decision was clearly at variance with what Congress had in mind when we wrote the law." However, Danforth said there should be no question this time on the relief sought by the Footwear Industries of America, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union; and the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. He said that not only did production decrease between 58'49 'A u3l'A.

VI 41 25 -1 27'9 28'9 Come CdnPoc CoroPL ColrplTr CBS Celones Cenlel CenlSW CerlnTd Cessna Champ I ChmpSP ChoseM CnmNY Chevrn ChrlsCrft Chrysler On Gas Circle Citicorp cny CleveEl .44 1 64 1 40 3 60 350 140 3.60 .50 3 440 231 2.02 .70 .40 .40 .40 3 SO 241 2.40 21 1 314 .74 2.26 Invest 2 52 1 30 .409 2.9 1.21 3.H It 219 4S 17 1848 I 655 23 7 44 4 371 531 9 411 I 29 12 417 14 14 I 437 Vt plt lt Vt 119 45H 44 26' Vt 3.60 3 .20 3.40 324 1 20 1.80 6 40 3 7 64 1546 15 25(7 9 464 9 43 7 294 11 16 31 330 356 13 122 6 350 4 381 1 1130 67 64 3 796 6 231 14 62 71421 6 591 II 292 11 100 15 277 39 185 7 982 11 264 7 239 384 MrphCo Noblsco NolDnl NtlGypsm Nil NCR Nev Pw NEngEI Niogra Mo NL NorllkS No5IPw Northrp Norwtt Nvnex OccdPt Ogden Ed OkloGslE OMn Oneofc I Or Rckl OulbrM OwnCF Owenill U43V- 2714 U33 4 II 144 '4 92v 40M 23 23' 17! 14 P2tt p''i Vt vs 40V. )i tl 46 37H 15 Vi 32v U4S9 Vj 38 20 3S 47'-, 6914 U2414 38H-I 3214 P30 3214 33 vi 30VI9 I .10 327 39' IS 11700 30 Vt 6 633 14 vt 2.50 1 80 1.81 2 I 50 354 2.04 9 127 P23 Vt 1 IS 319 I- 24 30 74 25 9 41 43 36 9 vt Two cars overextencling you? Get a Prudential Double Discount. Don't be stretched by the high cost of auto Now Prudential will give you a discount for owning two or more cars. And a second discount if you select certain coverages, and have a safe driving record. So call your local Prudential agent for a Pru-Review to re- Clorox Coastal CocaCol Colvote Col Gos 1 Comb Xomwl Ed 10 I 1:14 71 U3I Vt 10 955 45' 14 P- 588 11 Comsat 1.20 ConsEd 1.40 Cons Frg 1 ConNIG 232 Cons Power 35 37 9 239 -72 viCTryrMreover money 26s U35H- I 75 42 t4 43 'A Vi 24s si, 78 .34 3.30 I 1.04 ConlrolD CornGI Cox Com CPCInll CrownZell CSX 35 503 17 92 26 142 II 130 17 1278 1 495 With a Prudential Double Discount, two I cacs won't spreadyou too thin.

rorp uinn'l rnroiH L. i thi Dana Darl Kr Data 1.38 4.24 Genral 1 567 u21 4 Vi 10 101 90 13 355 46 'A ts Consumer spending falls 0.5 during last month The Associated Press Consumer spending, a key factor in the economy's expansion, fell 0.5 percent in March, the steepest monthly decline in more than a year, the Commerce said today. The figure waspart of a report in which the government said Americans' personal income rose 0.5 percent last month after rising 0.4 percent the previous month. The -savings jatelelOajercent of disposable income in March, the lowest level since the 3.7 pe7cenrof JimriSSr- In a separate report today, the government said the nation's industrial operating rate held steady in March following a decline the month before. The Federal Reserve Board said the nation's factories, mines and utilities operated at 80.8 percent of capacity in March, the same rate as in February.

The operating rate had fallen 0.4 percentage point in February from a January rate of 81.2 percent. The 80.8 percent operating rate is 0.1 percentage point lower than it was a year ago and almost 2 percentage points below the highpoint in this recovery of 82.7 percent reached last July. The decline in consumer spending, the biggest since a 0,9 percent fall in February 1984, was not a surprise. Last week, the government reported a sharp 1.9 percent drop in retail sales, the biggest slide in more than seven years. Meanwhile, a small gain in industrial production in March is being viewed by some analysts as a sign that economic growth will be well below the 1984 pace.

The Federal Reserve Board said Tuesday that production at the nation's factories, mines and utilities was up only 0.3 percent in March following a decline of 0.2 per-; cent in February. A separate report from the Commerce Department that housing construction soared 16.2 percent in March the biggest gain in almost two years failed to dispel their gloom. Dayco .34 9 2.11'... DavlonH .74 14 545 38' 14 DoylonPL 2 I 95 16 1 29 233 289 DtltoAIr .80 7 373 43 Oenlsn 1.30 10 161 33V- DetEdls 1.61 I 295 ul6 DioShm 1.76 II 1259 20'- Vt Oiebold si 13 33 529 Digital EopI 13 1506 1099 1w Disney 1.30 33 87 u80 DomeMn .12 .104 9 OomnP 2.72 9 651 30 Dow Ch 1,80 10 759 29' Dowjnes .78 30 310 41 Vj OrovoCp .50 ..43 11 Dresser .80 16 141 20 Duke 2.41 8 1596 u33 Vt DuPont 3 10 1254700 54 DuqnLt 3.0 7 334 15- Eosco .44 Eastern Air Springfield 1342 South Glenstone Avenue (417)881-2594 EsKod i fin inc riuuciiiidi v. Auto Insurance Subiecl 10 qualilicalions.

local availability and coverage requiremers 1985 Prudential Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Holmdel. 334 19 4 7335100 p7'- 13 864 tt'l Hi 7 390 SIVi 14 72 u72 9 i 19 299 28 Vi 12 1393 UI9 9 11 34 12331 52 4 i 2 17 5 14 94 ..611 Pl5 11 27 27- 13 1535 H9' 14 7' 14 II 36 38 25 Vt ..401 19 I II P63 4 3 1311 U44'4 13 373 23 VS 4 74 924 BASS PRO SHOPS' 3.20a 1.30 3.60 1.60 1.60 3.40 80 .81 .16 1.30 80 Po 88 3.16 .40 330 3.40a Si .81 .60 .050 141 I.SOg 3.30 3 50 .50 3.34 1 350 Ulll .10 1 16 360 .34 1.54 I 40 380 A8.P 1.18b 18 'FF Pocllcp 2.32 1 130 284 Vt Poc GE 1.72 7 451 Itvtt Vt Poc Ltg 3.32 12 33 4 3 9 'A Teles 5.73 1 2131 70 9 PonAmCp 734 5 Ponhdl 2,30 10 08Ti3T TTT Penney 2.36 1 526 46' Vt PennPL 2.56 1 984 25 Penniol 2.20 13 523 49 PplEgy 1.20 1 151 17'. vt PepsiCo 1 68 24 462 57 VI Pliier 1.48 14 3496 44' Vl Phelps D9e 107 20'A PhilaEI 2.20 523 15'9 Vi PhilipM 4 13 534 91 Phllpsln .41 12 29 224 PhilPel 3 17726 4 Pillsbry 1.56 It 339 47V.9 VI PitnevB 1.20 32 51 Vt Poloroid I 37 886 30 4 Polltch 1,56 12 34'4 PPG 1.60 1 240 36- ProclGI 2.60 12 331 53 9 Vi PubSrvCol 2 1 261 219 3.72 7 189 28 PulteHm .12 74 674 xl6'A9 0 0 OuokrO 1.24 13 1930 43'9 Oueslor 1.60 9 I 32 Ralston 1 14 184 x39 Rovttin 1.60 11 598 45v RCA 1 04 13 5867 U42' Revlon .1.14 13 100 36 V. Revnlds 3.40 12 560 82'-l ReynldsM I 6 692 34'-v Robsh 1.12 7 1 30' RchGos 2.30 45 C3I Vt Rockwll 1 10 1171 36'9 RohmHos 2 9 10 57'.

Rohr 9 10 50 4 Vt Roper .64 10 1 16 RoylO 2.17d 4 369 599 Vi Satwoy 1.60 19 133 Vt SnFeSoPC 1 10 410 26' V. SaraLe 1.44 11 :4600 37 SconoH 2.16 64 25V. Scherng 1.68 12 430 43'. Schlmb 1.30 9 3368 31'49 SCM 2 13 375 44 9 ScollPa 1.13 4 301 u37 'A Seagram 80 10 371 4I'9 Sears 1.74 8 469 33' 9 VI Shoklee .73 37 167 13- Shell Oil 3 10 21 39 9 SitrroP 1.60 I 45 15' Signal I 13 180 034' Singer .10 14 53 35 SmklnB 3 80 10 14S7 619 Sony 13 1066 16 9 V. SCalE 3.04 I 737 75'9 VI SoulhCo 1.93 7 1968 30'A Swsln Btll 6 1 339 76 9 SowsPS 1 18 4 36 33' Sperrv 1.93 10 564 49- SauorO 1 84 10 363 37'.

SquibO 1.60 IS 353 56 9 StdOInd 3 30 487 6119 SiO'lOh 3.80 1 391 X47 Vt SltrlDg 1.16 13 713 30 9 Vt StewWn 168 It 11 38 Sun Co 3.30 11 331 509 Vt -Sunshine 55 17- 1 Vt Svntex 1.92 14 108 57V, V. Sysco .40 14 688 35 9 VI Tandy -14 117 34 vt Teledvne II 134 342 I Tennco 2.92 II 760 43 Texaco 3 34 6175 37 9 TxCBsh 1.54 7 531 34- TxEst 2.20 1 407 Texas Inst 2 "1 249 110 9 Vt TexPocL .40 20 1 31' TexUtll 2.52 12 135 P39 A- Vt Textron 1.80 14 57 44 Vt Thrifty .40 13 140 309 Tlmken 1.80 19 4 50 Trnsom 1.64 13 86 29 TronsW .40 II 455 u33'A TrICnl 2.980 23 24 Trinity .50 33 14 Vt TRW 3 10 134 73 Vt UAL 7 110 44- VI UnCorb 3.40 1 510 p38' VI Cm Eltc 1.73 7 393 18V UnPoc 1.80 13 305 47 Unlroyol .11 22 480 7 20'A Utd Brandt 18 24 14 5 Sleel I 10 371 U77 US Tob 1.73 22 402 38 USWest I 387 74'. UlTch 1.40 1 1109 38'- UldTele 1.92 10 392 22 VI Unocal .1 20 12 11617 4-l'4 -Uoiohn 3.54 14 411 121i USG 47 33599 VI Vorion .34 II 154 31 VtnOo Co 5 4 Wolgren .81 17 194 51' Vt Worner Cm 231 711 37 Vt WornLO 1 41 14 262 Wo Wlr 2 44 I 50 21 Westrn AlrL 393 P6 Wsln Union .205 4 Vt WesltiEl 1 10 135 30 Wslvoc 1 32 I IS 39 Weyrhs 1 30 19 3065 29'A Wheeling It ,.71 7 1 Whirlpool 3 9 31 44V1. While 1.50 I 74 271 tvnllker .40 10 40 23'- Vt Will Co 1.40 7 1370 30 WlnnDx 1.61 13 31 14'- VI Woolwrlh 2 10 64 42 XYZ Xerox 1 14 435 44 9 Zenith Elec 1 776 Zurnlnd 1.33 II 34 u79 WILDLI Eaton EmrsEI Eosrcll Elhyl ExCelO Exxon Folrchdl Foroh FedNIMt Ferro Flrstone First Fleming Flo Prg FluorCp FMC FordM FPL Fruehof GAF Gonnet Gencp GenlEI Gnl Fds GnHost Gen Inst GnMllls GnMot GenPvb Go Poc Gerber Gillelle GloMIM GOrlch Goodvr GroceW Great GrlNN GWstFnl Grvhnd Grumman GTE GullSIU GulllWs Holbrtn HomP HarrsCo HecloMn Helm Hercuie Hershy Hewitt HillonH Hoi Inns Homestk Hnywll Housiln 13 163 20 134 153 549 12 1072 11 103 5 9 18 331 15 64 5 1947 94 10 933 12 7 12 334 244 14 55 9 151 10 40 13 165 9 380 10 745 10 393 7 124 1 1170 7 347 11 1199 11 363 I 13 13 121 41 93 13 144 10 360 12 352 14 2999 15 176 14 32 Unemployment stays above 10 in 9 states WASHINGTON Nine states were experiencing dou- ble-digit unemployment in February, the Labor Depart-' ment reported today, while jobless rates were below the levels of a year earlier in 35 states and the District of Columbia. The state with the highest unemployment rate was West Virginia, at 15.4 percent, said the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For the 12 months through the end of February, 21 states and the District of Columbia reported declines in joblessness that equaled or exceeded the national drop of 0.6 of a percentage point. The largest decline was in Michigan, where the unemployment rate fell 2.4 percentage points over 12 months through February to 10.2 percent, an the auto industry continued its recovery. Large declines also occurred in Massachusetts, where the rate dropped 1.9 percentage points to 4.4 percent, the lowest state rate in the nation. West Virginia's rate fell 1.8 percentage points and Pennsylvania's fell 1.7 percentage points to 9.3 percent. Eleven states, including Massachusetts, had rates below 1 6 Wyoming was the only state reporting fewer jobs than a year earlier, a 3.2 percent drop to 242,500.

1.20 1 308 I 64 DERMY 329 57'A- 47- 59V P62 P13'1 PIS Vt 56'- Vt 739 Vt 12 329 39- Vt' 4 x30- 36' 4I'A- VI 17 37VI9 26'4-IVl 34- VI 35 Vt 41' Vt 15 344 tt 399 36' Vt 179 Vt 47' 33 40' Vt 34- 679 51 36' Vt 51 '4- 34 33'- Vt 43 15' u259 Vt 8 I4' 4 45- Vt 021 I2t'9 Vt U9'4 9 Vt 50- Vt 034- U4S 9 I7Vs VI .90 ilo" 81.34 .88 .20 I 60 10 1.40 .22 IN I .30 1 90 3 64 CAPTURE THE EXCITEMENT 374 942 IM 44 I -I I II 3 35 iriSTii 1 30 3.28 Bosic 2.64 Am .20 .14 360 50 IC IdohoP Ideal III Pwr ImprCp Inco Lid InexcoOl tng Pod IhlanOSII IBM MASTERS. OF CREATIVE TAXIDERMY 9 I 255 80 40 351 159 17 31 78 12 2759 540 34 419 17 1052 9 360 4) 37 4.40 Dollar In! Horvest InlPopr 240 ITT 1 Inlrnm 3 41 tu inn 1.20 JellPIt 133 Johsn 1.30 Joslens .80 JovMlg 140 Recommended By Many Of The Leading Bass Fishermen In The U.S.A. down 'Hum Tuesdays close ot 249.70. The dollar has fallen more than 12 yen since mid-March. In later European troding, the donor wasauoled at HI 60 yen.

The dollar eosed ooainst the British pound which cost .281 7 In early trading, more expensive thon $1 .2752 lole Tuesdoy. Gold opened In London ot $330.20 bid an ounce, up from S326.25 lole Tuesday, but dropped taler In busy trading. London's five maior bullion houses set the midmorning price at S327. P3t9 419 33' 24 I4V19 Vt 48' 19 349 4 77l 30 34 VI 539 VI I7 339 10 303 15 3414 13 93 13 75 160 10 13300 284 I 41 14 94 17 10 35 303 9 80 10 314 II 285 9 1444 LONDON Th dollar showed mixed performonc oooinM motor currencies in tarty Euro pecn I rod tog todav. Gold prlcet opened firmer, but then slipped back.

Dealers said the dollar's Per-, lormance reflected mixed economic dolo released recently. "Housing starts were 10 percent higher Ihort expected vettefdoy but that wai bolonced bv industrial production which tell below ex pec lot ions." commented one FranMurt dealer. "So the market it stilt look I no lor more definitive indications ot what the U.S. economy is doing." In Tokyo, where trading ends before it begins in Europe, the dollar fell to close ot 740,50 yen, its lowest rale since Dec. 25, ond KoiserAI KC Southn Kon GE KonPLI Kelloeo Kennmll kerrMc Kidde KlmClk KLM Kmorl iitjjifami.v.-' American Stock Exchange INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL Livestock SPRINOFIELO REGIONAL STOCKYARDS HOGS Receipts estlmoted 40.

Not enough early sales to establish a trend or price. CATTLE AND CALVES Receipts estlmoted 3,100 with 3,000 In the feeder ouctlon ond 100 In the mint ouctlon. Mini auction begins at noon. Grains Produce AMY BASS, ANY SIZE REG. 2PM .69.88 DON'T LET TH5 PRICE FOOL YOU THE FINEST TAXIDERMY SERVICE IN THE U.S.A.

ALL WORK CARRIES A 100 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE COMPLETE TAXIDERMY WORK SPECIALIZING IN NORTH AMERICAN, AFRICAN, AND ASIAN GAME CHICAGO Groin ond ov-I bean Murtt wer mostly lower ot mldmornlng Wvdntsdov on fho Chicago Boord of Trodt. Tht m. cuellon wot ovbon oil which waft tliohtly highor on commor- clol buying. Corn wot unchanged lo oil 1 cents, soybeans oil I' to 3 ond wheat oil I Va lo eVj cents. The mldmornlng prices Includ-' ed: Corn May 13 unchanged; July 2 oil Seot.

oil 1. Soybeans Way olf l1; July 6 00V4 olf Aug. 0 OJVj olf 3U; Sept. t.OO olf ivy Wheat May J.S7'A off Vi; July 1.JIV4 off I'At Scot. 3.10 olf 2.

NEW YORK (UPI) GultCdo .52 201 14 VI Following ore notionwioe com. Health Chm 14 3 7 poslte Prices tor selected HornHrd 511 15 14 10V locks lined on the American HouOiT 310 39 vt Jtock Exchange. Husky 01 .15 54 4 Wednesday, April 17, 1985 Imp Oil 1 40 344 Soles Net Intlrum Svi 11 112 2 I lltosl Lost Chg. InlerCGs 40 15 3 9 4' Vt Acton 50 3 Inll Bknolt 77 Vt Adams Resr I 3 vt jocotn Eng 4 4 AdmRus .14 33 1 29 KeyPhar 20 It 14 b9 AdobeOII .31 13 I 18 Klrby Explr 33 3-Vt Amdahl 20 1 44 13' VI LurioL Son 4 10 11' AmMd Bide IS I1 Molrls 23 7 74 APilrol 3 20 13 3 59 MSI Do 10 15 51 9 Asomere .15 44 8 NIPIOev .10 17 392 14 Vi AllosCn Mn 34 I' Vt NVTIme .52 17 45 43 Borry RG 147 10 5' Numoc 0 7 II Bergen .33 13 3997 37 9 0 0ki9P Cop 1400 4 4 Vt Bowne 44 It 1 IJv- VI OiorkAr 70 13 Pl' Bricon 140 I 34 Poll 41 20 1510 351-Vi B'For 6 10 13 334 Vt p.rinl to 47 1 2 38 Chomp Mm 14 71 V3 Pelro Lew 13 3 ChorlMdA 44 22 Porto tvlt 54 104 Vl Cmettaln 01 1 10' Pansbrt .73 47 10 14 Comoo 30 14 7' Retorllnll A 13 p44 CmiOII Gos 4 20 Sicloe I 3 14 Conaesl Ex 51 77 4 seltrom D9l 3 I Crystal Oil ..1910 u29 VI sohlron D9V 35 7,, Cubic 39 13 II 30 9 Soeclre s09 17 174 14 Cwmson OH 3 55 4 Superior in 13 33 13 VI Dotoprd .11 I 31 14 4 Swift I 20 20 30 74 1 Oecorolof 13 3 5 Tec Ivm 14 7 14- Delmed .,413 Tel Dale 34 10 90 9't Vi D'Sicon 7S 7vi Teleflex .44 13 IJ 21 Dome Petro .1107 THeSclenc 19 7 9- Dynrtct It 157 I4V- Air 9 135 II E'sirwe 14 103 pl 9 Teiscan 50 33 1 Eyres! A 20 51 I I It TIE comm 14 201 P41 FlWyBk' 10 10 I II TotolPef ,34 53 33 17 9 Fluke John II 14 74' VI Tutx Ac 4 12 2' FordCd 4b ,1100 954-1 Ullimol4 II 431 14' 4. ForesILM A 34 17 14 Verbolon 2) Folomat I Wonol 12 70) V4 Freeuen El II I 73' WornCm wt 114 Fmniier Ar 4 1)4 WoWiPos 94 It I 111 Goloiy P'l 42 51 3' Wells Oordn CroieLr Osd Wtburne 20 It 37 104 G'Ont Yllknf 114 VI Wrlrlwd 20 I 4'4 O'tLkCh .44 It It 3'Vt Wfienl .054 14 24 4 Missouri Egg Market: Prices sharply lower on mediums ond smolls.

Demand no better thon fair but obout os expected for the week oiler Eotter. Supplies In balance although smalls occasionally In lorger supplies. Prices for week ending April 12 loroe or belter .39.. 41 1 mostly mediums 32, mostly smolls 24, mostly Central Stoles Breaking Stock III. la.

Ka. Mo. Ne. D. Wl Mostly prices unchonoed.

Buyers cautious and bidding lower for Increased olferlnos. Floor stocks odeauote for Immediate needs. Trede sentiment barely steady to weak. Prices paid to 11 0 today for baas to be delivered lo breakers, coses exchanged. (Dollars per easel Minimum overooe gross weight 12 lbs.

Nest runs I truck lotsl. 10 mostly 11 loll 40, Checks ond undergrade 7.20 9.30, mostly 1,10140. 'Metals ANIMALS, FISH FOWL WllDUFECREmONS NEW YORK Spot nonferrous melgl prices quoted todoy In New York: Aluminum 51V-S2V cents 0 pound. Cooper TOSn-74 cents pound Leod cents 0 pound, Gold 1327 35 per troy ounce, Hondv ond Mormon, Mercury WOJ.OO S1I2.00 per flask. Platinum 00 tJOS 00 Per troy ounce.

Silver fte per fine ounce, Handy ond Harmon. Zinc 47 47 cents 0 pound. 1935 SOUTH CAMPBELL; BASS PRO SHOPS NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS HOURS 7:30 PM. SAT. 7:30 PM.

SUN. 11:00 PM. i.

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)


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