The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

1 The Sweaborg Affair. iwfc th Rnsltih and Franco orees on rtflflption. Mem to has a oome to the eoocla sion that, all things considered, the operation I S.eaboof the united Dandaa landPenaad, although not all that they were first thought to oe, ar uu Important events In the progress ot wax From the of the first teleeraohlo annonnee. ment, it was oonolnded that ail the powerful 1 rortinoaEions. won aa uia town, ine arse I 1 by the Government, of England and Franoe oorrect this error, and admit that the Jam acred.

The Dress seem to be ouite hannv in beintr able to congratulate the Allies on having demolished, the city and its contents, without inoorring the cost of life and treasure max wooid do mvoivea in an assault upon ine ea defences which Drotected them: that a severe blow has been inflicted upon the enemy; that military stores to an enormous I amount have been destroyed that tne re Moroes of the enemy for carrying on the war have been materially diminished, and what is of far more vital importance tnai it nas riven practical and convincing proof of tne fact that for operations in ine nainc gun boats, carrying heavy ordnance, including mortars, are decidedly preferable to all other kinds of vessels. In a recently published article we showed whv this is so and how impracticable must ever prove all attempts to attack such fortifi cations as those which defend the shores of the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland, erected as they are on rocky islands, or shallow sound ings, rendering the approach of large vessels impossible utterly to effect, and dangerous exceedingly even to attempt But it is now proved that some of these fortifications may be very nearly approached by the gun and mortar boats, and that thus, much injury may be upon the towns which lie behind them by shelling. An officer of the fleet, who was engaged in this affair of Sweaborg, aays that the practice made by the mortar vessels and the gunboats astonished everybody by its excellence. It lasted forty five hours, and from the English mortar vessels alone 3,200 were thrown, and not less than 500 thirteen inch shells must have fallen into the place from the English and French mortar boats within the first hour. One thousand one hundred men were de stroyed in the dockyard, within the time named, though the approaches to this place were defended by one of the strongest for tresses of Europe, moon ting a thousand guns.

The (clot with which the intelligence of this affair was received in England has roused up that old sea dog, Charley Napier, who had the command last year of the Baltio fleet, and right royally does be growl. Last year," he says, the Admiralty thought proper to cast reflections on me because I did not attack Sweaborg in the latter end of last October. I felt indignant at such reflections, and re plied as a British Admiral ought to do. Tti led to an angry correspondence, and subse qaently to my being deprived of the command of the Baltio fleet I demanded inquiry on my conduct, which was refused. I appealed to the Cabinet, and received no reply, and, finally, to Hoase of Commons.

The papers were refused under the plea that it would be injurious to her Majesty's service. As Sweaborg has now been bombarded, that plea is at an end, and the time is come to tell the reeton why it was not attacked last year. And he then goes on to tell the reason why. "After the capture of he says, MSireaborg was again examined, and it was the opinion of the French Marshal, the Admirals and myself, that we had not the proper means to attack so formidable a for tress we had neither gun nor mortar boats. and the season of the year was much too advanced." And he proceed to quote from hia report to the first Lrord of Admiralty, Sir James Graham, by way of showing that the course pursued iu the recent attack on wea borg was specially recommended by him as the only way to destroy it but that it was then too late, unprovided as they were with means, for.

that year. The fleet under Napier had no mortars, and ne means were his power to accomplish the feat now effected by Dondas and Penaud. Of course, a letter of the character of this the disappointed naval veteran lays the writer as open to the easy attacks of the mortar and gunboats of the press as was Swev borg to those of the Allied fleets, and Charley" catches it in the Times, and in some of other London papers. The article in the Times is as unjust as it is truculent It denies that there was, not time last year after Jane, fiapier, if be really wanted the means alluded to to attack Sweaborg successfully, to have them at once and on the first suggestion. But we confess we cannot realize the justice this aspersion.

We believe that if Napier could haves commanded the means to carry execution the plan so lucidly demonstra by him to the Admiralty, he would have accomplished all last year, that Dondas, hav those means in his power, has achieved year. But, however this may be, the affair of Sweaborg, comparatively unimportant as an event of the war in itself considered, as it is, of interest to the looker as indicating policy which will, doubtless, hereafter adopted by the Allies in prosecuting the in the Baltio. The idea of taking great fortresses as those of Sweaborg' and CronL stadt, unapproachable as they are by ship's rocaiea as iney are upon rocky promono toriee, and marshy and sandy shallows, has possibly long since been abandoned by every rational mind and if tne demonstration made Sweaborg shall prove to be the germ of idea, which, made the most of and duly improved by the Allied powers, shall tend to conquest of a peace in Europe, that will hereafter be' thought lost time which is in considering its signification. iUver and tjirambast News. Capt Sam.

Montgomery is building new at New Albany. The frame work is already up. She has the model of the Rein bat is somewhat larger, and is to have power. The steamboat Ohio Belle, from this port, arrived at St Louis on the 11th inst The St Louis Republican, of the I2th, re the river at that point at a stand and the upper rivers falling. The Uncle Sam arrived at St Louis on the with part of her cargo from this port.

Republican says r. She came up drawing 6" feet 9 Inches water inch there wa in the channel at Tnrkm fcland. tine left about 2,000 sacks of aalt at Cairo, came up with 400 tons. The Uncle Bam will a rest until the water gets up. The Empire State, J.

D. Early and Repub were advertised to leave ot Lrouis on Wednesday last, and the Flying Cloud and Michigan on Saturday last, for this port The Aleck Scott, T. tx. lArkin, Wm Bagaley, and Crescent all large New Orleans traders, the Republican says, are up until an improvement occurs In buai Freights for New Orleans, the Republican adds, continue very scarcer and the paa wgor uauaw not mucn oetter. i I 1 Another Railroad Accidents A despatch Banausa.y,utaio, Sept.

10, says: ttorningexpreaa wala from Cincinnati. oa offtheTack trom Aentoo, owing a a Blank at a placed too near The fire? instantly allied, and tbe aTdn0 theondnctor rioualy tejureo, but aU the pvtmgpSiiZgl on In be a on on a the on and this the have day the It cane, the ana The those Uama ia past half there one train, which times aidqpjtb to tbt icapitf. IF. A. Abbot, Seporter, 70 Wall ct, Xev York.

THE cbesceut city affaiil Br tfaa Hatioaat Um. Vrw Tom. Sent. li The rteamshipCrea I tSre eases I of fayer on ,4 this was the reason of 1 1 a.a i.m nnimnuiM. wners sne JHuis I ota ar the aatboritiee, and on Sunday, two I Hav.

after the arrival of the vessel, she pro oeeaea on nor wa I ird her back, and the order I mniied with. Daring yesterday after noon, however, she again steamed np to the I cityt and afterwards left for New Orleans in 1 ooei violation of tne laws. Cant MoGowan was not on board the ves sel when the Cresoent City ran the quarantine to the city, no was nmiea, nowever, as has already been announced, and was released only on giving bail in $5,000, to appear and answer the charge. Baltimore Threatening Retaliation. iiALTiMoax, sepe.

is. uor citizens are highly exasperated at this port having been place(1 under the ban of the quarantine laws at New York, and are threatening to quaran tine vessels from New York in retaliation. Yellow Fever at Vickabara Weather. YiCKaBURd, Sept. 18.

There has been no ram of any consequence here or this neigh borhood. The yellow fever is increasing here slightly. There have been fifteen deaths from the disease during the last week. Klver InteUIcence. Vicksburg, Sept.

17. The steamer W. W. Farmer passed here last night at 8 o'clock, and the Frank Lyon this afternoon at 4, both bound for New Orleans. Vicksburg, Sept.

18. The steamer Henry 71 Telloa passed here last night at 12 o'clock, and the Jacob D. Early at 1 this morning, both bound for New Orleans. Louisville, Sept. 18.

The river here has again commenced to recede slowly with 6 feet 3, inches water in the canaL The steamer Fanny Bullitt has departed for New Orleans. There have been no arrivals from that port here to day. Cincinnati, Sept. 18. The river here is fallinfi: alowly.

Flour is in good request and prices are improving, with sales of superfine to dav at S6 50 per barrel. Provisions are firm, mess pork sellinsr at $20 per barrel. Sales of whiskey at 330. Pittsburg, Sept. 18 The river is rising at this point and there is now 8 feet water in the channel.

Panther Account of the Sterni. The Creole landed her passengers about a quar ter to 1 o'clock on Sunday morning at Bay 1st Louis. The.lanrricane was not then at its height, bat was truly terrible. The sea was perfectly Illuminated, and ran mountains high. The safety of the passengers landing may be attributed to the phosphoric blaze from the sea.

They had to slide down to the wharf (some twenty in number) on two planks. On landing oa the pier head the pas sengers were fully impressed with the dangers which surrounded them, the sea breaking over the wharf. They fell Into single file, and by keeping close op. each one to hia file leader, sometimes crawling and sometimes walking, then again lying down to prevent being washed overboard, they succeeded in reaching the head of the wharf. The last man, Mr.

John Arnold, deputy poatmaater, who had been searching for the mail bag, had scarcely touched land when the whole fabric gave way, carrying with it the warehouses full of goods, baggage, and a variety of good things for the resi dent and also carrying off a faithful colored woman who lingered behind to save some packages belonging to ber owner. It is also supposed that another female was carried away with the house the wharf, a short distance from the landing She has not been aeen or heard from, and was known to sleep there every night The storm increased to a tornado by half put 3 clock, sweeping away in its fury every wharf, bathing and summer house along the shore, up rooting a great portion of the splendid lire oak. magnolia, pnde of China, and drooping willow trees, twisting down fences, blowing out windows. catting off slate and sbinglea, and making sad havoc with all the fine gardens, choice exotics a'hd trait trees, paiylng no respect to highways, bridges, blowing down and npsetdng three dwellings, be sides demnlishlcg all the small stores and oyster bouses fronting the bay. The greatest sufferers, a pecuniary point of view, are Judge Oeden.

Messrs. Beard. Frellsen, O'Brien. Pollock, Mitten berger, and If'me Bringler. The report of Mrs.

Beard's being injured, and the casualty attending her escape at exaggerated. The family bad to conveyed from the main building on Sunday morning at 1 1 clock, to the kitchen department, and St was with great difficulty ahe could be taken distance of thirty yards, supported by two strong men. One little negress was blown off of her legs, and ould probably have been drowned had She not bee a rescued by the Major. At 11 o'clock Sunday the tornado was at its height, the wind suddenly shifting round to the southwesO The scene aL this time was truly awful. The wind continued to blow In its utmost vio lence Tor three hoars, and it waa daring this time that tne greatest danger to life existed.

The waves broke over the high bluffs, and It was feared the wateors rise above the r4ad and embank ments and wash away fonndatiokis, ifccj Ac, leaving the inhabitants no chance 01 escaping, aa the oayoua running the rear of the several propertia had fined and backed up, thereby cutting off all retre At Not a sail boat fishing smack, or schooner, rodfj out this terrible storm. Four schooners are shore high and dry, one is away In the woods short distance from the residence of Judge Ogden. The Judge's numetous family escaped with much' trouble early in the gale. The ladles became much alarmed, and the Judge being at the North, they were rendered, perfectly helpless. We are not aware of any actual Injury to life or limb in any private family, and it is a source of much congrstnlation that the casualties ordv affected nra.wrhr r.rH.o.

o' I wo. coa iuwi oi wvcry vanercy, irom tne pen 1 can" to the I anine, came on the drifting gale. landing panting and exhausted, oa the garden and woods of the Bay. Mr. Toulmin, one of the oldest Inhabitants on the Lake shores, states that hurricane ha been equaled in severity only twice In forty one years first, in 1812; when several American gunboats went on shore, while watching the British fleet, and again in 1819, when nearly evijry dwelling was blown down.

The pai jsenger were taken from Bay St. Louis Mond ay night, by using John Marten's mules carts taxing them out into water sufficient to permit 'die boats of the California to receive them. process as tedious but safe. We regret that accommodating wharf master, Hr. Jno.

Hasten, is a very heavy sufferer but hi energies will a large scow placed In position for the accommodation of freight and passengers by Bator next Masters' loss cannot be $5,000. At Lake Borene, on the afternoon of Saturday, water in the Lake began to rise, showing that must be. blowing outside. About sunset a smart breeze sn rang nn and continued to increase till midnight, by which time it blew a perfect hurri destroying the following property First, whaii. and bath houses adjoining Pajol's hotel, tnea Orfelia tc Bmther'a large grocery store.

folrowing houses were much viz beloaging to Meaara. Ritchie. Turner. Vv and Joyce, beside those of other whose names are ot recollected. All the oyt ter and other small boats found safe refuge in Pn octor" Bayou, and la rge vessel rode saieiy out me wnere there is excellent i.u The train "that left New Orleans at a rraarter five oa Saturday, wa obliged; to stop a mflstoo thi ride of the tormina, the water putting th a tires out; and it was obliged to remain till Honday about noon.

Hr. Harper and or twv others who aad gone oown oa tbe left it, lc4ennined to reach their familie, they did', though sot without having tunas. to sv rim tor it, The corr jlnetT of tho can states that ho 60BI4 01 of dladnetly bear the screama of the people Proo torrllla, althongh half a mfle distant. At Proctor's the water was four feet deep. Oa many parts of Mr.

Proctor's rogar plantation It was two feet deep. The ears yesterday effected their regular trips. Further from Texaaw yUBrl" morgan runusn annou my I The Galveston News, of the 15th inst, says: I new papers to be pnbUsbed at Washington and weotsenrethatanotoeristo iesrra 1 ana win oe eauea Dy a. j. rowier ana u.

rv. mg I le. 1 wf D.oth'r PPr of the same class to be iuT I The Galveston Confederate, of the 14th, reports that the late rise in the Colorado has subsided, and that river is again very low. The latest reports state that Brazos river has recently risen some, four feet, and is remaining steadily at thai stage. The Indianola Bulletin, of the 14th, reports that place and Port Lavaca quite healthy.

The Bulletin learns that there is a good deal of sickness at matagoraa ana in the vicinity mostly bilious and intermittent fevers. The same paper says The new crop of cotton la beginning to come in. and from all we are able to learn from the interior, the yield this year will be much larger than any previous year. The Gonzales College opened on the 3d inst, with upwards of one hundred scholars. Many more were expected to arrive in the course of a few days.

The Gonzales Inquirer learns that the oak mast throughout the country is the heaviest known for many years. There were ten deaths in Houston during the week ending Friday morning last, eight of which were from yellow fever. The Goliad True American, of the 1st inat, has the following paragraph About twentv five vonng gentlemen started from this town and county, on Wednesday last, for the Rio Grande, at which place they expect to join two or three hundred others who are expected there from different parts of Western Texas There they will organize, fcc, after which we would not be surprised if they crossed the Bio Grande and gave the Llpan Indians a genteel flogging for the many depredations they have committed on this side of the river within the last three or four months and recapture all the stolen horses and other property which may be found in possession of the Lipans. Letter from Lsaqbs. SPECIAL CORBXSrOlfDZHCX OF TUX riCAVUKX.

Laquna, Mexico, Aug. 3, 1855. I have been here some time waiting to load, and while here have made every inquiry In relation to the city, country and the business of the place. Lagona la the best port on the Gulf of Mexico west of Pensacola, being easy of access with good anchorage, protected from the prevailing winds. In high tides, this season of the year, there is tbir, teen and one half to fourteen feet for a vessel to go out loaded.

"Very few vessels drawing mors than twelve or thirteen feet ever come to the port The few that have come generally load to twelve and one half or thirteen feet, and take the rest their cargo outside the bar from lighters. The anchorage on the coast is very good in three and one half to six fathoms water. The only articles of export are logwood and fustic the imports are very small on account of the numerous articles prohibited by the Mexican tariff. If this city was under our laws it would in a very short time import as much as it now ports, which can't be less than 2,000,000,. and with the Increase of population consequent to the1 Increase of business, this trade would be much more and if proper energy and enterprise were shown, the whole of the lucrative trade would be ours.

Lag una has had, however, many difficulties to overcome. Camp echo, a small port with only nine, feet water, possessing however all the money capital, has exerted itself to close this as a port 0 entry, and twice has succeeded in doing so the first time the population had amounted to 8,000 persons, but on the withdrawal of the privilege ot being a port of entry, a great many persons were ruined. Besides which they have suffered by very severe fire which burned two thirds of the city or town, and as there was no Insurance (Igno rant people these,) the losses were total. Now business Is improving, and as they expect a change of government, they hope for better It needs but a portion of Anglo Saxon' energy and enterprise to make this the chief city of Mexico In population and trade. It is a pity that our citizens, and all foreigners, receive so am all notice from their Govern men ta There has been no U.

8. vesselrof war in this port for some time I am Informed only once since the war. If our department was at aU alive to the Interests of our commerce, there would and should be a vessel visit this and all other Mexican and South American ports at least once in two months, to take cognizance of the various infractions oi international law and private rights which so often occur. We have to thank our Consul here, Mr. Hubotter, for his watchful care of the rights of our citizens.

I think the Department should place the Vice Consulates of Mexico on a par with the European commercial agencies, and maks them salaried when the fees of office do not amount to a sufficient sum to yield a respectable main tenance. The civil authorities here are much disposed to exercise a tyrannical and oppressive course of conduct Very recently a British subject was ex pelled or banished, without cause, at the mere command of the Governor. This young man had by some means incurred the hatred of the said Governor, who hired a bravo to assassinate him; This bravo having failed la his endeavor, the Governor sent the young man to prison, and the next day released him with an intimation, in very official style, that "at 3 o'clock the next morning he must leave the place, at the sacrifice of a commer cial position worth 2.000 a year, and a surety la one year of a partnership in the firm of which he was managing clerk, worth to him at least or Every citizen with whom I have con versed bears witness to the harmless character of this unfortunate young man, who has been singu larly free from all Interference or expression of opinion on the political affairs of the country. I nope our country win never permit so gross a tio tauon oi ngnt to oe somminea on an American, give you below the commercial news. vf VXSSSLS 1 POST.

American bark Splendid, loaded sailed Satnr i day, 4th, for Marseille. American brig Judita comers, waiting com mence to load Monday, 6th, for New York. British brig Komuiu. nail loaded, for Liverpool. rtrinan Drig agie, waiting, ior LJverpooL French bark Ceres, half loaded, for Havre.

French bark Cotmguiba. just arrived, for Har seines. French bark Laura, waiting, for Bordeaux. Spanish brig Invincible, commenced for Barce lona. Spanish brig Gertondis, commenced for Barce lona i The market prices are Logwood.

8 rials per quintal usucwooo, saweo, 9 rials long, 4 to ri rials per quintal. i ne quutai ia iw ids. There are no quotations of flour, tobacco, as they are prohibited by the Government The citizens generally get their supplies by smuggling. J. Majox xxx wham.

Later from Fort Mcintosh. A letter to the Corpus Christi Valley and Advertiser, dated Fort Mcintosh, August 29, Since mv last eommrmlcation we have bad rather stirring times in imrsuing the Indians who infest this frontier. i A few nights ago a Dartv of them had tha imon denee to so in among the tents of Camnanv HI 5th Inf an try, at Camp 1 Pico, and take therefrom two norse wnicn were tlea near the sentinel on post. This is the only depredation I have heard aunng toe past week On tbe 25 th inst' Hr. Base, the intern re ter for tbe post on the Fort Ewell road, wa chased try a party ox tnoians ne ont winnea tnem, sowsrar, and made good hia escape.

Lieut Ransom, with a tiart of Companv Mounted Bifldmen, took np a fresh trail a short distance above here, and followed It about fifty anile above Falafox, where ana wnenaneavy rain descended and obliterated tne trait ine nartv then rwtanacL CoL BugRle returned yeaterday with a portion hia party from Palafbx they were in a most deplorable condition from the efieet of their hard seouV The Colonel leaves again to morrow with notner party, to scout ta tM ywsay of tost phco. 1 uu 4 ,1. r'j I 1 gaits puagtnu. LrMSDEW, KENDALL CO. iiitmi Ovvioa rfjf rn iay ifta i nui or tu Picarxm SaiiliKliai iaerad Sir twafe aaaatha for IS taaH llaabacrtp wd m.

raan. i. aw in ana so oania brmn for (mt laacrtiaa. TboSt af (reatar leafltb ctaarg4 Id AirvmwHnim lunrted as the second pat mtm each da. aaCTtia'MBta paMlalMd at tnttrnte.

ii WMklr, annt Bcfely. wMkiy nataly, an cavfull Moar hr ever nmflan A liberal dtacoont will be mate to tboat wba adrerUat bj aHTtrUitmim aot apaeUad aa ta trma wlflba abllaod ttaraxnt an ri.uu aill aa atopoad aatil all airaarayaa art aatd, at taa aOa thr aiaat.aa Bfarrtaav and ahttaary aotlraa are cnariag ai paraanara WEONSA? mOHMlfHi, 8BPT. 19. T3F The olerk of the steamer W. W.

Far mer hMow thanks for favors. JST We are much obliged to (Jap J. Major Gfeeoham fur bis onnrtooua attention. aT Messrs. 8herman it Wharton have our thanks for their polite attention.

'We are indebted to Capt. Cozzens, of the steam snip Honda, for favors. Capt. Baker, of the D. S.

steamship Fashion, has pur thanks for his courteous attentions. We have received from P. P. Werlein, 5 Camp street, a copy of the "War Song of the Natives." We are indebted to the clerks of the steamboats Ooeana and Florida, for late St Louis papers. 7 Aocidzitts to a Steamboat.

The steamer Ooeana, which arrived yesterday from St. LtOuis, got aground at Herculaneum, where she was detained for a considerable length of time and was compelled to call in the assist ance of a lighter. She also on Saturday night last, when the Hole in the Wall," struck a snag or sawyer tearing away a portion of her larboard guard together with six head, of cattle and the ice box. Hohicidx. We learn from the officers of the steamer Red River, which arrived yester day from Napoleon, that on Thursday last a fatal affray occurred on board the steamer Judah Tour, then lying at Napoleon, be tween Donahue the steward, and Steele the cook, in which the latter was stabbed and died in less than half an hour afterward.

Yellow Fever ibi Canton. a telegraphic despatch dated Canton, Sept. 18th, to G. W. Shaw, President of the Howard Association, and with which w3 are politely favored, we learn that out of a total population of 388, the number of cases of yel low fever which bad occurred there amounted to 107.

Among these there had been twenty nine, fatal; the number of those sick and eon valesoent at present is seventy nine. Darini the past twenty four hours there hsd been thirteen new ewes. The nurses sent up by the Howard Association were all actively en gaged. Tne sick, we are glad to learn, were all doing well. Arrival or the Steamship Florida.

The steamship Florida, Capt Cozzens, from Key West, via Florida ports, arrived here last night She left Key West on the 10th inst, with the following passengers Farhlmrr and larrjr. Mi a Farfaimer Mm Hale, Mean. WiUard and rLtllar and Capt Oak 8 aa dm. Capt Coizeos reports that he left at Key West the bark Pilgrim, Capt Andros, from New York, bound for Mobile, which had gone ashore on the tight of the 3d inst on Logger Head Kej, and got off after discharging three lighter loads. She arrived at Key West on i the 8th, consigned to A.

F. Tift The schooner John G. Taylor, from Tampa Bay for New York, which sprung a leak in a gale on the 30th of Aucust, had discharged her cargo and was hove down for repairs at Key West Capt Cozzens left at Su Mark the schooner Wax H. Haztrd, fourteen days from New York and the TJ. S.

steamer Fol ton. at Pensacola. We have Florida papers by the Florida, but find in them nothing of importance. For New York, via Havaha. The steam ship Granada, Capt Griffin, will leave as above at 8 o'clock to morrow morrniog.

Agents, Jennings, Langhland 73 Mv gazine i FoR CAtrroRHiA, via Havana and Panama. The steamchip Granada, which leaves at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, will take mails and passengers aa above, connecting at Havana with tne steamship El Dorado. Agents, Armstrong, Harris Sc 43 Natchez street Brazos Santiago, via Galveston. The steamship Nautilus. Capt Thompson, will leave as above at 8 clock to morrow I morning.

Agents, Harris Morgan, foot of Julia street For St. Locis We are requested to state that the steamboat Crystal Palace, Capt Reilly, which was unavoidably detained last evening, will leave this morning positively, at 10 dock. 1 We call attention ot the trade to the sale of domestic goods, damaged boots and shoes, clothing, hats, kc, which will take place this day at 10 o'clock A. at Blache dt Leaumont's auction rooms, No. 77 Char street Terms at sale.

For Alexandria. We are requested to state that the steamer Exchange, Capt Graeff, having been unavoidably detained, will leave for Alexandria and Gorton's Land in Red River, this day at 5 o'clock P. positively. For VicxsBURo The fine passenger packet P. a Wallis, Capt J.

H. Hendricks, and Henry Devine, clerk, leaves this evening at o'clock. This steamer offers exoellent ao commodations to passengers as well! as shippers. agent is T. B.

Smith, 16 Canal street For St. onia The magnificent steamer 8. F. J. Trabue.

Capt Pieree, and W. P. Pig man, clerk, leaves this evening at 5 o'clock, touching at all the principal landings upas far as the above point Those desirous of having a safe and comfortable trip uprili do well to secure their fare as soon as they can. Her agents are John E. Hyde Co Poy drat street, and Bell, Buchanan fc 95 Magazine, street Races! The two races which were to have come off on Umj Metairie Course on Sonday, were 01 neoeauty postponed in conseqaenoe of the state of the weather.

They will come off to The first is a single dash of two miles for $100 a aide, between Kentucky Jack and BxUy Strtxh, second, a similar race for purse of. 150, betwean Picayune and StevarL The first comes off at 4 o'clock P. M. 1 Persons wishing good new furniture, velvet carpet, timepiece, 6tc. should attend a sale this day by Gardner.

Smith, aaotioneer, on Live Oak street, at 10 o'cioolu 8ee advertisem*nt' Wa are reauesteV to call the attention of shoe dealer to the unreserved sale which takes plao this day at 10 o'clock, as No. 49 Magazine street, by Morphy Nevius, avuo t7 Aiie vimate tobacoa. Ma season, It said, auuca exceed the crop of the in of the tor of into ted ing this I is the be war ana at that the not spent boat deer, more pert all lltb, The everv and take lie laid nee. i i Frean At ARRIVAL Of ITIaHIK'f The U. 8.

transport steamer Fashion, Capt James McC. Baker, arrived last night from Aransas, Texas, which she left on the 16th inst The Fashion brings the following passengers CoL Meyers, E. G. Jordan, and ten on deck. Capt Baker reports that he took on board Gen.

Persifor F. Smith and lady, who had oome from Corpus Christi, and that he landed them at Powderhorn; and also that he took on board Capt Marcy, U. S. Army, en route for San Antonio, headquarters of his Division. Coming out from Aransas, Capt Baker towed the brig Brownsville to sea.

She was bound to this port Capt Baker also reports that the schooner Emma Chase, Capt Hall, left Matagorda Bay for Mobile on the 13th; the schooner Columbia, Capt Smith, was in port there to leave on the 16th for the same port; the schooner White Squall was aground in the middle of Matagorda Bay; the Esther Burr was at Lavaca; the Velasoo was at Aransas, taking in ballast; the Major Barbour, Capt. Arnett, was off Aransas on the 16th. Capt Baker also reports that on Monday the 17th, when 100 miles west of Ship shoal, he met the U. S. mail steamer Mexico, Capt John Y.

Lawless, bound for (alveston, and exchanged salutes with her. Capt Baker reports no other news. Forbes, the returned aliform an who shot and killed Shaler, in Buffalo, in April last, for seducing his wife, has been tried for murder and acquitted on the ground of insanity. A party of fifty mechanics left Syracuse, N. on the 10th inst, for Kansas.

They are engaged to work on Government buildings at fort Leavenworth. THE COUNCIL. Board ef Aldermen, There waa a special meeting of this Board last night Present: Aldermen Durell, Price, Pride, Culbertson, Gillmore, Dupre and Prague. Alderman Durell was called to the chair. The reading of the minutes of last meeting was dispensed with.

A communication from the Mayor, stating that he had convened the Board at the request of Aldermen Durell, Gillmore and Culbertson, by whom the object of the meeting would be explained. Alderman Durell said he believed it was well understood that the meeting had been called for the purpose of passing upon the adjudication of the contract for farming the wharf revenues, which had been made by the afterwards of considering the securities offered by the contractors. A communication from the Mayor, comprising bis circular on the subject of emigration from Bremen to this port, was read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. A monthly report from the Citizens' Bank, as city fiscal agent was read and referred. A message from the Assistant Board, asking concurrence in resolutions and an ordinance, was read.

Those resolutions in relation to adjudlca tisn of contracts and payment of accounts were referred to the Finance Committee, others to other committees, and some were concurred in. A resolution to impeach Mr. Letten, late clerk in Recor der Seuzenean's court for Illegally receiving fees for giving passe, and bonds for negroes, waa post poned till next meeting, notwithstanding it was atated that he had been dismissed and another clerk appointed in his stead. A message, from the Board of Assistant Aldermen, announcing concurrence in some resolutions and persisting In amend men ta to others, waa read One of those concurred in was that allowing 7 per cent interest on all over due accounts. The Finance Committee were appointed to meet a Committee of Conference from the Board of Assistants in reference to meaaores persisted in.

Mr. J. Benedict was accepted aa aecurlty of Ma Shenadale, as Commissary of the Second District Market i A petition from Dr. Bertrand, praying payment for making the analysis of the remains of the late Levi timelier, was referred to the Finance Committee. A petition from Charles Fisher, praying permission 0 exhibit his painting of the Battle of New Orlei ma free of license, waa read.

On motion of Mr. lulbertson the prayer was granted. The consideration ot the adjudication of the contract for farming the wharves, and of the ae curttlea of the contractor, was deterred till next meeting. i A resolution was passed to adjourn to Tuesdsjr next. The Board then went into secret session.

Adjourned. Beard af Assistant Aldermen. This Board met last evening. Mr. 8tith in the enair a quorum present.

A message irom tne mayor lniormea tne noara of the contemplated visit to this city of halt and maimed emigrants from Central Germany also, of pretended exile from Mexico, and that he had issued circular In relation thereto. He recommended that the law concerning the Importance of pauper and disreputable characters be pub usnea. A resolution was in due form adopted, authorize Ina the nublication In Question, A communication from the Baltimore agents of tha Mrlinnrurh eatats waa read. Tne agents retnsS to comply witn tne terms ot a resolution adoptee bv the Commons Council relative to the partition of the MeDonngB property. Referred to the Ft nance Committee.

A letter from Martin, Bran am, Davis UcLana. than, stating that they bad a legal lien on certain city wnarve lor aoout, wnicn tney aia not intend to relinquish. Referred to the Finance Committee. A communication from the Comptroller wa read informing the Board of the articular of tha sale of the wharfa*ge revenue. Referred to th Finance Committee, to await the return to th city of some of the parties whose name have been furnished as securities.

Two of the Treasurer's weekly reports were read. The first showed a balance on hand of 385 45. and the second of S12 08. Mr. Bartlett offered a resolution placing the approval of policemen's securities in the hand of the Common Council, instead of those of the Mayor, as at present.

Referred to the Judiciary Committee. The same gentleman nronoses a resolution au thorizing the contracts for the cleaning ot each street to be sold separately. Referred to the Committer on Streets and Landings. The Finance committee reportea in isvor 01 paying a great variety of bill which had been tendered for provisions and other article furnished the city. Adopted.

The Committee on Streets and Landing re ported agajnst a proposed reduction of the laborers employed in the Street Commissioner depart ers employea la Utreet commissioner aeparv I uu thev drank too freelv. and getting tight and noisy, they were arrested and taken to the eala booae. la th morning, however, they got out and had the matter hushed up, with a mutual promise among themselves that no allusion was ever to be made to the subject afterwards. But It so happened that one of the serenader, whom we hall call Mr. Uglyman.

thought the joke too good to be lost, and told it all to another of the serenader' female friend, to wit the friends of Mr. Prettyman. And not only did he tell bow drunk they got but. what a jolly spree they had In the lock up with a prison acquaintance, whom they initiated Into the mysteries of Voodomsm. In fact, bis tale wa by no means "around unvarnished tale." Mr Prettyman hearing how the terms of the serenading compact had been violated, attacked Mr.

Uglyman on a point of honor. U. denied P. gave tne lie, and a challenge followed; term broadswords on horseback, and the Oaks I They went to tha spot at the appointed tune and mounted, bat Pretryman's horse could not be forced, either by whip or spur, within forty feet of Uglyman, not liking hia countenance, it Is presumed, and so the fight, aa arranged, could not be fought, Afterwards, we understand, a satisfactory compromise was made and the parties are again the best of friends. Ikqtjxst An inquest wa held yesterday on the body of a negro man, name unknown, found in the river la front of Conti street Verdict: "Found Deceased wa about 30 years of age, and had nothing on bat a shirt and a pair of woolen pantaloon.

Eolice Mntter. Bxfoxr Rxcoanxa Bright. Manuel Bedel waa discharged after undergoing a full exam inationon a charge of larceny preferred against him by Pleasant Burney. Mary Cnmmings is held to bail for examination on the 21st inst. on a charge of having stolsn 30 from John Cronan while the said John wsa in bed and asleep in a bouse on Triton Walk, between Bacchus and Dryade streets.

Wm. Harrison, who wa accused of having stolen a box of shos from the ship landing, at Wharf No. 18, and of having secreted said box beneath the wharf, was yeaterday examined in relation thereto and was sent before the First District Court for trial. Bail $500. The shoes formed a part of the freight of the ship Westminster.

Ann Connolly is to be examined on the 21st hist, on a charge of having stolen various articles of clothing from Mary Spell man, who lives at the corner of Annunciation and Edward streets. Thomas McGuigan is In prison in default of procuring bail in the sum of $1000 for hia appearance on the Slat Inst. to answer to the charge of having beaten bis wife In a most brutal manner and threatened to kill her in presence of witnesses. Bxroax Rxcoanxa AMoa Jean Caataing yesterday made an affidavit, stating that on Monday afternoon he was attacked by some unknown individual when standing on Prleur street and pray lng that that said unknown individual be arrested and dealt with aa he deserve. Warrant issued.

Manuel Gomez is under arrest awaiting a hearing on a charge of having received a cloak, a book, and quite a large sum of money, knowing the same to have been stolen. The property in question is that which was attached to the saddle of a horse, which horse, together with all that was on him, was stolen by a negro from the Second District about a week ago. The negro sold the horse to a Mrs. Martin in the Third District, and, as it is alleged, left the other property in the possession of the accused. TuisnAT AmanooK, Sxft.

18. Fixx. At about half paA 2 o'clock this morning a fire broke out in a stable neionging 10 it. aow ler, on Rousseau street and wa entirely destroy 'ed. It Is supposed that the fire was kisidled by some outside incendiary, who entertained for the Doctor no kindly feelings.

Police Matters. Bxroax Rxcoanxa Jackson. Christian A. Schneider is under arrest on jk charge of having indulged, to an unlawful extent, In the marital InTnnnf tw atintr hia wife. Barbara Mertz, who was found in the possession of a decanter and lot of clothing wnicn can neen stolen from Patrick Keenan, awaits a hearing.

George, a slave belonging to Mr. Bedford, was arrested for having a fireman' belt in hi possession, supposed to have been stolen There waa nothing, thi morning, before any of the other Recorders of the slightest importance. Steamboat Departures This Day. For Mobile Tba OtvgoB, Cap, nf yen, on tee arrivsl at tba imk or tne is m. jronicaamam cars.

Agent, jl Qrddea. 10 Rank Place. or Ablta tprtnra The Jaipur, Capt. Huffman, oa tha arrival at tha Lake of tba ir.k. fontcharrxain caxa.

AD'Micatlou ta ba made an board. Far Covington The Lcrtora, Capt. Dtranica, OB tha arrival at tn iaks oi tne AM. Jetteraon can. Application to be maaa on board For fort Adams The t.

F. Kimball, Capt Orr. at 5 P.M. Afeota. apraae at ncireary, 3 lcaoepttooias atrert.

For Covington Th Coifed 8tata, Cart Am ill, oa the arrival at Ue Laae of the lo ta A. M. Jefieraaa cara. Application to be made on board. For VickaoTM a Tbe F.

Wall la, Capt Hendricks, at r. v. ris A DinilD, lb vanai atreab ForOpelouaas Tbe Opelonaaa. Capt Loaalller, at F. St.

Ageota, J. AL Jobnatoa Av Proet Levee. For Alexandria Toe Orion. Capt Apple atr, at P. M.

aeenii x. d. in uuj verves Far Alexandria Tba Evcbange, Capt P. Application to be made on buerd. For Sc Lea a Tbe Crvatal Palace.

Cant Reillv. at 10 A M. Aarma. at White, 63 Front street and Bed, cnanan ao meyaame arree. ror Si Louia Tb a F.

J. Tnboe, Capt Tucker, at r. aa. Ageaa, netl, BoenanAB Co. MagaxiiM atreet For Loaiarille The anteiooe.

Cent. Brawn, at a P. SL Agen'a Bll, Bncbran a Co 66 Magtaine etreet ror if ssDarg i oe m. I'ept Hoimea, at F. St, arret.

Carroll. Prltchard a a Cam ode let etreet For Cam ten The w. w. Fanner, Capt Cannon at r. arni, uva snaop, rmnt aneet For St Looia The Saraoaa Mo S.

Cant Coffin, at a m. mgui, a iieu m. euBonou, xcuoupiioaiaa au At Biloal. on tbe lrtth Inat. of eonmrJeai nf the brain.

c. au.uLKi.Ai. acca is veaia. conaort wuiiam The friends of the Dually, and of her father, Mr. John Mitchell, arc rerpeetfally Invited to attend her fnneraL which will take place TnU Morals from St Patrick' Church, a ter the celebration of a seianw requiem, which will commence at 9 o'clock.

On Sunday morning, the 16tfa In at Mlniatippl city JOBEFH PkEMIlCE, a native of this State, aged year. On Taeaday morning, the 8th Inet a craarre imt O'clock, at Milnebnre, CoL ROBERT W. POWELL, af ins nrm oi roweu nopaina, la 44th year or bis sge. On Tntaday morntnc, ISth inat. Malar JOHN LUSH aged 6ft rear, a native of Tenoeaeee.

not for tbe laar nf teea year a reaiaent or tnie ciry Obitnary. Died. onTneadavmotnina.the iftth at nniir.iiut o'clock, at Mi Ine bare. UoL KOBEHT 17 Prtari.l! uw on ot rweu nofiama, ua tne aatn year ot HI age. Tha bA dosed In death the mortal career oi another good man.

A noble spirit has winged ita AnaVi fliaht an ward, and ha whose name was a beacon ta the poor In tneir nonr oi neca, steep lorever. Aye, Kobt W. Powell has paid tbe debt of aatare, and theoeh nothing bat decav ing dost remain, tba memory of hia good action, apirU. ue, win nanus tne minaa at au wno knew him, and whisper into tbe ear remembrance of hia meritorioaa life. mmm ww v.

"ui wcwvaw cvuht, aaarVlaDdl and daring the years 1841 hi gprght open character, the high, toned and magnanlmods bearing and kindly gen 1 eveaity, knd the love for himself which fa had woo from I tne people, entitled him to a piac In th D. Senate This he filled with honor to himself to sock a degree that ne waa nonorea witn a complimentary letter from hi aoorera in tne senate a inat and deserved tribute t. spotless nonor, unbending integrity, varied acquirements and intellectual endowments." In his private character none knew him other than the moat liberal and hieh minded gentleman of the day. Ia hia public character as Indeed thi devotion and this apt licatlon have coat him bis tu. xt nas rauea a saennce victim to hia dntv Ever at hia post, laboring sight and dav.

with an hrfnmi table spirit aad ondaoated will, he atrov to mast and id meet calamity alter calamity, rarer after revera. atth loweatroond of the ladder of prosperity, cast thither oy uiorauuHo caramnaacea. Si determination of character soared above tbe petty influences of mifortane, and wiw uexgeuc ana aanaung step ha aacended it agaia Aa example for youth, hia measorv should be charianeA a model for bnaines an, aia actions should be iutl asvuruuan in aeart, in spirit th world ahould by to ml lew him. Th aaa akall ris in light, and the mooa shall go down. In darkness; th first rays of tbe former ahafi touch, and tbe lat ray of the latter shall leave the wav lag willow that aball mark his resting place months shall roll an, year aball flee away, bat in the hearts ef those that loved him.

a light, pepetaal and aver lasting, shall born apon the altar of Affection, and the tear of sorrow snail nil scalding and searing as an offering to hi memory. A star ha lost iu light within the shadow af th tomb, a spirit of unlimited generosity ha departed from amongst us. zie nas neen taken to grace tbe kalis at Heaven) mouth will sing bis praia that have mag th praises of tne good lorever. la gone! Peace to his ashes fin he wasgood. Have Vaa Diseased an question, though starNtag.

la somcieaUr sagnstlve. whea the tact is take into consideration thaA the Liver bay become moat alarmingly frequent ia tbe uan Blase, uoaed, tber ar few formidable dlsesees that are not in aom way traceable to a aeraared atata of uac unponus organ, auayof th camplalat oaaally th head of Casuumpttoo. have tbelr arlein lath Liver. Any remedy that would incur regularity and healthful action is th Liver, would be a blessing to mnnsiaai nas iseen th exclamation of thoossads. That remedy ha been found 1 tt ia aafa and aura.

When mir trial baa bee afforded it, it baa never been known tofaU. Header, kav you any disc af th Liver, or disease which yea believe proceeds from hepatic derangement? Los not a momen, but purchase a box of Ir. Mc LANE'S PILLS, aad tbev will testae yva to health. It i the only rsmady yet discovered, in which implicit coandaac amy placed. Parchaser wfl be careful to sat lor Dr.

HcLANE'S CELEBRATED 'LIVER PtLLB, and tsks boaa else. There areethar PllK purporting to Lever Cllkj aow befbr tb public Dr. Mclama' LrvurUla, asm kl celaOiated a all respectable drag star ia tba Catted States aad Caasmav Psa sal toy vanrfsafiaet. Hew Orleans. Seasral Wboleaal Agent for th aWntbara State, to Alas said by.aU nsnsctskl Drag Stem this a boaines man, aa onswervlng devotion, aa anttrins as ment.

and against abolishing th office of Deputy I alieatdon wan from. hJa Cllow wmmm K. v. I hiaheat tmtmt street (Jommiaaioner. Aaopcea.

The Committee on Fire reported a resolution anthnrliinir the niacins' of a fire nlug In the vard of the steam fire engine Young America, and of I procuring a cart to carry wood to the machine, and to act aa a tender generally. Adopted. A resolution was also adopted, authorizing the erection of a stable for Fire Company No. 7, as per terms nf adlndicatlon. A resolution authorizing tbe fjommissane 01 markets to have the cobwebs, dust and other diaagreeabilitie swept or removed from several of the city markets.

Adopted. The Chair aDnolnted Messrs. AVIItx. Banister and Glffin a committee to inquire into and report on the propriety ot I arming out tne tjity wont House. Boord adjourned tfll Frldsy evening.

CITY INTELLIGENCE. Chaxttt Hosfital. The following is the re port of this Institution for the twenty four hours enaing at ciocc last evening, Adml'ted 39 1 Deaths of yellow 4 Discharged (yel. lev. 16).

87 1 Total Ieths 6 Almost a Bxacs or Dtrxi A Two difficulties have recent hr arisen among the fast men of this goodly burgh, which, for a time, promiaed to eventuate in pistol and coffee, or other equally for midable weanon of ai duello. In the first eaee In ere was a lemaie, as taere ortea worn stern masculines fall out, and otnebody, it appear, had wUsnered ernethlng to the effect that thia female waa not a far above suspicion a the wife of C3r ought to be. The bosom friend of the female thereupon became ireful, and swore that he would fight any of the friend of the female' I calumniator that be might happen to meet Un fortunately tor him it ao fell out that be met on one of the common streets of the city, a stout am bidexterous friend of one of the female's slander era, and In his sworn eft'ort to give the ambidex terona individual Jeaaie" he got "Jemie" him sell, i bis, wjt course, mane turn mora wrothy than ever, and while hi bloed waa up he challenged Ambidexter. The terms of the meeting, tne no ice 01 weapons, or someuung 01 tost sort, interrupted the progress Of bloody events a con temnlatad, and the racuit has been that the duel baa not yet taken place, and that both Ambidexter and us opponent rejoice in tile and limb. Tne otaer Incipient duel originated after this wis 1 A nartv ot young bloods one clirhl ant nrv lrmr I since, hired a furnisnre cart and want out with musical instruments serenade some of their BUU0 SCquaxntAOCet, Bnt clrmnf heir.

perform. city. studnw Morphy a Kevin aeU Sheea, It 10 'clock, at I street Bard net Smith sella Furnitura, Ac, at to), fdacka. lilv Oak street between Thlr an roarta. Blacbe Lean ment aeU Clothing, Boots, lhiia.ll Jtc at 10 o'clock, at TV Cbartna etreet MASONIC.

BCOH.SC WASHINGTON LODSfl Aa SL (era. flail, aaeets this evening. 1 )m S. COMMERCIAL LODSK No. AOdd Jelil Hall, meetitbls evening.

vuowr BOFE LODGE Mo. 14, Boon It a. 044 Fall aaaata this evening. mrt ALPHA CONCLAVE Ha 1, in the Hah ever Carfalw Railroad TJenoc. meeta rhte evntln.

thte evening. New Imw Beaks, set received by THOR. WHITE. BOOUELLES A NT) ITITtnern ICS Canal atex HOWARD'S I. C.


by B. R. Cards. VoTi to inclusive. sl stsdpaaw NMle.

Office of the President of tba Wathlagtoa amd Hw Orleans Telegraph Company. Waehlog ton City pt IKS' To th Stockholder of th Washington sad New Orleans leiegrapu company: Bv authority of th Board of Directors of thi I hereby glvs notice that a special meeting of the atack hold era thereof win ne aeia at tne otnc or tBfnaddaat in tbe City of Washington, on WEDNE8DAI, tha at day of October next, at il o'clock A. for the nrpeai of considering and acting apon a pro position ta rent tatir Ilk of telegraph, which tha tree tor deem worthy consideration by the stockholder. SIS 23 86 dp AMOS REND ALL, PratUcat NEW FALL GOODS, Received by the undersigned, an ablps Mulhanea, baa Havre, and Oransda, from Mew Fork, a choice let af FALL GOODS, to which they call the attention af tka public They conaiat of RICH BLACK flULIi DE LAINE8 FRENCH CALICOES ENGLISH AMD AMERICAN PRINTS, Having had bar store tboroaghly repaired, we will ftt able to display oar SILR. MANTILLA AND SHAKlt ROOM on MONDAY tsd Inat P.

St H. RCILLT. 1 SIS SISdp corner of Canal and Royal Fall Winter detains. AIiFKEL MUNROB 34 Magaain street, coraar of aVrsviar. Are now receivlBg their Fall and Winter stock hr MEN, BOYS and CHILD SEN, direct from their fcctory, 441 Broadway, New York.

AU th goods sold fey them srs made expraaaly for our New Orlaaoa trade, aU every article fully tnaranteed. Among th are Black and Colored Cloth Frock and Dress Coats Baal nee Coat, ef every form and color Extra Long Pilot Cloth Coats, for (team boatmen Pantaloons, of every description i Vests, oi xttaca ana uum aaan, bus, stvsfc, Clota. Cssslmere and Bombazine i Faroiihinr Good, Trank, Umbrella, Ac r' BaT M. C. ar agent far the INDIA ROBBIE PATS A larea lot of their anode ki consisting of Clothing, Beds, Carriage sad al Cloth sellable far Cotton Picking Coat and Apnro.1 which Uie attentio of Planter is particalaxly cejte.

ALFRED MONROE a Uo SUdpJtltW 4 Magaain Street NEW CARPET STORE. OS Lnp Birr ei. Oornew and elegant aco*ck of CARPET1NGS already for tbe Inspection af oar castomera, Tbe contain a complete assortment In oar line, and oar will oe loana low lor tne qaauty or ivhu we enet I. ELK.1N, sl6 tadp Camp itrett CARPET WaKKHOUSE. 19 Chartrwa r4tret.

1 We are now recelvlngao assortment of CARPI" Bi Sel. ply TlniraW 11 Alsn, Window Shades, Drogaeta and Liaek Crrvb Clotba. Table and riano Covers, Hair Cloth, Cacoa k. sating. Ac; aleo.

Floor Oil Cloth, of vodona wlotn 4 qaUitiea. cot to salt rooms, hall. Ac AJ1 af wtiik a olier at the lowest market price S10 Sdpst A. BROUMRAU St CO, Nerve bauierera A retired Clergyman, restore ta aeaJth in few Say, after many years of great nerve aoJterlag, la aajdea ta make known the means core. Will ead(fre) tne ar4 scriptioB aaad.

Direct i the Rev. JOHN ssUDAwaALL, evaa Pat V. i'. mbs ajt In place of tke ateamer Capital. Th steamer P.

F. R1MBALL, Capt B. H. Orr, ka taken the place of tha Capital In tne BAYOD SARA SONDAY and WEDNESDAY, at o'clock A.MR tnrnlng. he wiU leave Fort Adam every rriday moralQ and Bayoa Sara every Moaday, after tbe arrival ef the csnv i Beatkerw JtUUarsl SsUaesta' ina aaul lor Sraviar atraat Between Carsodeiet sod St Charles, ever Holt's Herns th largest Billiard Saloon ia th So th went, cantala.

Ing Fonrteea Table on tbasaaa Boor. Tnaaking my friend and the pabuc in grallbt ftew liberal patronage, I have the ateaear of lnformiag tksm that 1 have, in th paattmonta, sack nlarsd sad newly renovated and embellished my Saloons. Th Oread aa from Onion to wrevier atr. will tsatsls tea tables, and tba adlolni room fowr all of which at af th bast manotactar and approved aoaHtyeveaof tbeat having snarble bed. Entrance a Dslss aa wrarKr streets, both lit ap at night by laaaana.

It wU be ur endeavor to make tbe Southern Billiard Saloon th me ale gant quiet and popular ia this city. A caatlnaaacs patrariageiaaoUclted. w''i ai4 aapiy nimna OATITION Ta Saathens stad We ten fflerehaata. Learning from some ef th respectable arms ia Orleans that my Schiedam Aromatic 'Schnapps is dvely coonterfetted, cspasmlly ia th Southern and We era States, and lading that tbe pirate dariagly advert their paraicions deception stndor th nam which longs to my article, I think it aseeeeary to cantlva commanlty against the venders af poiso in dlir I introdocad tba Scbledasa Aromatic Schnapp parpoae of aapplylsg tbe medical faculty and tb unity wtth a par BMdicmai spirit, which migbt prearrlbed with confidence ia all case where stlmo'Et were req atred, wilboat nrodacln tholiailulconatauST'S which Invariably remit from a leg adaltsratcd ia aider to render aaaorance doably sare, I bad th srUcI analysed by chemist af world wide calahritv. aad sab mlttad it foe experiment test to th a anrteof distiagawA ed medical practitioners.

Th reeponsus from tars aoarce were of th moat aoeqalrocal aad aatkaKatry charaeter. It ia now before tba pobllc, aarromaded with tbeae gnarantees, and bearing those unimpeachable av doraements, and 1 call noa th commanlty to protect thamaelv and thairorahe4taBday malaria by frowning down aad repudiating th practical apec lator who ar peddling their foal commodities aaaer cover of my trad mark. 4 article had over Dae jm parted from Hellaad into thla aoarkat, wader the Schnapps, pi previous to the appearaac of Welti's Schtodssa Aromatic Srhnspr, in this city. Th first lmportatloa being mad Int thi city la ta year eighteen hundred and forty eight which can be as by a Custom Hone hooks, I deposited my Ubl a ra mark fa th United States District Court uthera District of New York, ta th year dghteeabaSV land fifty on, and have th certificate in my psass aloa of that Th great demand which ha th beea created tor th genuine arttol, aaa th wbols hive af counterfeiters in motion, and tb duty I aw ta my customers aad friends, and th public, compels from tins to time to pm. themratbirsssjatnatna I hare established a depot at Bo.

16 South Frort at eet. Fhllademhla. where tbe astern marcnanta caa draw their aapplv at tb New York prices ODOLFHO WOLFE, No. afieavcrtraet Th Moalna Schaa ks mv asm aa th aoulac aad fac simile of my signature on tbe label. Th gBula can had ol tb sollowlng BrmaX J.


H. ELLIOTT A H. L. STONE j. vvriobt CO.

Wd a Pr Mpm AW Cretna Besty Chsrwrpagtra. Jirranmm a. sto.wn Aa entirely duTsrcat rticl from th Crtma toUJ other brand. Now laadlag, 100 basket ah sua and attum mnnS, in quart aad pint, aad will recarr la turn caurassf few days a still further supply. This Win 1 decidedly SUPERIOR to uv other CLj pagns impaetad Into thia market, as Is wU know byaJ Wba aav triad Jarqasama A Flls brand altherCm Boasy ar Ftear Slllery.

I tit nn si a iliiiaiil ifii 1 in il aad LIQUOBX to tha market, which will so. sass aai term a any athar bous la th edtv. 100 baskets Crem Bourv Ckimmn. in Visi MqaaTaandaOBlalLJaMnaaanaaPil.bruA BE WELL T.TAILC JalO Sdptf r. is Royal so V.

A. Abbat, TKLE8BAPHIC HCPOBTZB for thh ixoxrxiinxHT paxss thxcu shout fJt OstrrxB raaTK aso anaopa. tellable Aswan la all parts of both countries. Persons wishing despatch sent received from any portio of this country or Eorop, caa have ta same doa prvrr by addressing the anoarsigaad. wfa respect rr' JaosUtoalatb bwslBea during tba pas.

SXJYEN YEARS pldgfcrtafqtr. MercbaattlStkr wiaalag dr.spHi.bta Starnar Markets, cast bv forwarded with the RXXIARILllY PROMPTNESS Turn boats rfmac crvea to aU Jeadlag eras America aad Eorop. TiTtt rr1 flTTTS' linshrrH ksaditissssd Vi Wsttssr 11 11.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.