The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

WILMINGTON MORNING NEWS. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. FRIDAY; JANUARY 11, 1918 10 i nf 109 4Scto; CURB MARKET Am Cot Oil Dried Beef, per pound FISH. Lutter Fish, pouuu RUSSIAN BONDS PRiminF nm in 109 274 11 294 71 109 27V4 11 2X 71 Am Ice MATE PRICES ilk 71is rJi'i Am Liu Oil i Am Lin Oil pf i 07 Quotatiooi furnished by 1- L. NtnLel man and Company.

Kord Building, H-mington. Del. 13S South LJroad stieet, Phtiadeiphia: loiiudt pound Oysters, quart ut p-und Bid. Artec 47 41 65 55 5o At) THE PHIUJIIT Jlusslan Gov 6VJ July. 1319 44 Russian Got.

oUj Dec. 1921 SO do rfjblcs Fed 14 '26 ..82 55 794 Am Loco lAin Malt 1st pf i Am Sine! tin 7 1 Am Smelt pf 79. 78 Closing Jan. 10. i'Jis.

IN WALL STREET 1044 1044 104 Vi Bid. TONOPAliS. 61 WILMINGTON MARKETS THE LOCAL MARIE Latest Figrores Ghren by Wilming Belmont Am Steel Fdy I Am Sugar Am and 1 oWi .14 100 101 1044 106 161 1644 134 134 61V, 100 106 ......164 H94 DANK STATEMENTS rnnnT fV TITR CONDITION c. So 3Vi 1 1-10 7 3 AUl A t'uav. vv mottons furnished Wilmington Morninir a Market Wilmington Morning Newg ior Buying of Steels, Shipping, Etc, a JV'Tiii; ECURITY TUUST AND SAFE usui i(4j iba.) jreuusyivama.

ton Morning News for the Baeht ot Housekeepers $1.00 BuUer Cash Boy Extension Midway Mining Montana Mlzpab North Star Rescue Kula McNamara West End OiJLD FIELDS. Atlanta Latest Oiotabons on Live Stock, Grain and Other Produce to Effects Gains on Various Lines ousbei (tio lba I Asked 88 4H, 1 9-16 9 4 10 5 5 2J J9 Atked a 0 12 20 4S 854 sV4 o4 1024 1004 60i 58 60 97 97 97 5.1 524 524 .....100 100 100 TftSi 7 79 auu lAtl and 1 I Bald Loco i Bald Loco pf I Bait and Ohio Barrett Co pf tM! S1' 1Ml RESOURCES. Loans and $2,509,679 25 4 17 66 Bid 8 Sweet Potatoes. No. 2.

Mr to feS Ketau jritttii of I run. hamper 6u prvaiauS lb cklut; atrt uMrket yea- YORK. Jan. 10 Prices on gu pf ts T'l 77 78 YV.l' rr Dun -a 10. The produce PHILADELPHIA, Jan KIIUJI UIUUVUIL a VUUlUlltfU U) 11 I.

li 14,33 58 211,098 80 Boot li 424 luiugioo uorBiis repreaebtauvc uuiAiiwrr'irrs Knot- flour was In light 1 Florence lurnips. per basket (30 Cabbage (domestic) per ton tui 10 5 ICabbaue ( lOD to 20 20 VUUIXS. t'nn the stock, exchange today advanced Beth Steel and receded within a restricted area Brook ltT until the final hour, when buying oitai petrol eteels shippings and a few active Cal Petrol pf 61 I KnnnlT ind firm 18 7. Lpies. uuurtr-iAX .1 to Lauanaa.

dozen vv 1 1394 184 7L: r-v vuioua, per bag (loo lbsl 10 Leutuiis, uokvu no.ion;aj affect a a tiiimfmiis net at 81.i0al0.: Kansas, clear, nouuiuai, 180,0.6 81 Jtn is gnrinK. first clear, spot Kewanas I patent, spot. lL4oa- Star U60; spring patent, mill snipmeut, Ore spring," tamily brands, spot, 467.9o4 JugjLa. city mills, choke aud ta-icy pat. POKtl PINfch.

uiayeb, jiet iiouuu. 3 2 Asked per Dox lu i uiai.4,t.j, uuw i. Overdrafts, secuied and unsecured t. S. Bonds Stocks, securities, includ-lns premium en amt use, furniture and fixtures Otln-r real estate Mortgages 2 from approved Reserve Due" irotn National, State and private banks and bankers, ntnl trust Clicks and other cash 3 vcunifcps for clearing house, ira.uonal paper currency, i kclH and cents Lawful money In bank; 4V, 42i ci one to three points.

jches and Ohio Overnisrht developments seemed Cop VEGETABLES. 42V4 42 i Oranges "fer'box 'jw'ori tranKes (Florida) per box V-l10 Grapc-truit Florida or Porto t0 ent. spot, 6" exert little influence, apart from Gt p7' quarur-pecst oi' A 'j tuning GRAIN Wheat steady. We quote: Asked December report of the United States cerro de I'asco HV-T4 ..:) 30 30 ueau unions, quarter-peck iJK to UiCO) per box. Grapes (Tokay a.

I Bid 0 -Bid. .00 Os 1 lots in export elevator, vjoverunitut jsmuu Montana Cerro de Uasco ta Steel corporation, this showed an in- Emperors. 5c to luc to 15o to loC to la Colo Fuel 334 324 I qudi'ter-iMK'C Potatoes, quarter ueck ard Inspection, stndard prices: Butte Xew York 2.27; -No. red, No. 1 red, sott.

I ut(f. and 89.527 95 1,593 46 46,915 80 594 42 198,127 63 8 crease of almost 500.000 tons in un zinc Columbia Gas Cranberries. 'crate. (32 Yi (Strictly fresh) crate 87 87 I Crauber-' a. iiurt filled orders and marked the first gam )cnn Can io.

red sort, Kingnain Lje 32li (tvt ta Mta. i- aiK I "0 dosen Turnlps, quarter-peck 91 91 91 I TO 54 04 I to (Storage) 3 red, No. 4. red, o. i red, sample grade 2.v4aJ.l.j o.

tj-abigh I red, sott, r2.1U; No. 4, red, soit, 2.1t; Vana, 5 red. soft, grade, sott- rt0u. Arix Cabbage, pound 36 Total 5,802,501 isc to ioc Hve pre Ducks, bMiicri-atiu tt since last April, when the high record Corn Kef tor tonnage was established. Icruc Stel A very larze percentage of the day's! Cuba rA 1 atopk 'Den and Rio Or pr turnover was contributed by stee's Distil Secur" i-iil affiliated industrials, shipping, Mines .57 to ..42 to .24 to 20 to is' to in inaxiuiuua prices wujj nn.

Cod. mines vs 2 1-lu 2 2W 2'i cm rym no MEAT. 3651 36 i 700,000 00, be applied wiieu me oioer Kuwm. caiumei jeronie- to i-ive iurkeys, i Dressed Tnrkeja, to 3Sc 9 9 9 15 15 134 Sirloin Steak, per pound Round Steak, per pound Knmn Steak ner bound 143,590 02 "fiv; 264 264 lue wueai are mu uvuw i.u,,.u iumu No. a wbeats Maxiuiuui prke containing j.

jrst National 13. i per tent, moisture to 13.5 per cent. iii0e ctouuo moisture, 4c. nnder No. 1 or No.

3 red. l. I liisp'i-atiou Ncec'ies t. 5 I BUFFALO LIVE STOCK 0 9 9 Chuck, per pound and war specialties. ails were un-jKne usually apathetic, some of the more: prominent issues of that division re-iFcj and -ac -74 11-lvi 13 -W ou 57 JSansnire.

tier nound I to 2v Ki' No. r. soft red. i- wamuuiu ureen jionsier .1 Jan. IS.o per a per m- i "lte i EAST r50! Steady.

10. CATTLE I uuiaiuiuA 3 1-16 A 20 i (XUMijr, 1 wuuu Scrapple, per pound 'I Heai. per Pork Chops, per pound Fresh Shoulders, per pound ture, tc. under i or 13) liS-i i.vis lis 115 1164 824 824 2H 414 305fc "2c to '3 iVV.cKS'. stronf- "00a 1750.

NO. SOIt red. --U; imiim price. c. under No.

1 or No. 4 red. LIABILITIES. -tital stock paid In Furplus fund Undivided profits, leas current expenses and taxes paid Lue to National. state and private hanks and era and trust companies 144,947 92 eminent deposits 400,000 00 Individual deposits, subject to check.

10 Savings denoaita not subject to check under SO davs notice). S4.402 29 Certified 3,264 02 Xruat funds on- i rested and a uniting dlatri- 40 27 Asked u) -IC ii. viurrs enwer: Urart 4 soft red. $2.19. No.

wneats Uoch.nter Mines 90 sw'i ww 'r rean Mam. per pound an.i yorkers 1750jilTi. Ti50al3 pig Maximum price containing not over L' itl erde maining unquoted until the last nour.iun i.iecinc .1 On Motors United States Etee! scored an ex- ien jtotors pf treme advance of 2 1-2 points from its Goodrich minimum, closing at a net gain of aj jjth suitable fraction, independent steels inBp Copper and kindred equipments were more inter Con Corn variable, ending at losses of large Inter OoCorp fractions to a point. i Inter Paper Co 2c to a.v. 32c to S0c 32 to 3.V 4c to Bid.

(per cent, moisture, oc unucr v. i r- "L' I'ljr. axil iiiiui red S-' "1 No. SOtt, S.l!. iiauiuinu nnus 27 27 27! Fresh Side Meat, per pound 47 4 46 474 (Ham.

per pound 8 8 8 1 Ham Sliced, per pound pf 45 45 45 p.acon. per pound 29 28 29 Bacon, sliced, per pound 2S 24 28 lambs 1.1 40e to 45. lOe to 43, i price containing not over n.i i tmu rum 1 moisture, 7c. under No. 1 or No.

red, van. Car pfd yearlings 1200a 1600; weth 4oc to 4 12:75. ewes mixed sheep 20 No. 0 soft red, junuiuui.ur i.ibiii 20 No. 0 sott rea, 45 44 43 ctoi Kellr sng lire S2 price containing not over 15 per cent, mo I Jure, Sc.

under No. 1 or No. $2.19: soft red. Sample wheats S.Curtiss Airplane vices aiLccmig uie rnn indled ii.iueron Ul'hono Ilaudlt 4.314.729 09 on merits, but in no case shall price re uenuee 1S.001 00 higher than 4-. under r.

i oi iue ted. SmuttT wheats aiue Han Mgnai 40 4 2(t 45 11 3 10 714 14 bntion 4S.62S 28 dividends unpaid payment on account Club subscriptions to first acd second I 1 ..1, c.mnla lifltl I int lflllltwkr I sliaii oe neienuiuei of the class and sub-class. Lake Torp 2-. 4 ..10 36 44 9 3 13 15-16 1H 14 fs, I vui a in. 324 :1 ...77 76 i 57 57 57 ff.

19 19 19 1 23 22. 23 I 8 864 I S64 82 1 31 31 314 47 46 47 tti VA Delaware Trust 4 224 44 44 4 uu.tju 15 154 15 1S 18 18 TUTS 23 Liberty Loans COU Supplies were iM.ilm Mnniflnna and iron industry were hardly n'Tacka steel couraging. a number of plants being Leh Valley forced to suspend because of the lack ksei? cf fuel. liner Mar ct pf The utrength of steamship issues, Mex Petrol oils and some of the motors KstJJ." accessories resulted from a commis-1 Kan antl sion professional activity and rumors yn Kan and Tex pf iof increased dividends. Total sales Missouri Tac r-nni Niit l.ii and St amounted to hares.

JNnt Cnn ant1 Bonds were irregular and without; Nev Consol especial feature. Liberty .3 1-2'sir Air Brake Company liable quotation were nnootainau.e. quote: Car lots for trade Jd i't tlartin -ation Western No. 2, No. AO.

i. aDa 1 Sul, 1So No. 5 yellow, nominal. Ic riliii OATS were first under 1-ght ocering and rL I I 11m good demand. We cucte.

o. wnite, Je5.00c; standard. No. 3. I'lVti vrll ctm pfd.

Asked SIOTORS. Wc; rvo. f. jfiaaic. BRAN Trade was quiet at unchanged n.4rc Th nnottions todav were as Total $0,802,551 (state of Delaware, county of New Castle, ss Levi L.

Maloney. Treasurer of the above-named corporation, do solemnly rwer.r tat the statement Is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. LEVI L. MALONEV, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of January, t18.


B. EVANS, HARRY 7. ELIASON, Directors. 113 BW Ill 1 13-16 Chevrolet changed hands at 98.76 to 98.60, first' andil" fours at 98.10 lto 97-90 and secondiv- and 1 10 1 294 iHs-v O. ....194 194 194 ...1044 194 104 85 844 KW4 r'.

9314 934 winter bran, in 100 oiihd sacks, ton, nom Inal: spring bran, iu 100-pound sacks ton, 24 24 furs at 96.62 to 96.44. Total sales, parjNorf and West l15U 1014 value- aggregated' $4,450,000. i-txj U. S. registered 4c, old issues lostloij0 Cities Gas 1.1.1 omn Tl- TT.

1 'rnn RS 39 I BALK HAY AND STRAW Hay was United Mo.ors Ohio FiW (Continued on Page Eleven.) OILS. Bid. Asked 1-8 per cent tn call. Penna 1 Gas ll'ldla Co NEW YORK STOCKS Cosdeu Oil and Gas, com 7 8 Merr Oil 2 2'. Federal Oil 2 Mmst(D 43.

4:." riidwest. com 102 101 (Continued on Page Eleven.) IPi'ts Coal Dellaven and Towusend, members of the ki Vp t.rV and Stock Ex tts Pf 44'. rt 1 4 46 46 424 42 42 274 27'. 274 454 454 45 25 234 244 63V, 61 024 I 61 60 61 61 60 61 ....10 107 10X 504 44 50 23 22 23 75 734 74 Pressed Steel Pressed Steel ibangs, 1415 Walnut street, Phiiadelpnta nd 40 Wall street. New York Jlty.

turuisb REPORT OP CONDITION OF THE UNION NATIONAL BAMv AT WILMINGTON. IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 31ST, 1917: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts (except those shown on and c) 11.967,235 48 Total loan $1,907,235 48 Deduct: Notes and biila rediscounts (other than bank acceptances sold) (see Item 05a). Acceptances jf Either banks payable at future date guaranteed by this bank, by indorsem*nt or otherwise (see Item Knreiirn Kill i.f Ex i Pullman Co the lollowiuc quotations: High.

Low BANK STATEMENTS Alaska This Company has prepared for distribution a booklet explaining the INCOME TAX LAW of the STATE OF DELAWARE Applications for same may re made to either of our offices. Every individual with an income of One Thousand Dollars or more is required to make a return IRt Steel Sp Ray Con Cop it Reading Itep Ir and St rAs. Savage Arms 1 2 19 57 2 is4 THE CONDITION OF Chal I Am Int Corp THE DELAWARE TRUST CO. Saxon Motor I WILMINGTON, IN THE STATE Ot Am Beet Sug UV4 7S4 774 7S 55 54 544 I 74 7 7 1 pf 17 17V 174 414 404 41 I 84 R3 84 24 23 234 I Soaboard A 74 37 09 11fi7'5 4-DELAWARE, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSI- mCan 3.x "iajfta 07 j-ESS. DKCEM10.c1g: i Am Car Fdy 70 70U ISonthern Fae Southern Kv Loans and discounts change or Drafts sold with indorsem*nt of this bank, not shown under Item above (see Item 55c.) Overdrafts, 'unsecured 07 U.

8. bonds (other than Liberty Bonds of 1917) IT. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 100.0CO 00 V. S.

bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par 43,000 00 Total U. S. bonds (other than Liberty Bonds) and cer- 83 RiM'lirc! and I Southern Ry pf Studebnker 5V4 fS4 OSiA 51 1 i no ii 1 1 1 BANK STATEMENTS cured Untitle Steel 37U 41 9:5 5uu U0 27076 19 St Paul 4ft I Mocks, securities, includ- or mueoteaness 143,000 CO i TEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF jt.

nf 7w. inz premium on same 71.160 00 IV THE EQUITABLE TUUST COM-Kafirs Uoeb 130 Banking bouse, furniture, and fixtures Ot-liir real rut i 37 3-4 454 45 74 74 I 147 irrf) 16 16V. "0 24 142 145 51 52 i 1144 114 I 74,160 00 38,800 00 PANY, AT WILMINGTON. IN THE Shattn.k Co 1RV, 39.701 99 ATE OF DELAWARE. AT THE CLOSE Sinclair 162,066 10 OF BUSINESS.

DECEMBER 31. 1917: jTexas Co 1" Cl.834 34 RESOURCES. i Tobacco Prod" 52s; Mortgfa*ges (Bonds 1 Customer 1 Liabilty under let 1 Loans and discounts ji.oiix 4i 1 1 nion I'ac 9G.C23 00 231.798 69 Overdrafts, secured and uuse- Union Prc nf 500 00 Cflv, Rfl 9t 1 cured 1.945 OS 1 Un Ci? Stores 003.173 59 TJ. S. Bonds 134,100 0J United Fruit i Stocks, securities, includ- TT Pine ters or Credit Due from approved reserve agents Due from national, state and private banKs and bankers, and trust companies Revenue and War Savings 1S2.000 00 1,995 00 1,100 00 182,000 00 1,000 00 1 ing premium on same -n ino A'conoi 2,746 62 Banking house, furniture aud- in Rubber i fixtures 300.000 00 TT Itnb 1st nf Iiberty Loan Leads, unpledged, 34 per cent, and 4 per cent.f Liberty Loan Bonds.

34 per cent, and 4 per pledged to secure State or other deposits or bills payable Bonds, Securities, Etc. (other than U. Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits Securities other than U.

S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged Total Bonds, Securities etc. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank Stock Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) Value of banking bouse Equity in banking house Furniture and fixtures ileal estate owned other than banking house Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash in vault and net amounts due from national Isct amounts due from banks, backers, and trust com-' Ia riles other than included in Items 13, 14, and 15 Jlxchanges for clearing Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 17) Cliecks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items iliedemptlon fnnd with U. S. Treasurer and due from U.

S. We Offer and Recommend the Following Selected List of Securities for Investment t- Sme't and 7.360 31 Stamps Checks I other cash items 9,000 00 497 82 Fteel TT ft. Steel nf 1194 119 119 124 124 124 120 11S 120 54 54 0x4 0S4 4" 4JV. 45' ft. 109 100 1091A R1 1-w.

1-? 12 fd 42 4- 44 414 40 41 po px sVi 2S4.298 45 Exchanges for clearing house. 4(2 40 other real estate 198 82 72 Due from' approved reserve fi Checka and other cash items 788,326 28 21,480 40 41,050 89 Fractional paper currency nickels and cents Lawful money in bank Accrued interest receivable il Exchanges for clearing house 489.95.X 1.8 1 Connor 2,553 21 T'tah Sp- Corp 34,535 59 i V--Car Chem nf A 637 27 lcstln" 1S2.228 00 WKt Ulon 4 Fractional paper currency. NOTES. Alabama Power Company C's, 1922 Price to VicW Xpproxmturtj i.o'7c i nickles and cents $3,409,073 14 Lawfui money in bank 253 48 I Total LIABILITIES. 1 1' 1 1 son 1 3,211 OS Capital stock paid iu fi, 17 174 17 i 114 114 114 53 Total American Telephone Telegraph Company 6's, 1919.

Consumers Power Company 6's, 1019 400,000 00 100,000 00 Surtilus fund Wool worth LIABILITIES. 1 reasurer 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less current Fx-dividend Cent Tjth 11'. torifi Toledo Traction, Uglit Power Company 7's, 1920. Colo Fuel, Pitts Cnnl nf pew. 14.

50,671 IS 500 00 Total 82 Capital stock paid in 500.000 00 Surplus fund 500,000 00 Undivided profits, less current I expenses and taxes paid 308,907 85 expenses and taxes paid Letters of Credit Due to national. state and private banks and bank I Due to national. I a orwl nrivtira POWDER SECURITIES Onotntlnr.s "-shed by Laird and Jpn. 10. 1918.

h'd. As'-d 200.3PS 94 187,142 08 ers, and trust companies Individual deposits. 203,175 00 500.000 00 200,368 H4 100.000 00 1,847 71 oA'ic 5. iovc 5.75 6 00 5.63 99 PU1JUC UTTLrriES. Alabama Power Company First 5's, 1946 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company First 5's.

1939 Harristrarg Light Power Co. First Refunding 5's, 1952. Montana Power Company. First Refunding 5's, 1943 Northern States Power Company First 5's, 1911. Southern Power Company First 5's, 1930.

RAILROADS. Baltimore Ohio Convertible 4's, 1934 192 00 subject to check. 2,050,911 32 Savings deposits, (not subject to che.k tinder banks and bankers, and trust companies 11S.S71 41 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits, suhject to check 3,160,439 14 Trust funds unin-' vested and await-! ing distribution 17 577,408 55 I fiij'ont lenenture 5)7 dnPont common 'new) nt cemmon fold) 9" Hercules Preferred us ITorpuieg wmmnn y.tlas preferred 9" Atlax common 100 Ex-dividend. 2 trt 115 245 90 160 579,200 26 days 296,118 30 LIABILITIES. Tapital Ktoek paid fcurplus fund Undivided profits Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding Tsct amounts due to national et amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies (other than included in Items 30 or 31).

Total of items 31 and 32..... Demand" (other tban Dunk deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days) Individual deposits subject to check Certified checks Dividends unpaid Total demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 33, 34. 35, 36. 37, 38. 39, and 40 Time Deposit-, subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings' Postal savings deposits Totrl of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 41, 42.

43, and 44 United States Deposits (other than postal savings) Other United States deposits, including deposits of U. S. dlrbuising officers 3,153.517 01 14.055 08 1659 G2 3,570.831 44 3.38s 71 74,290 94 Time certificates of deposit (uot payable under 30 days notice) CertiLed checks Cashier's or treasurer's checks outstanding 30.200 00 11,013 34 5.007 500 7.00 3.15 Chicago, Burlington Qulncy Gen. 4's, 1958 Pennsylvania Railroad Company Gen. 1963 Southern Pacific Railroad Company Convertible 4's, 1929 Union Pacific Railroad Company Refunding 4's, 2003 i Certified checks 5.542 72 Treasurer's checks outstanding i Special reserve fund I Bills payable, including cer- itificates of deposit fur money borrowed Liabilities tither than those 71 30,463 52 2,600,848 61 200,000 00 436 09 Accrued interest payable 141,090 OH above stated IN tea and bills 91 mils payable, including cer Circulars with full 'information' furnished upon request.

LAIRD COMPANY NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK. Jan. 10. BUTTER, firm: ereamero. h'gher than extras 52a524: extrj 12 score, 514: first 474a504; seconds 434 EGGS, firm: fresh irathered etrns C7 Ttra first rS: first 65: seconds 55n64: state Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white.

ie to fancy 73a75; state. Pennsylvania and jearby hennery brown refril gerntnr. sneetnl mark; 45A46: first 44a45 CHFESK. stedv: state, whole milk flats fresh HTwciai 23U.24: do average run 23. FLOUR AND HAY, unchanged.

SO.COO 91 tificates of deposit for money Dorrowed Unearned discount 100,000 00 9.769 9S Total $5,163,107 53 Trnst funds invested and uninvested, exclusive of real estate, at the close of business Dec. 31, 1917 $8,160,031 43 State of Delaware, county of New Castle, ss I. Richard Reese, treasurer of the above- INVESTMENT BANKERS, 45,000 00 45.000 00 Total 14 DU PONT BUILD1X1 Telephone D. A. 4242 state or ueiaware.

county of New Castle, ss I. J. H. Nixon, treasurer of the above- named corporation, do solemnly swear that named corporation, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of tne above statement is true to the hest of 1 niv knowledge and belief. I my knowledge and belief.

RICHARD REESE, Treasurer. jffT -MM ESTABLISHED IP39 J. II. NIXON, Treasurer. I Subscribed and sworn to before me this Total $4,892,2.7 82 State of Delaware.

County of New Castle, ss: J. Chester Gibson. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tne bove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. CHESTER GIBSON, Cashier.

Subscribed end sworn to before me this 9th day of January, 1918. LAWRENCE J. BROMAN, Notary Public. Correct Attest: CHAS. L.

PATTERSON, ALEX. F. CKICHTON, CHARLES G. RUPERT, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of January, 1918.

9th day of January. 1918. FRANCIS A. COOCH. Personal Acquaintance SCOTT S.

BAKER, Notary Public. Correct Attest WM. G. TAYLOR. CHAS.


Notary Public Correct Attest GEORGE A. ELLIOTT, HUGH M. MORRIS. FREDERICK E. STONE, Directors.

REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE DELAWARE CITY NATIONAL BANK. AT DELAWARE CITY, IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 31ST, 1917: CURB SECURITIES! Our direct private wires to our Main! Offices overlooking ihe New York Curb enable us to give exceptional service on orders for Mining. Ordnance and Oil stocks and Curb Industrials. We solicit orders in these securities for cash or en reasonable margins.

Chas. A. Stoneham Co. Established 1903. Widener Bldg.

Bell Phone. Walnnt 4780 Pa Keystone, Race 3265 1918 Handbook ready for distribution KESOUF.CES. Loans and discounts (except those in. own on and c) 103.3 Loans Total 103,327 47 Our officers are always pleased to meet our customers and talk over matters of mutual interest regard-ing their banking requirements. Consult us freely at any time about financial matters.

Checking Accounts arc-solicited. Capital $203,175.00. Surplus and Profits, $672,766 00. The Union kaiional Bakk Wilmington, Del. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF DELAWARE, AT WILMINGTON.

IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 31, 1917: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts (except those shown on and c) 2S Total loans 904,043 28 Deduct: Notes and bills rediscounted (other than bank acceptances sold) (see Item 55a). Acceptances of other banks pay- able at future date guaranteed by this bank, by indorsem*nt or otherwise (see Item 53b). Foreign JHHs of Ex- "Deduct: K5.327 47 72 SO 72 80 46.000 00 904.043 28 261 24 change or Drafts sold with indorsem*nt of this-back. not shown under Item above (see Item 35c) Overdrafts, unsecured $281 24 U.

S. lionds (other than Liberty Bonds of 1917) Total U. S. bonds (other than Liberty Bonds) and cer 40,000 00 tificates of indebtedness 110.000 00 00 37,350 00 Jiotes and bills rediscounted (other than bank acceptances sold) (see Item 55a): Acceptances of other banks pay-able at future date guaranteed by this bank, by indorsem*nt or otherwise (see Item 55b) Foreign Bills of Exchange or Drafts sold with indorsem*nt of this bank, not anown under Item above (see Item 53c) -Overdrafts, secured U. S.

Bonds (ether than Liberty Bonds of 1917) J. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) Total U. U. bonds (other than Liberty Bonds) and "r- certificates of indebtedness liberty Jai F-onds.

unpledged, 34 per cent, and 4 per cent Libert Loan Bonds, 34 per cent and 4 per cent, pledged to ere State or other deposits "or bills pavable Bonds, Securities, Etc. (other than U. eenritie othe? than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) spawned unpledged Total bonds, securities, etc L.

of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per of subscription) rTf5e of tnking house in banking house Tl resve vltn Federal Reserve Bank VJio'ti and net amounts due from national banks 'rom banks, bankers, and trust companies (EES .7.300 00 Gillette Safety Razor Curtis Aeroplane Pfd. Santa Cicilia Sugar Otis Elevator PHILIP LYNCH First Nationl Bank Building 2 Wall Street. New Yrk City. Knowledge and Ability S3.9S4 94 20S.644 73 218.1S4 04 8,000 00 Liberty Loan Bonds, 34 Pr nt and 4 per cent, pledged to secure State or other deposits or MIN payable Bonds, securities, etc, (other than U. Bouds other than U.

S. bonds pledged to secure postal sav- ings deposits Securities other than U. S. bonds (noi including stocks) owned unpledged Total bonds, securities, etc Stock of Federal Reserve Batik (50 per cent, of subscription) Value of banking bonse in bank'ag house and fixtures Real estat otbe. than banking house Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash in vault and net amounts due from national Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies other than included in Items 13, 14, and 13 Exchanges for clearing house Checks on tlier banks in the same city or town as reporting Knowledge Is power.

8-cceful ezperieare la the handling of tr matter enables to know exactly what to do ta accompUnb the bet nlt la the quickest and most satisfactory awuer. Br( Ability la another ward for power It makes honesty and expertes" eCTectlve. Employing this CompaBy in matters of tru.l, yoa hav beaeflt of maltlpUed abUity. 24S.1X4 04 2.830 00 8.000 00 17.256 50 21.993 53 1,330 26 I'sriM Included in Items 13. 14, and 15 other AH Items 14.

10, 16. 17. and 18 SECURITY TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY v. 1-Dks located outside of ity or town of report- -nc8 lk other cash items ing osa fund with U. S.

Treasurer and due from D. S. 2,772 40 2,300 00 Sixth and Market Streets 1 1 1 1 TT jrn' rjL, -z. Trc9iW SCOTT CO. Invest-aent Securities.

21 West 10th Street duPont Building 1 1 mil urn 1 I iii it 1 mi 1 iii Tm it id i i ni Tn fi 4 rjttm74 wa Wf "fl wt Yg we 491,437 00 60.000 00 bank (other than Item it) Total of Items 14. 15. 16. 17, and IS Checks on baukv i td outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items demotion wit'- U. S.

Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer Other assets, if any 11,336 44 293.629 67 7,200 00 90,000 00 90.000 00 7,500 00 7.25S4 42 91.667 80 142.982 23 1 142,982 25 4,504 09 4.504 09 10.0SS 14 10,088 14 823 25 820 23 13S.S94 73 721 20 9.500 00 470 81 $1,769,048 IS 110.000 CO LIO.000 39,33, 71 4,175 2.1 35.162 45 107.500 00 31,926 04 31,920 04 1,277.399 42 2.845 27 2.845 27 213 00 215 00 1.2X0,459 69 74,000 00 71.000 00 74,000 00 30,000 00 44 40,300 00 520 72 Total LIABILITIES 5,223 72 y- LIABILITIES. -Capital rto tld in Surplus UiLrtl' drc-tiiatiiir nous tstanding amounts dr.eOf "kT8- nd trust companies (other than Vabject "to lserv deposits payWf wltM SO days) Individual deposits subject TCDeeK Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding -vv-j- IlTld Total "demand "deposits mbject to Reserve, Items ,3, Ji, oS, 39 and 40 -X" Time Deposits subjet to Reserve (payabtwafter 30 days, or sublect to 30 days or more notici and postal 172.070 87 4-Vi 60 79 75 1.SO0 00 C-'dtr: sttnk ir nr'l-s fund Undivided profits Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to national baaks Demand Deoosits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days) Individual deposits subject to check Certified checks Dividends unpaid Total demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve. Items 33.

34. 35. 30. 37. 38.

39. and 40 The -World's Business Is Yours War is the world' business now. To make it a speedy, sacccBl short war war of service for ture safety, demands your I9" ence to the or yonr positive sopport as a patriotic ducer. This Institution probably can help you adapt your final plans to a war working schedule. Its standards for safety and rice are high.

171,409 22 Peerless Motors Bought Sold Quoted WINKELUAN Ford Bldg. Tenth Market 8ta. WILBflXGTCJf, DEL. Telephones (VilnlBctva. U.

and A. 15S-L5? -134. Ante. 13. Postal saving deposits Total of tame deposits subject to Reserve, Items 41, 42, savings: Other time deposits 160,160 62 160,165 62 4.3, ana 1 491,437 00 Total Vow Castle- ss: $1,769,048 18 Total St Delaware.

Count of New Castle, ss: I C. Earl Baiim Cashier of the aboTe-riamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my tiwledge and tgt EQUITABLE TRUST CO. Subscribed afad sworn to before me ay ixo. J. FLANK BEY BOLD.

Notary' Public 1, Henry Baird. Ca-hier of the above-named tank, do solemnly awear that the above statement is ae to the best if my knowledge and belief. H. BA IB D. Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10tb dsv of January. 1918. CHRISTOPHER J. KEEFE. Notary Public.

Correct Attest: HARRY J. STOECKLE, WM. C. MCRGATROYD. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE Philadelphia Kew Trk Parkersborr, W.

Va, CleveUad, Ohia Correct Attest H. C. CLARK, H. C. PRICE.

HENRY CLEAVER, Directort mmntt m. uuo. JOHN RICHARDSON, 1.

The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.