The Amarillo Globe-Times from Amarillo, Texas (2024)

Qt $75,000 Hanging On Name Change OMAHA UR-If he wiUing to change his name, The Rev. Glen Victor Alty ot Snyder, N.Y., can get the bulk of a 575,000 estate. Norris P. Crafts of Omaha so provided in his will. Crafts, a postal clerk who diec March 24 at the age of 79, buil his estate through real estafr transactions, a close friend saic When the will was filed for pro- fcate yesterday.

will provides that Mr. Alty of Crafts, will get th bulk of the estate if he is willing change his name to Crafts and 1 he has a son. Crafts no children am friends said he drew up his will requesting Mr. Alty to take th name Crafts so the name woul be perpetuated. In Snyler, a suburb of Buffalo the Rev.

Mr. Alty said today, have not been notified officially and I've made no decision." The 39-year-old Methodist minister, father of four said of his uncle, "I knew but I hadn't seen him. more than a half-dozen my life." Mr. Alty is given a year to decide whether he wants to accept the provisions. If he rejects the he will receive an interest bearing $500 bond or $1,000 in cash, the same bequest made "to a dozen other relatives of Crafts.

Tour of Prison Was Just an Introduction I a WH 1 I fepi on Edge of Storm Area Severe storms i wind and a few tornadoes have been forecast for most of the eastern Panhandle and north- wefttern Oklahoma until 9 p.m. today. Thunderstorms are expected to develop in ihe Texas Panhandle this afternoon and move eastward toaight Into Okla- homa. special forecast area, according to a. warning issued at p.m.

by the U.S. Weather Bureau, covers an area 60 miles either side of a line from 30 miles south southeast of Amarillo to Enid, OkJa. In Texas, the forecast area runs from Tascosa, south to Floydada, a to Chlldrew, north along the Tex M-Oklahoma border to Hluliw and back to Taacosa. Panhandle counties covered in the forecast include: Potter, Randall, Swisher, lower half of Moore, Hutchinson, Carson, Armstrong, Briscoe, Roberts, Gray, Doiiley, Hall, LJpftcomh, Hemphlll, Wheeler, worth and Children. "We expect the jnoat teteinr activity In northwestern Oklahoma from Gage, down to Elk City and northeastward to Enid and Oklahoma City," aid Bob Orton, U.S.

weatherman. boar thta wltk mild OrtM AmaHfe MMh a ol today, ftrttowed by 44 toaftjrht and Ttawday. Tveaday't aad tte law tUa tomperatuna Lab. bock 75, Chlldresc 74, Dalhart aad Pampa 44. Night tempera- turea dropped to 42 at Dalhart, 45 at Tveumcari and Childress awl at Gage.

THE AMARILLO GLOBE-TIMES Thirtu-fUth Year, ft. 3O Price 5e 3O Amarillo, Texan, 9 Leader of Cuban Rebel Group Moved to Corpus Christ! Jail WWBY5LLB Authort. Hit rf band Cuban amated ki a chase to Corpus Chriati during the night. His wife and lawyer were not informed, they Three other leaders of the band of 35 also were taken lecretly hnm The leader, ArmJAo Barren, was placed in the County jail at Corpus Christi, a jail spokesman But no public records showed him. there.

Whereabouts of'the other FIRM NDICTED FOR GIVING REBELS ARMS Lack of lluildinq Threatens School WAUKEGAN, April 2 Three who in 1955 were sent on a tour of the Jollet penitentiary by-a judge who sought to dissuade them from a life of crime, will meet again in the prison--all serving sentences. The last of the three to be imprisoned for violating probation granted three years ago by Circuit Judge Bernard M. Decker was Donald W. Me- Daniel, 19. McDaniel, together with Robert Brenner, 19, Zurich, and Robert W.

19, had toured the big prison after appearing before Judge Decker on charges of burglary. He ordered the tour in granting probation. McDaniel yesterday was sentenced to 1 to 4 years in prison, the same sentences given his two companions earlier. Brenner's probation was revoked April 16, "1956, and Ebel was sentenced on July 17, 1957 after breaking his probation, "I thought I had salvaged at least one of the three, but I find now that I was Judge Decker said as he sentenced McDaniel. "I hope your stay in prison will make a greater impression on you than your visit there." Come-Latelies Gain In Social Prestige LONDON British government committee which wants business firms to ease rush hour traffic by staggering i hours has run into a snob barrier.

Most businesses now open at 9 a.m. The committee, seeking to persuade' part of them to unlock 'their doors half an hour earlier, reported: "One large city organization, who considered an a.m. start, reported that their female staff objected to the proposal on the-ground that such an early start, suggestive of factory hours, would involve a loss oE social prestige." "The committee said during its first year of work it had gotten only 145 firms employing 21,419 persons to change their hours. About a million workers rush in and out'of London daily. Indiana Safety Man Killed in Accident Texan Is Included In Charge WASHINGTON, April 2 CAP)--A federal grand jury here today indicted Stanbern Aeronautics Corp.

of Rochester, N.Y., and its principle owners on charges ol conspiring to obtain arms in this country for the Cuban revolutionary movement. In the indictment directed against Stanley Bachman, Jerome H. Bernard Sidney Bachman and the corporation, also charged attempted evasion of federal taxes on transfers of firearms and the execution of false documents. The Justice announcing the indictment, said the investigation by the local grand jury grew out' of "information obtained by a New grand.jury which'returned an Defense Money were Corpus Chris ti -jail spokesman said they "were not there; Newsmen were not permitted-to'" talk to Barron. The Corpus Christ! spokesman said Barron continued a hunger strike.

All 35 began, their, fast when arrested, and 19 have been removed from jail to hospitals for treatment of weakness. A lawyer for the and the leader's wife said they were not informed untii then only when they discovered the move by accident. The four were in'-a-band of New Yorkers, arrested inC 1he Gulf of Mexico Reports circulated here could not be confirmed*;· four were taken to Cocpur Christi, on the Texas coast Mrs, Alfredo the rebel band's "I-just came from the: jail he is not there. Vl phone me or his The attorney, G. Ma confirmed that the men had been moved.

He said he obtained information when he inquired. Mathews named the fpur 5arron; Mario Lecour, second in command; Dr. Carlos Torreon, a physician; and the Rev. Ighacio Avila, a minifiter. The 35-started a hunger strike the day their converted fishing vessel was run down and rammed (Compiled From UP-and AP Reports) WASHINGTON President! Eisenhower asked today' for an extra $1,455,747,000 in defense appropriations, mainly to B52 bombers and build more missile-firing submarines.

His request was in the form of 0. memorandum to the House Appropriations Committee asking an increase of that amount in the defense budget for the year starting July 1.. If granted, this would boost fiscal 1959 defense appropriations beyond 40 billion dollars. THE WEATHER --Globe-Times Staff Photo Learning to print their names at the blackboard are Ted.Cox, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Cox, 1915 Cedar; Carol Marlord, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mariord, 1606 Hillcrest, and Laura Curtis.

7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Curtis 1919-A Brazos.

The three students at the Amarillo Training Center for Mentally Retarded Children are also working with numbers this semester. "Helpless' Tag Cane as Abilities Are Unburied indictment on exiled former Carlos Prio associates. Prio, who 13 against Cuban President Socaras and eight has been living in Miami, for some time, and the others were charged with conspiracy to furnish arms, and munitions for use against the re- President Batista -in indictment named as gime of Cuba. Today's INDIANAPOLIS, April 2 Albert Magenheimer helped organize the schoolboy safety. patrol as an Indianapolis officer and he became safety director for the State Highway Department.

But the 56-year-old campaigner for careful driving wa.s killed last night In a traffic accident. His state-owned auto crashed head-on into a semi-trailer truck on U.S. 40 at Gem, 12 miles east of Indianapolis. Mrs. Robert Ensign of New Castle, told investigators she followed Magenheimcrs' car for 5 miles and was unable to pass because his auto was weaving back and forth.

She said he was driving only 25 to 30 miles an hour. 3Iagenheimer died instantly of a broken neck and internal injuries. The truck driver, James Brabson, 44, Athens, escaped injury. Teetotaler Till 80, Then an Alcoholic YORK, April 2 W--Take the case of the woman who became an alcoholic after downing her first drink at the age of SO. A group of business men studying the economic impact of alcoholism heard about it yesterday.

Dr. Harold W. Lovell, a psychiatrist, cited the woman's case at proof that many persons are potential alcoholics without drinking a.t all. ft BY NANCY BROWDER Globe-Times Staff Writer "You can't really teach those, mentally a children anything, can you?" This- inevitable question is being answered with a resounding "Yes," by two dedicated middle-aged women at the Amarillo Training Center for Mentally Retarded Children, 826 Louisiana. The results of their patience and efforts since last September are there for all to see.

There are the three youngsters who have progressed to working with numbers, who a few months ago were totally unable to button a coat, let alone print their names. There are five others who In September couldn't hold of scissors properly or drink from a cup one-fourth full without spilling the contents. They now drink from lull cups and rarely does one spill a something or some things," Mrs. Bural pointed out. At this point, however, the fu ture for Amarillo's mentally retarded children not so encouraging.

At the end of May, the buildings used for the Training Center the past three years will go to a new owner and the Center will be without 'a home. According to officers of the Amarillo Council for Mentally Retarded Children, which spon- sors the Center, a vacant lot has been made available for a center building. "We just don't have any money to buy or build right now. If we could just get a building, or a five or six room house, we could put it on the lot. With a little help we could fix it up and then we could open the Center again next September." Mrs.

Kenneth R. See RETARDED--Pase 8 co-oonspiratxos, but not as defendants, Luis Alfonso Silva Tablada, also known as Luis Silva, and Al Fernendez and James 'L. Genry, the latter doing business as American Aircraft Parts of San Antonio, Tex. Silva was among those indicted with Frio in New York in February. The Justice Department said the Stanbern Corp.

is a leader See 'INDICTMENT-- Page 8 AMARILLO AND Partly cloudy, to cloudy and tonight with scattered thunderstorms -this Southerly, winds 20 to 25 miles, an hour this afternoon. Thursday partly clbudv and a little cooler. Hleh today 65. Lov tonipht 40. High on Thursday 59.

PANHANDLE AGRICULTURE: Condi lions unfavorable for outdoor operation with scattered thundershowers beginning this evening: and occurring about every two days during, week. Only minor temperature changes. PANHANDLE AND SOUTH PLAINS Partly cloudy and mild today, tonlsh and Thursday. Widely scattered thun dershowers late this afternoon and to night. NEW MEXICO: Considerable cloud! ness today and tonight with scattered showers in mountains and portion a lew developing In east ern plains this afternoon and evening Thursday -partly cloudy with widely scat tered afternoon northwest 'por tion.

Windy afternoons. Cooler west por lion today and east portion Thursday. FIVE-DAY FORECAST: Temperature near or slightly above normal. Scat tered thundershowers about every hours, beginning tonight. Of the' amount requested, 218 million would be for the Army SO million for outer space re search programs, million to build two additional Polaris-firing submarines, and 518Vi million to build more big bombers and plane refueling The Army's allotment would be used manily to speed up missite programs.

A large share of the Davy's money would for antisubmarine warfare programs. In other news conference highlights, the President: --Said his Defense Department reorganization plan, li i h. be probably- Congress Thuifsday, is based-on the neces- by a Coast Guard cutter. Federal officers also arrested the rebels' contact man.and four" crewmen of the boat. By today, 19 of the hunger strikers had been removed from LEADER--Page 8 Commies Back Foe of Batista HAVANA, April 2 (-The Cuban Communist Party threw its behind rebel leader ing -central authority as to the size, composition and strategic planning of armed forces.

--Explained that despite objections, he signed the anti-recession housing bill Tuesday because he believed its advances- outweighed the disadvantages. he decided.against a unilateral suspension of. nuclear teats because he didn't believe it would be for the good ol the United States. --Said he hadn't abandoned hope that Russia would its attitude sufficiently so that there can. be'a constructive East- West summit meeting.

--Described as lidiculous a See EISENHOWER--Page Comic Dictionary COURTSHIP The period when a man starts to make a fool of himself before letting a girl finish the job. POWER FIRM'S SAFE HIT FOR $600 CLUES MEAGER IN PANHANDLE THEFT PANHANDLE, April 2 cial)--Carson County Sheriff's Department officials were without any major leads at noon today in the 5600 burglary of che Southwestern Public Service Liberalized Down Payment Rule Seen as Home Building Boost Fidel Castro's demand for a general strike to overthrow the gov- Thursday, is the neces- emment of President Tulgencio sity: of tixi hav- Batista. Communists issued a manifesto saying they were joining with "all Cubans to end They demanded the establishment of a "broad democratic coalition government. The outlawed party is with having 8,000 card-carrying members and about 12,000 sym- phathizers in Cuba. The manisfesto charged more man one half million Cubans are jobless and that "Yankee responsible for "national misery." Rumors spread that Castro might call his long-threatened general strike tomorrow night.

Most stores and business establishments will be closing then over good Friday OL- until next Monday. This would give the rebels the advantage of claiming the places closed because of the strike order. Rebels in Oriente Province and CUBAN BEDS--Page 8 WOMAN HURT; DRIVER HELD Amarillo police arrested a hit- and-run driver at his home on W. about 15 minutes after his car struck a Negro woman standing on a corner at 6th and Rusk early this afternoon. The woman.

Mrs. a Barnes, 22, of 305 N. Madison, suffered leg injuries and was being treated in the emergency room at Northwest Texas Her condition did not ap- WASHINGTON Builders They also use scissors to cut out pictures, and paste to mount the pictures. They print their names, and some recognize a few svords. For the teachers, Mrs.

Edith Bural and Mrs. Owen Williams, these achievements educating a. future rank with genius, for they've worked hard to help the children and to prove the children can learn somethings. "It's only fair that these children be given a chance. I've found that each can learn and housing officials predicted today the $1,850,000,000 Housing Act will help push home construction, but emphasized it is no panacea for the business recession.

President Eisenhower signed the Democratic-sponsored bill with a demand 'that Congress quickly correct, some provisions which, he said, conflict with the private enterprise system and "burden the public purse." But the Federal Housing Administration sped orders to its field offices liberalizing down payments as the law permits. Some builders Lubbock Builds for Less Than Amarillo IS IT REALLY TRUE that Lubbock builds schools cheaper than docs Amarillo? It is true. Don Boyett shows the comparison between the construction programs of the two school systems on the editorial page (Page today in the last of the series on West Texas school construction, THE THIRD OF A SERIES of questionaires for citizen use to be used in the Hale-Alkm report on Texas schools appears on the same page. The questionaires which will appear each day this week may be sent daily to Potter chairman or may be saved and sent f.n a group at the end of the week. have notified FHA they were waiting to advertise the new terms to prospective home buyers.

The 3 percent minimum down payment now applies to FHA-in- sured mortgages of up to $13,500, nstead of $10,000. On mortgage urns above $13,500, the down pay- tient remains at 15 per cent and, bove $16,000, 30 per cent. This means that a $14,000 dwell- ing, which FHA calls the "typi-l The billion dollars is at the dis- house ught of the Federal National Mortgage Assn. With this money and 200 million dollars released to FNMA a few weeks ago, that controls would be "a boon to home agency is able to tell lenders and in builders they can go ahead with construction plans with the assur- for $500 down instead of $900. FHA Commissioner Norman P.

Mason said the lower down payment and the removal of discount ere Monday night "Our one slim clue is the automobile tracks we found at the ear of the building, Tuesday morning," said Sheriff John H. unn. Aldred Bell, district manager or the company, discovered the obbery eraly Tuesday on his ar- ival at the office. Entry was made through a door at the rear the building. Burglars knocked the knob off he safe, took $632.43 in cash and hange, but left several checks ying around the office.

Entry vas made sometime after midnight. "We think at least two people vere involved. That heavy steel afe wai tilted over on its back, and it would take at least two men to move it," Nunn said. lhS me bUiMin dustry." of Burns in Fair Condition Jack I. Jerman, 66, of 120 E.

Central, Pleasant Valley, was reported in "fair" condition today attendants at St. Anthony's Hospital, where he is being treated for electrical burns, Jerman was working on a metal windmill on a farm, southeast of Amarillo at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday when the rudder of the mil came in contact with a highline. Albert Sluder, 46, of the Nelson Hotel here, was standing on the ground when the accident oc curred and was treated at the hospital for minor burns and was released. Jerman is a partner in th firm of Jack Jerman and Son Well Drillers, 115 Park.

Pleasan Valley. Mason did not mention the bil-, lion dollars earmarked to support ance lhe government will buy up he mortgage market. Congress an mortgages they choose to sell. Some lesser officials predicted added this fund as "an immediate stimulus to home- construction." It was denounced by Eisenhower, who had asked only for 500 million dollars to be used at his discretion. He got the 500 million too.

"Neely-Greenhill-Lowwies Insurance." this would spur the industry in new selling efforts. One said privately it would provide builders and lenders with "an importan reassurance that they can plan on bigger scale operations." THERE WAS A "Certain Young Man" in Jesus' life--Page 6. SLUGGERS SHINE alonp; grapefruit circuit--Page It. GILSTRAP HAS tips for income tax payers--Page 14. NIXON DEVELOPS social presence--Page J5.

BUSINESS LUNCHES are nothing new--Page 20. CITIZEN'S COMIMTTTEE is a successful experiment--Page 22. RADIO AND TV logs on Page 25. A Look at Thursday PLAINS HEALTH reports no evidence of staphloccl In the Amarilio hospitals and that precautions are being taken to against it. SUBMARINE STOCK goes up in space age.

J400 Stolen From Circulation Man Raymond (Skeet) Ford, of 101 Bonita in Pleasant Valley, told sheriff's deputies Tuesday night a urglar took S200 in currency and 1200 in change from a chest in his lome. Ford said the lock on the chest had been forced open. He said the house had been left unlocked. Ford operates the Pleasant Valley Drug Store a short distance from his home. He also serves as Pleasant Valley circulation man for the Globe-News Publishing Co.

and used the money kept in the chest in his newspaper work. pear to be serious. According to a witness the driver of the car struck the woman as she stood at a bus stop on the southwest corner of the intersection. The driver headed north on Rusk, turned west on 5th. got back on 6th and went to his home on 8th where he was arrested.

Two of the tires on his car were blown out by the impact as he struck a curb. A witness followed him to his home after the accident and reported his license number to police. MAO THAD Says: As a Republocraf (fan'f remind that our slojan wai C. PARK for PRINTING--DRake 6-SS2S. Schools Announce Easter Holidays Easter holidays for Amarillo public school students will begin following dismissal Thursday afternoon and end with the opening of class Tuesday morning.

Thursday is a regular, full school day, school authorities said. Price College holidays" are from noon a until Wednesday morning, and St. Mary's Academy students will holiday from dismissal time Thursday until classes reconvene Wednesday morning. Other parochial will observe holidays following dismissal of classes today until classes begin again Tuesday morning..

The Amarillo Globe-Times from Amarillo, Texas (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.